• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

I wanna do something big.

i have this feeling in my gut like i was meant to do somthing all the time.....but what !!!?

then the fantasies of being a huge singer writing lyrics that help people turn there lives around and a voice that gives people chills starts

then the saving the planet stuff ...

im just a dreaming addict ....

i wanna make a difference etc i think about it all the time ,and not unrealistic things either
We all have our own definitions on what's "big". Of course, though curing cancer or discovering life on another planet is well and good, life doesn't have to be about that. Living your life and making the best choices you can make for you and those you care about, can be just as big. The key is to use whatever talents you were born with and share them with the world, no matter how small they may seem. If you spend to much time thinking about the one big thing you want to do to change the world, you'll miss doing all of the little things that can add up to the same level of achievement and change.

~Mother Teresa
My new and favorite quote i made up n yes this shits copywrited so dont go usin it:

'Success dont come to you, ya gotta chase it down and grab it by the throat'
I always have this feeling. I want to do something BIG. I don't know what... I don't know how... I don't know who I'll involve. I really, truthfully... don't have a fucking clue.

But I wanna do something big. I want to make a difference. Somehow... somewhere. I feel like I'm bound to do something that will change lives for the better. I feel like every day I'm on the cusp of putting everything together.

Anybody ever feel like this?
Do something little, then do something larger, then do something yet larger, and so forth. You'll get there like this.
funny, i think that's undead's philosophy on dating. ;)
Doing something that counts is better. Is 'Big' a title you give to yourself - giving a homeless person something to eat / drink / wear etc is Huge to them!
Firstly, you need to sit down, and think carefully about what exactly you want to do. What would really satisfy that desire for something big? Decide on something that you think you could feasibly accomplish. Do you want to join a volunteer organization related to environmental efforts? Do you want to create artwork? Do you want to help people suffering from psychological illnesses? Etc.

Then, start making a plan. Decide realistically what steps you need to take to achieve your goal. It can help to write your ideas down, either on paper, or on a computer document.

Finally, put the plan into action. Devote a little bit of your spare time every day toward this goal. You can't suddenly jump headlong into something like this: you'll burn out very quickly. Only spend as much time as is comfortable for you. This might be a half an hour daily, it might be two hours.

Personally, when I did this, I came to the conclusion that the biggest thing I could do for the world is to enrich our culture by creating music. I don't bother much with fighting against negative things like disease, because I perceive those as inevitable evils that are intrinsic to life itself, and fighting those things is utterly futile. But that's just my opinion. So I decided to instead contribute something positive to the world. Music is a profound positive influence in my life, and I know that many other people feel the same way, so that became my plan. And now I'm working every day toward that goal.
I've had those big feelings before, and I notice it tends to happen when I'm on the verge of a personal breakthrough, learning experience, or epiphany about something in my life. It's a feeling of connection and purpose. Sometimes I think our unconscious mind has breakthroughs that we can't really define, but it still creates a feeling of amazement in us. It's like part of you is doing inner work without another part of you fully knowing.

Maybe if you don't know what the big thing is, you can just keep working with the feeling of it, while asking the universe to give you a specific form you're meant to work with. That'd take pressure off of you having to know the answer so you can just enjoy the anticipation of it!
I genuinely appreciate that, brother! I can't tell ya how much that means to me.

There's a reason you've always been one of my favorite BL'ers and it's more than just because of our Halo 2 sessions. :)

I guess to put it simply... I tend to get into these moods where I feel like I've got more potential than what I'm expelling. Maybe that's a tad bit conceded, but I truly believe I've got things to offer, but I struggle to figure out how to really make my offerings efficient in a way that they'll make a difference. I guess I don't take into account the fact that even the smallest of interactions may make the biggest of impacts to some people.

I try to do right every day, but if I were facing my eternal DOOOOOOM tomorrow... I don't think I'd be happy with the effort I put forth. :\

I think I know what you mean. Some people have something they want to do, but they're afraid to do it. Your problem is that you have the motivation, but you don't know what it is yet.

Keep your eyes open. Remember, if you try something new, it may not be what you want to be doing, but it may lead to something else that you do want.

I always have this feeling. I want to do something BIG. I don't know what... I don't know how... I don't know who I'll involve. I really, truthfully... don't have a fucking clue.

But I wanna do something big. I want to make a difference. Somehow... somewhere. I feel like I'm bound to do something that will change lives for the better. I feel like every day I'm on the cusp of putting everything together.

Anybody ever feel like this?

I have been around a while. Considered successful, well off. I feel almost a spiritual need to do something significant to change the world. In a parking lot a young woman approached me and my daughter. She asked for money to be able to buy bus fare to get to her husband. I gave her 40$. My daughter asked if I believed her and I said no. But I told my daughter that I didn't give the money to her for her... Actually it was for me. Selflishly, I could feel good about myself that just on the chance she needed it, I accomplished something. It didn't matter if she was truthful or needed the money. I satisfied my own intentions. I feel the same about contributing somewhere. My attempt to save the world. I'll figure it out. Thanks for posting. I have never posted before. Just was compelled to answer yours.
I feel this way all the time. I have made some contributions already that I feel have helped a lot of people, and that's good. But I know I can do so much more. I've been painting for a couple of years now and I am starting to go professional, maybe that'll be it. I think it's more likely to ultimately be facilitated from multiple avenues and, like you said, come together eventually. I have a lot of life left to live. :) But I am often plagued with almost a sort of guilt, that I am not doing more to achieve this.

And on Saturday I am taking ibogaine and getting rid of my addiction to opiates that has been holding me back for 10 years. :)

EDIT: I'm responding to the OP, I haven't read this whole thread.
well, op. it's been 2 years. did you do something big?

My Dad had a dying process that took a few months. He worried quite a bit that he had done nothing with his life. Nothing big. Nothing that stood out. When word got out that he was terminally ill however, letters started pouring in from people all over the world (he worked in several countries before he retired) who recounted the two most important things about him: his kindness and his impeccable graciousness and manners. I don't think he ever quite saw that this was in fact the "big" thing that he had done. One letter was from a woman that was remembering that he hired her at 19 for her first job. She was nervous and suffering from a lack of self esteem and she remembered how my Dad instantly put her at ease, boosted her confidence (and gave her a job!). She credited him with setting her life on a course that had since taken her to several countries and given her a career that she loved. One act of kindness>large result. There were many letters like this.

In addition to his kindness, my father also loved his children unconditionally. This is different from perfectly. He was human and we all had our struggles, but in the end, he gave us what every person needs to thrive: someone that has faith in you. Because my father did what is simply expected of a parent (love your children unconditionally) he gave three people (his kids) the knowledge and example of what that means. We take that knowledge and put it into practice in our own lives. It does not make the world perfect, it does not save the world instantaneously (indeed, it could not save my own son) but it matters. It improves life.

Kindness and respect, whether in small daily acts or huge sacrifices, are what give meaning to a life. We live in a world that is becoming increasingly disconnected, rude, polarized, self-centered and greedy---and because of our numbers the toll this is taking on each other, other species and the planet can feel overwhelming. It is good to remember that we are healing the world every time we align ourselves with compassion. It is contagious. It can be spread and it is in fact revolutionary to do so.<3

i couldnt help but think of the book "tuesdays with morrie - mitch albom" when reading this post. if youre ever looking for an inspirational read herbie, please check it out.

First time I'd done mushrooms, I wanted to save the world...and I am still working towards it.
I haven't seen undead around here in a while. I hope he's doing well. I miss seeing his work in the art thread.