I think I'm an opiate addict. I'm depressed without them.

Issac Sinclair

Jan 27, 2011
I've been taking Tramadol for a while, and I feel as though its very hard to be happy without being on any opiates. I've had baby stuff mostly, codeine, tramadol, Vicodin and suboxone. Is this damage reversible? I can probably be on Tramadol my whole life, but I don't want to be on it. I'm 21...
Hi Issac, firstly, how long have you been taking tramadol? How frequently? And what dosages? And by "damage" do you mean the depression you get when you haven't taken any tramadol? Are there any other side effects you're experiencing?

Secondly, I am sure that you've not done any permanent damage. The body and brain is pretty resilient and very good at repairing any damage we do to it from drug use/abuse. But once we know a bit more about how much you've been taking and for how long, we'll be able discuss that a bit more.
Stopping taking tramadol will make your withdrawals even worse than just stopping an opioids. This is because tramadol has mild opioids withdrawal plus SNRI discontinuation syndrome effects,
Isaac, I would suggest transferring your opioid dependence to something that will not have a dual (opioid/SNRI) withdrawal. I would personally recommend taking Kratom in the same way that you are currently taking tramadol, dealing with any SNRI-related WD's and then slowly tapering off the tramadol. Using Kratom and occasional small doses of Immodium stood me in good stead when I was withdrawing from a prescription of 20mg daily methadone.

Also, I wouldn't consider that you've done yourself any lasting damage. Despite being highly addictive, opioids are possibly the physically most benign drugs that one can be physically addicted do (although I'm not condoning dependencies of any sort). I began using opioids at the age of 18, starting w/ tramadol and hydrocodone, but am not physically addicted. I've found the mental stress that results from physical dependance can be profound, as I'm sure you are aware, so I would advise attempting to break your physical addiction before you "graduate" to stronger opioids. As far as not being able to feel "happy" off tramadol, you should probably attentiom a withdrawal and then see how you fare, and should this persist you may want to seek professional help. Also, Kratom is reputed to have an antidepressant effect which I can personally testify to, and this may help you further in your transition from tramadol usage to sobriety.

Bottom line: at your age, there is no reason why you should feel that you need to take tramadol for the rest of your life (I've been there, and when push came to shove, I found reserves of willpower I didn't know I had). Best of luck, and I hope you're able to find healthier ways of dealing with your depression.