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I want to stop my Crystal Meth addiction! I NEED HELP AND ADVICES!


Aug 23, 2006
i really want to quit crystal meth and i really want to stop it for good!
will taking E(mdma) help me stop my excessive adiction to meth? :)
pls share your tips and tricks on how will i combat my addiction to meth:)
Quiting that drug is really fucking difficult. I ended up moving half way across the country mainly just to get away from it. Obviously that's not an option for most people. I would recommend trying to put some distance between yourself and the people you use with, even if you consider them friends. If you feel like you need something to combat the cravings, MDMA won't really work that well. I'd recommend bud and some benzos. If you get one of those intense cravings pop a Klonopin or whatever you can get and smoke a bowl. That'll calm you down and might even make you sleep. As long as you don't end up taking too many benzos on a regular basis you can repeat that as necessary. Stay vigilant because the cravings become less intense but they really never go away completely. Sober life will seem shitty and boring for a while but that will subside. If you manage to stay clean for a while and feel the urge to go back to it just remember how much it fucked with your life when you were on it. Good Luck.
eu4ia said:
i really want to quit crystal meth and i really want to stop it for good!
will taking E(mdma) help me stop my excessive adiction to meth? :)
pls share your tips and tricks on how will i combat my addiction to meth:)
unfortunately, there are very few "tips and tricks" to quitting any drug, your just gonna have to "ride it out", so to speak. As far as mdma as a substitue it's a bad idea IMO, and no one can say "yes, it will absolutely help you quit meth", which is apparently what your looking to hear.
How do you adminster it first of all? It's hard to say without the nature of the habit. Do you use everyday? I was a weekly user, geared towards the weekend but would spill out into both sides of the weekend, was smoking a gram to a gram and a half a day. I started o pull up around the time I started IV'ing, I guess I was somewhat blessed by circumstances in that my supply dried up and I was restricted to what I could scratch up each weekend, IV became a much more cost effective method (not to mention the fact my lungs were FUCKED from heavy bong and meth smoking, something that still plagues me).

In the end it came down to isolating myself from all party-drug use, I think taking MDMA as a substitute is a poor approach if you are genuine about getting off meth, in the ed you are still using amphetamine and much more likely to be moving in circles where meth is available, MDMA also leaves you too psychologically open to suggestion, one tends to make poorly thought through choices in my exprience. Your best bet would be to remove yourself from the sort of environment where amphetamine usage is accepted or normal, try and forge yourself some new routines, becaus otherwise you will just continue along the same pattern.

I haven't given up all drugs, but I have managed to stop party drugs (even though my housemate still boogey's regularly, and I still smoke weed). In my experience, you have to remove yoursel from that sort of scene, whether MDMA or meth, learn how to engage in recreational exp-eriences that don't last ALL night...
SOIK who wanted to give up but couldn't no matter how hard he tried, could only go 3 days before chasing it again finally decided to seek psych help. He basically said he had a long standing history of attention, stickability, focusing problems, and talked his psych into scripting Dextroamphetamine, 20mgs daily. He went through the script in one week. He returned and said it helped somewhat, so it was doubled.

He is now on 80mgs daily-8, 5mgIR tabs 2x daily, 480 monthly.
Not the Easiest Thing . . .

Congrats, first of all, on what you're doing. Quitting isn't easy. I know. Been there, done that. Keep at it. It takes a lot and cravings are hard.

I don't know i anyone's warned you about Post Acute Withdrawl Syndrome, so I'll go ahead and do so now. Here's a link and here's one and here's another[/i] that should fill you in on the basics. It can be some scary stuff. My symptoms lasted a while, but then again my drugs of choice were heroin andmeth and I had a very long term addiction, too, so that was expected.

From my own experience, I've found that doing something supportive helps. Find a meeting, whether that be Rational Recovery, A. A., N. A., C. A., Crystal Meth Anonymous, PDAP, or whatever. I know the 'God' thing is a deterrent to a lot of people when it comes to the Twelve Step programs, but it's not 'God' in the Judeo-Christian sense, so if you can throw that out and understand that it's a Higher Power of your own conception and choosing, then you'll find that a Twelve Step program isn't necessarily a bad supportive idea.

Therapy may not be a bad idea, if you can afford it. I don't know if you live in a major metropolitan area, but chances are that if you do you can find therapy centers that work on scholarship programs that make it affordable and work on sliding scales based on income and what you can afford.

Stay on your psych meds. This helps, too. A lot. Trust me on this. I found that I needed them, too, when coming off the drugs. And I needed them for a while, at that. Going off them without medical supervision is a BAD idea. Work with your treatment team. Be open, honest, and communicative.

Okay, that's it for now. I'll step off my soapbox. :)

have you looked into ibogaine?
ive used it twice but not for addiction...
do a search...
and maybe check these documenteries out for more info(highly

Ibogaine: Rite of passage- Start with this one...incredible...


