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I think I smoked too much weed and became overly sensitive to things again

burn out

Nov 11, 2006
Has anyone else had this? WHen I was a teenager I started smoking weed and instantly loved it. I was a socially awkward teen who hated many aspects of the culture I was born into, so when I discovered weed I stupidly just spent the next few years constantly stoned. It eventually lead to paranoia, anxiety, panic attacks as well as this feeling of being over sensitive to everything. Like for example, every other drug I did would affect me 5x as much as before I started smoking weed, I couldn't eat the same foods, I just felt like all sensory perceptions were heightened like how you feel when stoned.

So i quit weed for several years, the negative effects eventually went away but in the meantime I developed addictions to all kinds of other drugs. After getting off cocaine, heroin and benzos I started smoking weed again but this time was more responsible and never smoked more than once a day. I didnt have any problems with it this time and have been smoking about 4-5 times a week for the past several years along with doing a lot of psychedelics and experimenting with herbs and concoctions. However, recently my weed use has gotten heavier again (smoking lots of potent hash every night) and I feel like I am developing that syndrome again where I feel over sensitive to life and depressed. I decided I would quit smoking weed but every day I keep on smoking and swear it will be the last time but the next day I just come up with some excuse why I need to smoke one more time.

Cliff notes - smoking weed long term seems to lead to me becoming overly sensitive to life and sensation. I am wondering if any other long term stoners have experienced this effect.
Quit while you still can, My advice would be to drink a few beers the first few days, before you know it, a year will go by weed-free
I can't drink beer anymore. I drank one beer last week and it made me feel hungvoer.
It makes me overthink things way too much. It wasn't always like this, but after a decade of being stoned it is definitely taking it's toll on me as well. I'm a completely different person without weed. My personality is much different, I'm far more outgoing and social. Kind of sad really how something so beautiful and seemingly perfect eats away at you bit by bit without you even realizing it. I wonder who I would have become had I not started getting high and doing drugs at such a young age. Depressing thoughts.
I'm a firm believer that marijuana causes some sort of emotional or mental damage when started early in life, for example me...I started at 14 , and I swear to God I have not been the same mentally ever since...after all marijuana is a powerful psychedelic and can alter one's perception permanently. I have developed so many insecurities and self conscious mind frame. I used to live marijuana when I first staryed at 14. Then one day around age 15, I developed an allergy to it , and everytime I smoke , even to this day, im highly dysphoric, I feel self conscious, paranoid , and depressed. I don't know why all of a sudden my mind hated marijuana , but mentally I can't handle it. It is a very powerful drug and don't underestimate it
I'm a firm believer that marijuana causes some sort of emotional or mental damage when started early in life, for example me...I started at 14 , and I swear to God I have not been the same mentally ever since...after all marijuana is a powerful psychedelic and can alter one's perception permanently. I have developed so many insecurities and self conscious mind frame. I used to live marijuana when I first staryed at 14. Then one day around age 15, I developed an allergy to it , and everytime I smoke , even to this day, im highly dysphoric, I feel self conscious, paranoid , and depressed. I don't know why all of a sudden my mind hated marijuana , but mentally I can't handle it. It is a very powerful drug and don't underestimate it

I agree, I think marijuana is sacred and has a lot of benefits when used responsibly but we need to warn youngsters not to abuse it. And not with stupid anti drug propaganda but older stoners speaking frankly to younger ones that marijuana is a good thing if you don't overdue do it, but there are real dangers if you do. It's so easy to abuse marijuana because it doesn't cause severe hangovers, you don't need to worry about overdosing, it's fairly socially acceptable, easy to get and not insanely expensive like some substances. But when used heavily at a young age, it can seriously affect your mental health, frame of mind and development and can thus lead to you taking a bad path in life.

I havent smoked in 3 days now, but I am probably going to get stoned tonight. That dispensary hash just too good. I am very proud I was able to go three days without it.

I also think that with the legalization movement moving along we need to engage in more discussions about how to use marijuana in a safe and intelligent way, because having such easy access to powerful marijuana concentrates can make it difficult to say no.