I seem to be constantly posting threads in here right now...


Aug 3, 2005
but I hate medicines... how the hell do people get off effexor? It seems to be as bad as benzos ( I am quitting both right now)

has anyone else felt AWFUL getting off it?
Effexor is known to create a wd syndrome just about as severe as paxil wds and I have come off paxil before. They are different drugs so the specific effects are different but severity in general of both are pretty bad.

For me I was puking for 2 weeks straight, and I honestly can't describe the state I was just one paranoid anxious depressed mess of shit. Brain zaps every second and could not stomach food, people, or really anything at all at the time.
However I have come off ssris after that now various times (yet to come off an srni) and made the choice to pick ones that do not create such havoc coming off them. I was considering going on effexor myself a while back till I read its askapatient review which is where I get most my info from on this shit. You will see clearly that basically anyone who takes it prolonged has a very hard time stopping. But as far as something like lexapro (which was also ironically the most effective for me) it was a fucking breeze coming off that shit and I even rushed the taper.

So I would treat that shit like an opiate and do a very slow detox. Not the typical 2-4 week detox that drs recommend for ssris. I think an 8 week detox would be ideal. You didn't actually say though if your off it just asked about other people coming off it. I'm assuming you're off it completely? Or are you trying to taper it?

Cause one of the most relevant questions would be if you're off how long did you taper? Or did you taper it at all? If you are feeling that bad, then you really just tapered too quickly. Can be solved by going back on and slowing down the process. But idk some people on here seem to enjoy pain and "just getting it over with". I however am not one of those people. I'd imagine if you just take/took your time and do it right that you shouldn't have a whole hell of a lot of issues to deal with. But then again effexor apparently acts pretty similar to how tram does in the brain so its very likely just a very horrible drug to come off of. If its any worse than paxil was I feel very sorry for you. But I just can't imagine it being as bad as coming off an actual opiate. Go slooooowwwww with that shit either way.
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I came off it cold straight away but doing that and benzos cold at the same time is just not possible, so I am now tapering off the effexor... I was gunna just half the dose every week and then quit...

and yeah my psychitrist and others involved are fucking clueless... they told me zopiclone is none addictive and its not a problem to take it forever... so I give up on them...

I dunno how the hell I am gunna get off these drugs.. i dont wanna take drugs anymore... even prescribed ones... (i have atendency to abuse something if I can) I just wanna be normal :(

but thank you for your input... I only have a few left cus I lost some so i have to taper pretty quick so I hope my plan works...

thanks again for ur input... ur always great on TDS! :D

I came off it cold straight away but doing that and benzos cold at the same time is just not possible, so I am now tapering off the effexor... I was gunna just half the dose every week and then quit...

and yeah my psychitrist and others involved are fucking clueless... they told me zopiclone is none addictive and its not a problem to take it forever... so I give up on them...

I dunno how the hell I am gunna get off these drugs.. i dont wanna take drugs anymore... even prescribed ones... (i have atendency to abuse something if I can) I just wanna be normal :(

but thank you for your input... I only have a few left cus I lost some so i have to taper pretty quick so I hope my plan works...

thanks again for ur input... ur always great on TDS! :D

tell your psych you want out of both drugs. awash him to write a compounding pharmacy prescription with a taper schedule. They should be able to make pills for the ssri decreasing by 1mg every 4 doses, .25 mg every dose. This us the best way to taper. Same with the zopiclone.