Tribe Badongo Iboga-explores use in native setting (10 out of 5 stars-amazing vid)


Horizon:psychedelic science-the end part deals with clinical ibogaine detox research


discovery channel program


there are a few more but i trust they will be easy to find...

hope this helps
delta_9 said:
unfortunately, there are very few "tips and tricks" to quitting any drug, your just gonna have to "ride it out", so to speak. As far as mdma as a substitue it's a bad idea IMO, and no one can say "yes, it will absolutely help you quit meth", which is apparently what your looking to hear.
This is tricky for me. MDMA is one of the biggest reasons I don't use meth on a daily/regular basis anymore. This is because it offers me an experience that I prefer to the meth experience and subsequently leverage my desire to use MDMA against my desire to IV meth. This has been somewhat successful, though it has bit me in the ass once when I was coming down from MDMA earlier than I wanted to and turned back to injecting meth since I had emptied my MDMA stocks.

The best thing you can do to get of shards is to realize that they will kill you...sooner than you expect. It's a simple choice: Do you want to live, or do you want to die? If you don't stop the meth use it will eventually land you in a 6ft hole or prison. I wanted to be dead for quite a while and that made meth fit me all too well. When I had a bit of a breakthrough and decided that I would like to see where my life takes me it was then that I finally felt like I had a leg to stand on when I had to fight the urges to get spun. I wish you the best of luck...crystal is a harsh mistress who doesn't let go of anyone easily.
dont quit a drug by taking annother drug...man up and find some 12 step or NA/AA meeting to go to...it really does work. get a sponser you connect with and work the steps. its what works

btw MDMethAmphetamine....you not quitting anything if you do this
^Everyone is going to respond differently to different methods. I went through one of the best inpatient 28-day programs in our nation and went from there to the world of sober-housing and 5-7 CMA/NA/CA/AA meetings per week. I desperately tried the total-sobriety approach and every single time it ended with a nasty, masochistic meth binge that nearly killed me. I finally said, "Fuck this, when I smoked pot, took psychadelics and partied a lot I didn't end up trying to kill myself with a needle full of meth every 4-8weeks so fuck total sobriety, I'm going to start tokin' and tripping again." So far so good...I smoke weed daily, trip/roll a few times a month and I've been using meth once or twice a month recently; but it has changed very much...when I use now days it's for the fun again...not because I want to see myself 6ft under. That has made a world of difference in behavior and my ability to "control" or "regulate" my usage of all drugs. Good luck...
Hydrocodonious said:
dont quit a drug by taking annother drug...man up and find some 12 step or NA/AA meeting to go to...it really does work. get a sponser you connect with and work the steps. its what works

btw MDMethAmphetamine....you not quitting anything if you do this

God, thank you sir. What the fuck is this shit...replacing one with another....If you are truly trying to quit one drug...replace it with crocheting or bowling....don't give up banging meth for eating ex....I like to smoke crack....i will quit by drinking every night.
You are on the road to making a very wise choice. The first thing you must do is disasociate yourself from all people who use or sell stimulates, This can be very hard. In my case if I'm around meth I want to use, so I stay away, in time this may change.

The second thing that works for me is when i get cravings I think about the crash not the high, you know that felling after being up for days and your burning the stem of the pipe trying to get one more hit, then searching the house for that one shard you know you lost.

The third thing is a fact, very few people can control meth use/abuse. meth postives, you feel good for a while, your more social for a while, maybe you get more work done.

The ugly, you lose all your real friends, if you have a job you could loose it,wives ,girlfriends , boyfriends if they do not use they will more than likely leave you ,your mental and physical health will go to hell, if you have money in the bank kiss it goodbye.

The scary part, after all these things you are still a long way from rock bottom.

I wish you luck.
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Replacing Meth with X would be a bad mistake. Because lots of X contains Meth. So you would be adding to your addiction. Go to a rehab, dude. The only way to get off that shit is complete isolation.
i started smoking pot again and it really helps me combat the cravings, as i write this am 4 days clean from meth:) since the day that i smoke pot again i feel great and i am looking foward of tasting other gifts from mother nature like shroomz,salvia,ayahuasca and other entheogens:)
eu4ia said:
i started smoking pot again and it really helps me combat the cravings, as i write this am 4 days clean from meth:) since the day that i smoke pot again i feel great and i am looking foward of tasting other gifts from mother nature like shroomz,salvia,ayahuasca and other entheogens:)
Right on! I shifted back to marijuana/psychadelics and other "happy-love-drugs" in general and my life has improved 500%. Best of luck to you.
antbanks99 said:
don't give up banging meth for eating ex....I like to smoke crack....i will quit by drinking every night.

LOL fuck that made me actually laugh out loud man...