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I think SWIM ate too much methylnol. 2200Mg EAch!!


Nov 2, 2014
2200: Alright so SWIM and his girlfriend just moved. They made the bad decision of a quick purchase of "MDMA" from someone they knew. Being used to MDMA, ate 3 capsules each then split one to snort. Throughout the night occasionally take one or snort two whatever. At the time no test kit and assumed it was MDA. So after breaking up 22 200mg Capsules between the 2. They found out it was actually Methylnol with an inhibitor. So they each consumed / snort 2200m each. At this point there is stimulation, no euphoria at all, very racy and methlike. So going into when SWIM got home and found out how much they have seriously overdosed.

900: Next morning: Dosed the rest and had to beg my penis to work. Since most people on forums say only 500mg MAX for a dose, anyone have any guesses on what kind of repercussions they might have to face for these? To give a next day update: Got leg cramping, chest pain, anxiety, tingly sensations all over, loss of appetite, actually staying plenty hydrated.

1400: NO SLEEP! No time! SWIM sent his girlfriend to a full day of work. However SWIM has been having steady heart palpation. He decides to go to the emergency room and be honest. They give him some Valium, told him next time bring a test kit and sent him on the way.

1600: No more steady heart pain, however now steady burping. Somehow NOW am getting the only visuals for the whole trip. Some wall paper moving, seeing things that arnt there when passing by them.

2200: SWIMS girlfriend is out shes still semi-perky but starting to get nausea and having problems breathing. SWIMS heart rate goes up and down. Called the hospital back and they said no reason to come in, just gotta wait out the drug.

Anyone know of any effects at that amount of a dosage? Or ideas on the hospital again. The only one I found it said the guy was trying to commit suicide that failed.
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So going into when SWIM got home and found out how much they have seriously overdosed.

900: Next morning: Dosed the rest

OK, let me get this straight...You saw that you had "seriously overdosed" and then, the next morning, you "dosed the rest".
Is that right? are you really that totally fucking stupid, or did I miss something?

Oh, we don't use "SWIM" here unless, of course, we're in the water.

Also, what is methylnol? and an "inhibitor"? The only reference I could find listed methylprednisolone...a steroidal anti-inflammatory:

- Pharmacology: Depresses formation, release, and activity of endogenousmediatorsof inflammation, including prostaglandins, kinins, histamine, liposomal enzymes, and complement system. Modifies body's immune response.
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The only thing you can do now is wait it out. Don't take drugs for a while, exercise and eat healthy blahblahblah
Seriously though, what did you think was going to happen with "22 200mg 'mollies'"?
Please refrain from using SWIM on Bluelight, it's against the rules and doesn't protect you in any legal manner, only makes posts harder to read.

I'm assuming this is about Methylone so it belongs in Empathogenic Drugs.

PD -> Empathogenic Drugs

Honestly though I think all anyone can tell you is to go to the hospital if you haven't long since sobered up because that's easily enough to kill you whether it's MDMA, Methylone, or something else. Since you've already done that and been treated, you just have to wait it out, and I'd give MDMA and empathogenic drugs a wide birth for at least a year or so if you want to recover the damage you've both done. If you've survived, count yourselves lucky and learn from this.
Hey guys, Yes I did mean Methylone

Alright we are about 36 hours since our last dose. Made it through the night! Whew! I am still have heart palliation sometimes weakening and weakening problems. When I first worth this was really worried so some things turned up wrong on the timeline. We did NOT take more after we found out what it was, that was before. I'm wondering, do some of these "instant deaths" happen more at parties or dance floors or could they happen a while later? With the amount we took in I feel like some of the effects are lasting pretty long. My eyes are still bouncy, and every once in a while I have a feeling that maybe I should go back to the hospital since I'm still have tingling sensations, cold sweaty hands. But every time I feel that way I take a Valium and move on. Girlfriend has barely had anything major happening but I am always worried about kidney failure or some other kinda of bad thing. Normally we are a straight MDMA couple and only like to take whats tested. With some good MDMA we could go through a eighth in a night and recover fully. I'm hoping our experience with the MDMA is what is helping our situation.
Probably all you need now is to calm down and 'ride it out'. Avoid other drugs like weed, coffee, alcohol.
Hello, welcome to bluelight. Adding (untested) prefix. If I took the amounts you did it would surprise me if I didn't still feel some effects after 36 hours. Like myr already said just wait it out, it will start to pass soon. Eat healthy, abstain from all drugs and exercise plenty. Also consider yourself lucky the side-effects aren't more severe. Please be careful with your dose next time, that could be dangerous. To illustrate:
So after breaking up 22 200mg Capsules between the 2. They found out it was actually Methylnol with an inhibitor.
You should not overestimate your capability to identify a drug by its effects. You suspect it was methylone, but that isn't sure at all, it could have been any number of substances. So now suppose that was PMA you had there, which only begins to work after 2-3 hours and can be deadly starting at around 60mg? You would be dead 100 times over. If you dosed 2200mg I highly doubt it was (good) methylone either by the way, as that is an absolutely ludicrous dose even for methylone. Take care of yourself. Look into getting a testkit and please learn from this experience, if you ever have the misfortune of running into a toxic chemical such use will cause a lot of harm :)