I need Lyrica


Aug 8, 2012
I can take gabapentin but all it does is take the edge ifff, however Lyrica gives me motivation and I feel so much better on it.

I?m moving to Virginia here in about a month.

I?m going to tell the doc I was on it awhile back.

I had trouble taking it correctly but realize how much better I am taking it correctly.

Plus my Future wife will dole it out to me.

Has anyone here had success w Lyrica?

I imagine if all things work out that I?ll get a script of like Valium or any benzo to take when I have my PTSD depersonalization.
Hey sonic-

Tolerance quickly rises with Lyrica. Ive read your threads. You're taking gabapentin again? Daily? Not judging, just trying to get an idea of where you're at.

I take gabapentin daily. And recreationally use Lyrica once a month. Only because my Rx for Lyrica got decreased substantially. I don't think you can maintain that feeling if you take Lyrica daily.
In February I saw the doc. I stopped the gabapentin and I kept worrying about my Liver.

She could see I was very uncomfortable.

She said does the gabapentin take the edge off. I said yes and she wrote a script.

I got it and gave it to my roommate to dole out.

The only time I?ve been tempted is when I pick it up. As long as he holds it I?m fine.

I am better off taking it then nothing at all.
Lyrica was my first wd. After only 3 months I quit because of the memory loss and weight gain of 30 pounds. It was two weeks of depersonalization, insomnia, lovelessness, and pain. I have recently been asked to consider it again for nerve pain, but hope to avoid it.
Pregablin positive effects doesn't long very long maybe 3 months, and tolerance rise faster than with any otehr drug, I started from 150mg went up to 1,g5 sometimes 2g daily. No any kind of sort will work endlessly, they all develop tolerance and finally the positive effects go minimal, after that quitting is very unpleasent. You should try ketamine, every 1 month, 100mg gives most people very good mood for many weaks, even better is psychedelics, shrooms might give you very good mood, motivaton and energy for 6 months to many years, don't use them for fun they are useless if doing like that. Abusing (I can't even understand how someone likes that weird dissociative feeling that it gives) ketamine is very stupid and can destroy you're bladder and cause depression, it's only good for anti-depressant use for every 1 month, that way it does not have any negative side-effects. Pregabalin can be great for opioid wd's but not using over 4 days, after that you might get wd's from that, gabapentin is better because it does not cause wd's so fast, can use even 2 weeks without problems of wd's.