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Heroin I just took heroin for the first time.

Of course you wanna try it again... but it ain't a "try" now...you crossed over. It's a re-dose. Keep going and you'll end up like a lot of us on here. Opiate addicts.
in general guys I can't say I was amazingly impressed with my first heroin high. I think the jitters may have been down to a caffeine adulterant (I have a pretty bad reaction to anything caffeine), but I did get a nod on. no massive euphoria or the overwhelming urge to try it again. Meh.

Good. Run far. And run fast.
I just had the shakes when I was preparing it, I have anxiety disorders so that was probably it. Though I did throw up the next day and was shaking quite a lot. I smoked and snorted half a gram of no.3 (it was brown and powdery).

It was too much fun :|

Maybe a blessing in disguise… :\
1/2 a gram is a bit without a tolerance. Glad you are ok.
Well, have fun and just be careful...I sometimes wonder if people post these threads that they have done heroin to get people to tell them to stop, which is all that happens on here anymore, you can't mention doing an opiate without people telling you ya are gonna destroy your life, get out while you can! (note, that is possible, not saying it isn't) but just be careful, keep your usage to every now and again and don't start with a schedule like I'm just gonna do it on the weekends...that stops and you make exuses to use during the week then before you know it it's everyday. Stay safe!
Must've been pretty terrible shit.
Like "wow I want my money back" bad.

i think i probably fucked up the chasing pretty bad, with all the shaking and general inexperience (i don't even smoke cigarettes).
i do have a pretty massive benzo and amphetamine tolerance though which might've saved my ass; 'if you wanna be tough you gotta be dumb' and vice versa.

probably just shit stuff though. i am getting some more after halloween though.


guess i'm fucked!