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If You Could Chose How You Die...What Would You Chose?


Apr 29, 2018
I'd definitely want to overdose on barbiturates (like, by choice before I die of something like cancer)
I tried to commit suicide with a barbiturate once and it was about just a few moments of pure peace and then falling very rapidly asleep. It was lovely,

Or something with irony like In Final Destination. Like get rescued by paramedics while in a sugar-induced diabetic coma and then the ambulance gets hit by an insulin truck.
Or burn to death in a fire engine.

Oh Ohhhhh. Tell me how you wanna die AND what's your best ironic death? I'll add mine later after I've had a think. Those two are just off the top of my head.
Ive always wanted to (no bullshit) go for a plane ride, shoot meth, kill the pilot, jump out white eating a cheeseburger and getting head.
you must be secretly a jedi, i'll bet you even take pickles with that burger
Yeah, pickles mayo onions hot sauce cheese burger.

Some kid in a psych ward once read my aura and said i was a white jedi.. FWIW.
its a good thread question though, but i think only those that have podnered it would be able to aswel:unsure:
Would totally want to die, while hotboxing a room for 3 pounds of crack. i thoughtabout it guys ! a goodie n?
I wanna just rob a bank buy as much meth as I can and bang it all up at once then go to the zoo and murder all the zebras that they have and rip out their beating hearts and take a bite out of each one of them then be mauled to death by lemars