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Identifying with a word that is forbidden or frowned upon by modern society?


Sep 15, 2010
Having no partisan/nefarious angle if there is one word that puts you into an identifiable category deemed derogatory by way of social construct does it make you feel better or worse when the specific word is banished by way of force or does it make you feel more accepted by society?

And no, i have no problems with women saying "all men are bastards" because i essentially agree.
i've been known to say, 'yo, this 'white' shit is skin deep, but i'm nigga down to the bone'. in my carefully maintained prison slang argot.
Human - it sucks (unless I am the only one)
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if i were an x, and x was something which could be used as an insult, i would hate if using x as an insult was banned by way of force. i would think it would be (i think the word is) patronizing. i would think this is inhuman treatment: like, the people who are not x saying between them "hey, let's not call each other x, it bothers the x's". i actually have seen an "educational commercial" which made me feel this way, it was disgusting.

i feel this post has something to do with proving something about the word nigger?
^ of course it does. Droppers is a proverbial one-trick pony.

And no, i have no problems with women saying "all men are bastards" because i essentially agree.

The use of chairperson instead of chairman is to me redundant as I see the use of man in this instance to mean mankind, not simply male.
Yeah, "chairperson" is ungainly. it sounds shit, but sometimes language isn't efficient or accurate in its meaning.
Deal with it and cope with the modern world - it's a really boring topic of conversation. Why this needs to be rehashed repeatedly - and why some people always have to have an anti-pc battle smouldering at all times. It's a yawn.
I am happy that they have reverted back to using actress rather than female actor for the same reason. Sometimes people try and look for offense where there hasn't existed one for hundreds of years.
if i were an x, and x was something which could be used as an insult, i would hate if using x as an insult was banned by way of force. i would think it would be (i think the word is) patronizing. i would think this is inhuman treatment: like, the people who are not x saying between them "hey, let's not call each other x, it bothers the x's". i actually have seen an "educational commercial" which made me feel this way, it was disgusting.

i feel this post has something to do with proving something about the word nigger?
Not about a specific word that one is obvious. I agree with your over all assessment.
OP, this is a well known phenomenon known as reclaiming or defanging a slur. "Redneck" and "geek" are two examples I can think of in recent times. I've often wondered what makes the difference between a derogatory slur that gets defanged, and one that never quite loses its bite. I'm guessing this has something to do with the othering symbolized by the word, and just how real and pervasive it is. When the rift between one group of people and another is so deep that they have very little normal and friendly social interaction, and all members of the group who get the slur suffer in very real ways that the users of the slur don't (and don't relate to), then the word will remain like nails on a chalkboard to those who have it applied to them. For a slur to be defang-able, there has to be a critical mass of people to whom the slur doesn't apply, who think and act like othering that particular group of people is silly.

Sigmond, this is getting off the OP's topic and more into deconstruction, but I have noticed that the use of "humans" in non-technical discourse, where most speakers would use "people", very often carries the implication of "We're just another species of animal, and one that could stand to be a lot more humble."
I take it as a compliment if someone calls me a hippie. Does that count?
i've been known to say, 'yo, this 'white' shit is skin deep, but i'm nigga down to the bone'. in my carefully maintained prison slang argot.

thanks for a good laugh.

I suppose so, not being called slurs is always nice.
I am happy that they have reverted back to using actress rather than female actor for the same reason. Sometimes people try and look for offense where there hasn't existed one for hundreds of years.

God, that annoys that shit out of me. I cannot say that actress has returned as I dont really stay up on the pop-culture, award show type shit, but do remember one of the award shows naming the best actress category "best female actor in a leading role" and thinking to myself what the hell happened to actress? Is that somehow demeaning or chauvanistic?
The fact they need different awards for males and females in itself is probably demeaning and chauvanistic. I mean it's not like there is an advantage being a male actor or vice versa when it comes to portraying a role
if i were an x, and x was something which could be used as an insult, i would hate if using x as an insult was banned by way of force. i would think it would be (i think the word is) patronizing. i would think this is inhuman treatment: like, the people who are not x saying between them "hey, let's not call each other x, it bothers the x's". i actually have seen an "educational commercial" which made me feel this way, it was disgusting.

i feel this post has something to do with proving something about the word nigger?

That's pretty much the way I feel about it as well. I feel that banning a word by force because it offends someone only does more to offend the person(s), because it suggests that they're weak or offendable. At least that's how I see it. Take the word "nigger" for example. It is only offensive to blacks (and possibly some others) because it is portrayed as such. When niggers call each other "nigger", they do not feel offended, but when somebody who is not such calls them that, it somehow is offensive.

For the record, I'm not racist. I don't have black friends, because there's practically no black people in my country, but I listen to black music and my teenage role-model was also black (Tupac Shakur). I will often use the word "nigga" in conversation with my friends, and I still try not to use it when there are people of color in the company, but I honestly believe it is incorrect to do so. However, at the same time it would be impolite of me to try to enforce my beliefs on others like that. Damn, isn't society a complicated fucken' thing?

The fact they need different awards for males and females in itself is probably demeaning and chauvanistic. I mean it's not like there is an advantage being a male actor or vice versa when it comes to portraying a role

Well, women and men ARE different, so a female has certain advantages in portraying a female character over a male. However, I don't think it could be analogous to the reason why men and women compete separately in sports (because men are more physically fit than women, just a biological fact), so I cannot think of something undeniable to say why there need to be awards for men and women separately.

When you're in your 20's and say it, it's practically expected.

When you're in your 30's, it's kind of iffy...

When you're in your 40's or older, people wonder when the fuck you're going to grow up.

I have a feeling I'm going to be one of those people saying cool when I'm middle aged when it's so old school. Kind of like people in their 60's now who say groovy.
the fact that you felt compelled to say that, to me, suggests the opposite...


We are often compelled to say the truth that we cannot say, because being able to get it off our backs is a great relief. For example, it does not happen often for me to be able to bare witness that I like women strictly to fuck them in the mouth without even knowing their name.
Anyone else think this topic sucks? Droppers posts in P&S roughly once every year and its usually to make some point, not about broader society, but about rules which effect the Lounge forum on Bluelight. Specifically the prohibition on racial insults.

If you want to say the word nigger or faggot or whatever, just post somewhere else on the internet. You cannot use such a term on Bluelight. I am glad for that. Nigger encodes a whole host of historical oppression when used by whites and Bluelight is promoting harm reduction for anyone, regardless of enthnicity.

I'm against banning any language in the broader, non-BL world. I had a 'friend' at work, a small petite pretty white Anglo chick. I got along quite well with her, until she started referring to local indigenous peoples as "niggers". I realised she was an uneducated wanker basically, told her so and have not seen her in several years. I am glad she was able to use that term because I understand its meaning, being part indigenous, and I was able to conclude that she was a waste of social energy. It was a lot simpler than getting to know her over several years; in one foul swoop, I was able to determine that she was someone unworthy of my time. Don't ban words IRL, allow people to hang themselves by their language as needed. However, do not allow the use of language to be more important than protecting the rights of humans to live without assault and derision based on something like ethnic background that they did not choose. People should be allowed to say nigger, and those spoken in such ways should be allowed to respond the way anyone would when they are assaulted.

I saw a drunk guy who had been harassing me and my friends (nigh on 20 yrs ago) get his head literally stomped on when he called a random African guy "nigger". It was an awful sight TBH and we tried to break it up and partially succeeded but I will always remember what the African guy said to the prone drunk guy- "What the fuck did you think I was going to do nigger, smile and offer you my seat?" Use whatever language you want, be prepared to face consequences. ;)