• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

I Like to Draw Pictures of Random Molecules

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Sometimes it is truly amateur hour, without trying to sound arrogant it is tragic when people almost seem delusional about the whole thing (eg a certain Mr Fin). While not sure whether to laugh or cry, it is pretty entertaining.
yeah shaggyfin was one to remember. I still wonder whether he was a troll or just really stupid^^
Haha gee thanks, can you make any other drugs more cardiotoxic roi? 8) <3

Uhmm what about

Yeah, I love this thread despite its shortcomings. I don't publish my rationale for many compounds, as that would be difficult to explain my reasoning and would open up my own personal thought processes to possible (probable even) ridicule, but I do have rationale for every compound I've ever posted here. The proof is in the pudding.

Oh, btw I'm on day three of no sleep meth binge now and I somewhat doubt sleep will come easily tonight even.
Some phenethylamines and tryptamines that you can find in the LSA / LSD structure.


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Thanks hehe, why didn't anyone ever tell me about the meth in my acid??

Also the O-methyl THC (why methyl) was a nice find, good easteregg : P
There are also other variables that you can look at for example determining drug absorption by pKa.
Someone else might have different method to look at the polarity.

But to predict BBB transport shouldnt we be looking at logD rather than intrinsic lopP that is the logP at a given pH in that case at 7.4. Take
LSD LogP= 2.28 and LogD(7.4)= 1.60
DMT LogP=2.3 and LogD (7.4)= 0.17
4-azaDMT LogP = 1.47 LogD(7.4)= -0.59

What I meant to say is that DMT logP at pH7.4 is right about ok to pass BBB by passive diffusion. LSD is close to perfect and so is cocaine btw (2.5 and 0.82). But then again beeing relatively small the lipophilicity of the compound wouldn't matter much. d-amphetamine logP is 1.80 and logD(7.4)= -0.67. So I guess the Aza-indoles would probably make it
That bottom one... with the sulfurs it would be almost like a dioxolobenzodioxole instead of a -FLY type compound in the sense that it would be like a constricted version of a phen with not two but four methoxies!

I am personally very curious though, if it is even known what the difference is - even just in potency - between -FLY and -Dragonfly compounds, as the dragonfly pretty much always comes with a kinda unrelated alpha-methyl. That has always been pretty strange to me..
Would a lot of the trickiness of Bromo-Dragonfly be averted if it the wings were saturated, yielding DOB-FLY?
Mathematics does a particularly poor job of modeling the behavior of molecular reactions and pretty much every other chemical application. Just sayin'.
That bottom one... with the sulfurs it would be almost like a dioxolobenzodioxole instead of a -FLY type compound in the sense that it would be like a constricted version of a phen with not two but four methoxies!
that's right!.. problem I guess the 2 sulfurs will give a pretty bulky compound..may make it more active than the FLY though. or not! no SAR as far as I know

I am personally very curious though, if it is even known what the difference is - even just in potency - between -FLY and -Dragonfly compounds, as the dragonfly pretty much always comes with a kinda unrelated alpha-methyl. That has always been pretty strange to me..
Would a lot of the trickiness of Bromo-Dragonfly be averted if it the wings were saturated, yielding DOB-FLY?
the saturated bis-dioxanes are about an order of magnitude less potent at 5HT2a not if I remember. so about 2% LSD activity since FLY is about 20% acid.

Now reason i thought of a bis-thiazole or bis-indolyl is the protracted incredibly long half life of FLY (couple of days at least) which you do not want to go through especially if you were freakin out having bad trip. is it possible tweaking the FLY to make it more like acid? I mean in terms of PK. Making it more polar may be without killin much activity??

Oh I forgot this one


closer still to FLY but is it stable??
the N-O-CH2-O in a ring gives me the shivers... a cyclic hydroxylamine formaldehyde acetal. That's a mouthful, and again, not very stable around water...

Throw in a nitro group just to please the CYP enzymes and, well, you should design tool compounds for a living Nagelfar. Have you considered volunteer work at Tocris?

I have now.
Structurally, those just look like the beckoning call of death incarnate. I would feel safer taking PMMA than those, and that is not saying anything positive about them at all.
Solipsis, i just took a look at the studies sekio references in the thread about the cyclic aMT molecule (nice find), and i think there's still hope for that molecule.

one of the articles is actually about it N,N-dimethyl homologue and this molecule might even do something. it prevented reserpine induced ptosis which according to a quick look at wiki is due to irreservible binding to VMAT, so it probably is a VMAT ligand at least. that's something. and it's a MAOI only at huge concentrations if i'm reading IC50 values correctly (10^-4 M?).

too bad the OP from the thread never returned...


here's Jim-aMT, the nemesis of Jim-TMA... now that looks unpromising
Solipsis, i just took a look at the studies sekio references in the thread about the cyclic aMT molecule (nice find), and i think there's still hope for that molecule.

one of the articles is actually about it N,N-dimethyl homologue and this molecule might even do something. it prevented reserpine induced ptosis which according to a quick look at wiki is due to irreservible binding to VMAT, so it probably is a VMAT ligand at least. that's something. and it's a MAOI only at huge concentrations if i'm reading IC50 values correctly (10^-4 M?).

too bad the OP from the thread never returned...


here's Jim-aMT, the nemesis of Jim-TMA... now that looks unpromising

Link the thread?
Solipsis: Thanks :D
DotChem: Yes, You are right. I wrote LogP because that is what I can look up by the program that I'm using. Where can I find the logD and if possible pKa for different structures, What program do you use?

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