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I take it back: MDA has a horrible comedown when pushed too far....


Feb 9, 2012
Treacle + everyone else who told me MDA comedowns are evil. You were right. I take it back, all of it.

Thursday night: 220mg MDA & about the same in MDMA spread across an evening. Ended up having the most euphoric experience of my life, together with thinking I was ancient Egypt watching pyramids being built in the sky...turns out I was actually in my garden, half clothed and talking to my shed. Ended up catching a glimpse of myself in a mirror at some point in the night, and I must say I looked like a stroke victim: eyes sagging and looking different ways:p.

Felt mashed for a good 15 hours and stimulated into the next day, and then crashed like a burning plane. Cue the next day feeling sick and sweating...good times.

TL;DR - Feel like a withered cretin after going to third dimension 8)
Fuck me, definitely getting me some of this. I bought some recently but lost it! Easily my favourite state of being incompetently smashed to bits.

But yeah, the comedowns. I've mentioned this a few times but I remember taking it once and the next day I was getting my hair cut in the local barbers (I was about 16/17), trying my best to avoid absolutely crying my eyes out.
Interestingly, I find MDA to be gentle on the depression front...my mood is actually great. I just feel a bit sick, sweaty and tired. One thing I have noticed is that the physical side effects of MDA can get a bit worrysome at higher doses. Where as with MDMA, you can eat .4 and not be too bad, MDA can give your heart a serious workout together with causing leg tremors and sometimes tinnitus/dizzyness if you stand up quickly. .2 MDA feels like the limit of what would be reasonably safe for my body. Vomiting also becomes an issue sometimes too. I found myself eating a banana at one point feeling great. Next thing, projectile vomit into a sink.

MDA is by no doubt, my favourite drug of all time and I don't think I could ever go back to ordinary MDMA again. But I have learnt that you can't push it as far as MDMA. It needs more respect.
Yeah, the dry heaving/puking off MDA is always pretty brutal. Dirty rave water. Minging.

I typically don't get bad/depressive MDxx comedowns. But trust me, when it decides to hit, it hits fucking hard. I can't have felt that bad if I went to the barbers, but I just remember having some serious residual effects and suddenly just feeling like I needed to cry.

I tend to find that MDA comedowns essentially feel like being on a drug... which I suppose you are. I guess that basically, in a nutshell, you're still on MDA; just the fun bits over and you've got to ride out the tail end. I can remember spending the next days in an altered state of perception, listening to music which was still somewhat altered, with my body aching to bits and an intense, emotional state of nostalgia.

I can remember listening to this track on repeat and experiencing the most intense longing for a forgotten past.
