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I have missed my shot before, but this one has me worried


Oct 2, 2010
I have missed my shot before, but something different is going on. This time I missed my arm was swollen and very red. It hurt so bad if anything barely touched it. The swelling has gone down quite a bit, but it has been almost two weeks and there is still a bump the size of a quarter and it is red and hard. all my other misses went away with 3 days. what do you think is going on?
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thats a long time.. the only times i've issed shots i got a swollen red bumb for a couple of days... you're talking weekss, i strongly advise you to go to the ER
Yeah, go to the ER!

Two weeks is a very long time to wait. After a few days you should have got some medical attention.

Good Luck!
I hope everything goes okay at er, last time they
transferred me
to psyche ward