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I think the worst is over?

johnny oxy

Sep 6, 2010
Over a couple months I have tapered my 140mg- 160mg oxy addiction to 20mg a day. The wd's and mental mind fucks have been bad especially when I got to the lower doses. I either have gotten used to them or the wd's arent as bad now. Next week I am gonna take 2.5 mg 4 x a day for a week and then stop. I just wander since it will be such a low dose and where I have tapered slowly if it will be the same mild wd's or when I stop completely will I be losing my fucking mind? The worst wd's for me is the restlessness with no energy and the depression.
i cant relate because i mainly used lighter drugs really heavily.
i am still on benzos, but for weed i can tell you, maybe 7 months into the addiction and it was like being in a corner, you continue and ur screwed, you stop ur even worse off, insane irritability, tiredness, anxiety for days or weeks. pretty much the opposite of what its supposed to be according to the hippies. my tolerance to weed has never been higher, but somehow i managed to taper in a very junkie-type way, lower the dose then go way higher again for a week or two. now its at least a year, i can go a day with almost no withdrawal.