I think I have a bit of a drug/alcohol problem.


May 13, 2010
Not any one in particular, but I struggle to go more than a few days without a recreational drug. I try to quit them but I get so bored in the evenings sometimes, or its just a nice way to spend an evening after a crappy day at work. I keep falling into the trap of kidding myself each time will be my last, determined to quit forever. But then I inevitably end up repeating it again the next night. In fact, in all honesty I probably would have avoided the alcohol altogether tonight if I didn't have some cans that a friend left round from New Years Eve.
I really need to ge this sorted out, I have so many other problems in my life that need sorting out. At least Ive acheived one thing out of all this, Ive quit all the non-MXE and alcohol drugs and after last night I hope thats me finished with MXE forever.
Im thinking of checking out some Alcoholics anonymmous type group, because the fact Im doing this more than 5 times a week is starting to worry me.
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I think that checking out a group is a great idea. It sounds like you have taken quite a few steps in the right direction already. All the other problems in your life that you refer to probably contribute greatly to this one so it seems like it could be very helpful to seek non-drug help for those, too. AA/NA has changed the lives of quite a few people in my life. Rational Recovery is another. I don't know where you live, but check out mindfulness meditation resources for drug and alcohol recovery as well. Where I live there is a Buddhist center that offers both meditations and support groups for people struggling with substance dependence.

Good luck, goku, and keep us posted how it goes.<3
I agree with Herbavore. Chances are if you think if you have a problem, then you do. Loosely defined, substance abuse
(not chemical dependency or addiction) is the repeated use of substances despite its negative effects.

How much do you know about AA? Morphine and its relatives were my drugs of choice but I had to give them all up
in order to stay clean, so I attend AA even though I didn't have a "drinking problem." All substances are the same.

There is an AA thread here, but you have to be prepared to the Bluelight 12-Step "haters" and there are a lot of
them for some strange reason. I would encourage you to attend a meeting and keep an open mind. Listen to
what people share, also known as their "experience, strength, and hope," because ultimately that is spirit of AA.
I agree with herbavore and Missykins. goku it's great that you acknowledge that you might have a substance abuse problem. It can take some people decades to admit that to themselves so you're definitely on the right track. I certainly think there is no harm in checking out an AA meeting in your area, good idea. From my personal experience with alcohol addiction, half the battle is finding alternative activities to do during those times when you're bored and would otherwise be drinking/using drugs. You say that you get drunk/high in the evenings in order to relax after a stressful day at work, that is a really common reason for people to drink/use drugs. What other things could you do to relax after work, instead of using drugs?