Mental Health I have schizotypal personality disroder, so what's next?

It's a new struggle, but life would be meaningless without them man. I had to accept my disease too. Over time, you'll begin to identify with it. It can either empower you, or make you waste your life.

^This is how to live. With, or without, a mental challenge like schizophrenia or any of the related and very serious unbalancing states, this attitude is the definition of a healthy one as far as I am concerned.

Get to know your mind and your illness. What are your triggers for extreme states and how can you lessen those occurrences. What can you learn from them when they happen? What medications help and which ones actually harm?

As Ho-Chi-Minh says, acceptance is key. Acceptance is not accepting being drugged into a zombie all the time; acceptance is an acknowledgment of what is and an exploration of what can be affected and changed and what cannot. It will take time and patience and ultimately experience to come to be in charge of living this. I know quite a few people with "mental illnesses" that live far healthier and saner lives than many who are diagnosed with nothing.