I think I've finally done it...

the real yeti

Dec 30, 2011
For fourteen years I have been the target of relentless violence and abuse, subjected to some of the most cold and ruthless forms of behavior achievable by someone who can't even legally buy a pack of cigarettes. I was treated like scum, like a rat, like a useless fucking piece of trash with redeeming qualities similar to those of ebola. The very first days of my schooling brought with them the beginning of a long period of involuntary social isolation and anxiety that in some forms continues to live with me to this day.

In elementary school, a small group of classmates bullied me in every way imaginable. They unrelentingly antagonized me, pushed me around, treated me like a sack of shit. I was called names like "dork", "weenie", "stupid", and "retard", none of which are particularly offensive now but to an elementary school student they have a similar affect to a fucking boot heel to the face. These kids, these useless fucks, who were much more popular than me, forced me to be a social fucking outcast, a god damn pariah, all for nothing but their own fucked-up amusement. If I think hard enough, I can still feel their fists and their boots pummeling my curled-up body and hear their shrieks of joy echoing off the walls of the school and the snowy playground equipment. To this day, I feel nothing but burning, almost violent hatred for these people.

In middle school, after my family moved across the country, the physical abuse mostly halted, although I can still recall a handful of incidents that took place in that fucking gymnasium locker room. The verbal abuse, however, increased dramatically. Again, a new group of bored, talentless jocks, with their fucking football obsessions and macho fucking attitudes, (yeah, you're so tough when you're in fucking middle school) decided it would be fun to pick on the new kid. "Dork" turned into "ass wipe", "weenie" turned into "nerd", "stupid" turned into "prick", and "retard" turned into "shit head". Slowly, however, I learned to get back at the fuckers. I learned to be sneaky, careful with my retaliation, and drew as little attention to myself as possible. When the bastards took my snack money, I snuck to their lockless lockers (Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?) and stole their whole fucking lunchbox. They pushed me down, so I hid a stink bomb in their backpacks. Payback sure was fucking sweet. My loneliness was countered by the satisfaction I got from watching my revenge work in my favor.

High school brought another two and a half years of shitshow hallway war, an isolated I against a group of popular and well-liked kids who I despised fucking passion. Their abuse had isolated me among my few-dozen student class, driven me away from most of my peers as a result of the near-impossibility of a mutual friendship with any of my tormentors; I wasn't exactly what you might call a social butterfly. When I changed schools halfway through junior year, I escaped further abuse at the cost of social isolation in a high school with fewer than sixty students. Eleven years of brutal abuse had taken their toll, though, and I began developing severe social anxiety issues, later diagnosed as General Anxiety Disorder.

Are you fucking kidding me? For fuck's sake, these god damn assholes gave me a fucking anxiety disorder that's only getting fucking worse as time passes. As a result of their torment I'm now severely socially anxious and astronomically hypercritical and self-conscious. It's fucking ridiculous. I can't even send a god damn text message to one of my female friends without whipping up a shit storm of anxiety about whether or not it's creepy. I've been entirely convinced that I'm an ugly, awkward, tactless, uninteresting geek with fewer distinguishing features than a blank sheet of paper. I'm not socially incompetent, but I feel like I am, which is nearly as bad. It's fucking crippling and almost impossible to fix. They've deprived me of some of the most important social skills one can have, they've taken a toll on me that is almost impossible to put into words. And I will not shed one tear at their funerals. They can eat shit and fucking die.

But guess what. I'm in college now. I'm a freshman at a great school in a big city. I've got a clean slate. I can be whoever I want to be. For the first time in my life, all nineteen years of it, I'm in a place where people are actually interested in who I am, in getting to know me better as a person. People finally care about me because they take an interest in my unique combination of talents, traits, and views that define my personhood. I'm treated like a human, not some fucking lab rat, expendable and valueless.

Sure, my anxiety jerks me around. But fuck it, I refuse to let it control me. I did that before and it made me miserable. I'm in control of my own destiny, not some imbalance in brain activity or a useless fucking degenerate prick with zero grasp on the reality of his incompetence. I'm going to beat this anxiety disorder. I've got a clonazepam prescription to stop its progression and I'll use my willpower to kick the living shit out of it. I'm my own fucking person and I'm a god damn man, and my emotional scars won't stand in my way any longer.

