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if every son of a bitch


Nov 2, 1999
If every son of a bitch on this godforsaken planet hadn't just about crawled into this fucking habitat I now inhabit, maybe I wouldn't be sparatically shooting off spur of the moment insults like a truck driver in heat.
But chewing their nails, biding their time searching the skies for some direction and understanding to further their happiness, I a loley servant wait humbly for their call.
I only sometimes am able to ever so often mutter a fuck you under my breath.
And they all need leading like the sheep they are, whining and complaing, acting as though I am wasting their time, when the ungreatful fucks can sit there for ten minutes debating the where abouts of their choosing.
Man if only I had a tape recorder for my mind, then you'd see what I really think, and boy oh boy then by god you'd shut your stinking pie hole.
Any guesses to what this may be about?
The true nature of it is quite literal and concrete.
If anything I do drugs to appreciate reality.