I would like to share with you my first album 'La Nave'. A journey through the universe and consciousness!! (Techno)


Mar 17, 2015
Good morning to everybody.

The album is titled La Nave (The Spaceship).
The Universe is a mysterious and unknown place which has always been the object of worship and admiration for the human being.I believe that our conscience has been preparing all this time to conquer space and make the sky its new home. Knowledge, art, love, drugs, philosophy, even the idea of God, are attributes that must gradually mature within us if we want to understand what our place is in the Universe.
I think we are capable of achieving whatever we set out to do. The Universe can only welcome us if we are intelligent enough to understand that the World is one, that we are all One.

In short, this album is a small tribute to the conquest of our consciousness and of outer space.

The mixes could be better, I still have a lot to learn. It has been a challenge for me to find the right place for each instrument.
Still, I've really enjoyed the production and I know I've learned enough for my second album (on the way) sound much better than this one.
By the way, the illustrations that accompany the music (Youtube) are drawn by me.

I hope you enjoy.

(The voices are mainly in Spanish. You can find the English translations in the video description).

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Damn, 11 tracks? That's incredible man!! Congrats on your first release, its incredible!!! :love: ♥ I can't wait to hear more of your works in the future!

Also did you read my mind or somethin :p I've been looking for atmospheric electronic music with non-English lyrics, preferably in Spanish, and you came along and dropped a whole album of it! Are there any songs/artists you'd recommend?
Damn, 11 tracks? That's incredible man!! Congrats on your first release, its incredible!!! :love: ♥ I can't wait to hear more of your works in the future!

Also did you read my mind or somethin :p I've been looking for atmospheric electronic music with non-English lyrics, preferably in Spanish, and you came along and dropped a whole album of it! Are there any songs/artists you'd recommend?

Hi! Thank you for your comments!

The second album is in progress, I guess I'll have it finished in the summer. I wanted to share this album with all of you because drugs is one of the highlights of the project. Needless to say, drugs have greatly inspired me to develop my creativity.

The second song is ambient, the rest is a mix of techno and trance (the last ones), or so I think.

Unfortunately I do not know any producer of the style you ask me.

Thanks again!