As miserable as I once was, and as troubled as I sometimes still am, I think I'll get the last laugh out of this whole ass-backwards scenario. I wear my scars like the rings on a pimp. They no longer hinder me, they only remind me what I'm capable of withstanding. My scars highlight what my strengths are, show me what I can do better than anyone else around me, and allow me to take advantage of my personal characteristics like I never would have been able to before. And they've taught me one irreplaceable lesson:

You're not defined by the situations you've been placed in, good or bad, but by what you make of them. Letting life, fate, your peers, or whatever else the force may be whip you around like a ragdoll will very rarely result in a positive outcome. My life is my own, and nobody else can define where I go next, only me. My destiny is a byproduct of my own conscious actions.

Even as I sit here in the wee hours of the morning, writing this admittedly verbose piece, I think I can feel myself getting better. Even writing about it like this, hoping someone will reply, helps me grasp at what I can do to help myself out of this state. In all honesty, this is the first time I've really talked at any length about this, at least in the past year or so. Thank you, Bluelight, for giving me an effective release and a great body of support.

I'm sitting here, in front of my computer, and I haven't slept a wink tonight. As I look out the window, I notice the all-consuming blackness has weakened slightly; the darkest hours of the night are slowly but surely giving way to a glimmer of light. It'll still be quite a while until the light fully emerges, but the signal is there; it's coming.

The sun is shining every day.
That is a very powerful piece of writing. You have taken all the abuse you suffered and learned how to use it as fuel for your own strength, which is inspiring. Your resolve is fantastic. Your talent for writing is an amazing tool that you can use to work out emotions; writing about the past is one of the best ways to come to terms with it. Like you say, how you reacted then doesn't have to be how you react now: you can mine your past over and over for new insight and valuable lessons that can strengthen you in the present.

Thank you for sharing this here.<3

Also, I would echo yteek in advising you to be very careful with the clonazepam. There is quite a lot of non-drug therapy and alternative treatment for social anxiety out there.
Yeah, benzos can be tricky. Enjoy the relief for the moment, but use the time to attack the root of the anxiety so that when you come off the meds - which you'll have to eventually - you won't wind up right back where you started.

Your story sounds a bit like mine, and I am glad to hear that you've been able to muster the determination to beat your problem. Use the clonazepam as a tool, rather than a crutch, and you'll do well.

Great writing BTW!
Thanks for the input guys!

And I guess I should mention that I'm very cautious with the clonazepam. When I first started using it a few months ago I used it much more than I do now. Back then it was the most effective way to control my anxiety, but over time I've learned how to contain my anxiety attacks without it. I'd say I use about 1.5mg every other day, at the very most. Like Dave suggested, I use it more as a tool than a crutch at this point. I've been very careful to make sure I don't develop a dependency on it, mainly because a) benzo dependency is terrible and b) having to deal with severe rebound anxiety when coming off of the script isn't going to help my background anxiety one bit.

I'm just excited that I've finally figured out how to control this.
I really feel for you mate, kids can be so cruel. I only had a small taste of being bullied but I know how much it can affect you.
You have proved yourself to be nothing like the names you were called.You are a survivor and probably mentally stronger than all the idiots who gave you a hard time.
I sincerely hope that your future is everything you want and more. You deserve a great life after what you have been through.
All the best mate.
Hey i too was bullied thru school. I have a handicapped brother and other kids would tease me because of him. They would call me names. They were the popilar kids to. A sex tape of me and swim... was stolen from my vcr wayy back when i was still in middle school and i was made fun of about it way passd high school. Ill still get facebook msgs from the bullies but with a phony fb account just to give me hell. Last msg i received was 2 months ago and from one of the kids that bullied me but with a fake name. So i still go thru that shit. Im never going to let the shit go because it still haunts me. Wow this brings up alot of pain..
D's, that is incredible that the kids who bullied you as kids are still doing it as adults! I hope that you can at least take some comfort in the fact that these people's lives have turned out so badly, their growth as human beings has been so stunted, that they actually still engage in bullying as a way to feel powerful. That is beyond pathetic. Nothing repulses me as much as bullying. GRRRRRRR:X

Much love and admiration to anyone that has survived that kind of cruelty.<3
When I was being bullied at school it made me so depressed.My dad was a hard man and told me to stand up for myself.
One day while they were picking on me I just snapped and unleashed all my pent up fury at my bullies.
Should have seen the look of shock and fear on their faces,made me smile to myself.
They never picked on me again after that and even tried to become my friend.
At some point bullies have to be confronted or they will just continue with their bullying until they tire of it.
Don't let idiots destroy yr self esteem.