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I wouldn't say Im addicted.. but


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
A couple days ago, I decided what the hell am I taking oxy for if im legit not in pain, so as the days begin to pass, I got on here to ask about kratom. Being informed, that since I had no real pain, and I'm not suffering a withdrawal its better to cut my losses, which is what I've done for the past few days. As always though I feel myself mentally missing the not really being fucked up part but the escape part of oxycodone. I only take 5mg every 4-6 as anymore makes me feel malaise as hell. Either way, I'm just asking for prayers for those of you that do pray that I can continue on with this path and not deviate from the self control course I put myself on.
Is there any chance that the oxycodone has wound up treating pain of a non-physical type? Oxycodone was amongst the narcotics used as antidepressants and for what is now called bipolar syndrome &c prior to the introduction of tricyclics in the 1950s and 1960s, starting with some ancient or cave person munching on a poppy head for a version of the same kind of thing . . . It is amongst the narcotics being researched again, although oxymorphone and butorphanol are more common than oxycodone for that it appears with morphine being another one. Why hydrocodone is not researched more for that I am not sure, as it also could have been used for this for about 35 years in Europe and 10 in North America . . .

Naturally, withdrawal is depressing and makes people anxious, so there is a Catch 22, but people who take narcotics in the absence of pain, anxiety, or depression generally get sick (nausea, vomiting, headache) and a trifle anxious . . .
^ the idea of using opiates like hydrocodone to treat depression is considered very taboo in the medical establishment here in the USA.
To be honest, I do suffer from bipolar. Like the poster stated below you. It's really considered a red flag to eat any opiate based on depression, yet a runners high is accepted. Which essentially is a natural opiate release. But that's mainly what I treat it for, I do have some pains and aches. But majority of mine, seem to be from stress manifesting through different physical ailments. Sadly the catch 22 in my case is as I quit, I don't know if I'm subconsciously doing things I know I can get hurt doing, or for a lack of bringing religion into this discussion... I feel as if I get hurt outta nowhere every single time, I break the i wouldn't say addiction cause at this point I can do with or without it. But Id rather do with it vs... the plethora of antidepressants.

The one thing I don't get, is opiates are considered taboo, but giving a child Amphetamines at age 5 isn't.... nor is treating them with Ambien, Valium, Chlropromazine (didn't spell that right don't care lol) or a long list of Psychiatric medicines that I was taken on and off of as a teenager., that have had maybe 30 years tops of research. I would say right now, given my horrible experience with American Psychiatric System.. I'd rather take my risk self medicating as opposed to being a guinea pig to all their "Newest" medicines. I do want to tell everyone I appreciate your inputs, and giving me truthful advise to get away from them. I'm trying my best at the moment. When things warm up, I'ma try to get back into working out and volunteering to keep me from having any downtime as those are the only two things that keep my mind from drifting into narcotic use.

Is there any chance that the oxycodone has wound up treating pain of a non-physical type? Oxycodone was amongst the narcotics used as antidepressants and for what is now called bipolar syndrome &c prior to the introduction of tricyclics in the 1950s and 1960s, starting with some ancient or cave person munching on a poppy head for a version of the same kind of thing . . . It is amongst the narcotics being researched again, although oxymorphone and butorphanol are more common than oxycodone for that it appears with morphine being another one. Why hydrocodone is not researched more for that I am not sure, as it also could have been used for this for about 35 years in Europe and 10 in North America . . .

Naturally, withdrawal is depressing and makes people anxious, so there is a Catch 22, but people who take narcotics in the absence of pain, anxiety, or depression generally get sick (nausea, vomiting, headache) and a trifle anxious . . .
Opiates are great antidepressants... until they're not. It's not sustainable. You slowly need more and more, and as you get deeper, a creeping depression of a different sort comes in... you feel worthless, you can't stop, you become a slave. If they're not prescribed, you start to spend all your money. Maybe you move on to heroin because it's cheaper... these days you get fentanyl most of the time instead. You have to involve yourself in a shady scene,... maybe eventually you move to the needle because it's stronger. Then you're fucked. Just stop while you're ahead, opiates as antidepressants is not sustainable.