I have heard Steroids means leading yourself towards death..?


Aug 12, 2014
Is that right that consumption of steroids means that you are heading towards death..? There is only 1 consequence of taking steroids and that is death.
seriously? why would a person even state that on here? sound like a troll. i am sure an uneducated person in the topic would approach it differently or i would hope they would.

the consumption of anything means you are heading towards death! death in on all our cards.
Is that right that consumption of steroids means that you are heading towards death..? There is only 1 consequence of taking steroids and that is death.

That is indeed what I heard also.... I started on AAS back in 1981, and died two years later.... It is now perfectly safe for me to use AAS, as I am already dead...!!!
Pretty sure being born means you're heading towards death 8(

4/10, your poor sentence structure amused me just a little.
GF - How are the gains when you are a zombie? I've heard you should gain pretty decent on human brains.
Didn't Arnie used to take HGH from cadavers (dead bodies). Look at all the gains he made!
even junkies get the option of going to jail or cleaning up, this is just discrimination
That is indeed what I heard also.... I started on AAS back in 1981, and died two years later.... It is now perfectly safe for me to use AAS, as I am already dead...!!!

Haha best reply in thread,
And op, steroids if used responsibly and even irresponsibally in most cases will very rarely lead to death. It is possible to poison yourself if you overdo orals though in most cases this still doesn't lead to death.
Can cause problems with hpta function, liver enzymes with orals, erectile disfunction with some steroids, temporarily shrunken testicles, possible blood pressure issues, gynecomastia, although nearly all of these symptoms can be reversed or combatted with other drugs and rarely lead to death, and with most responsible users, won't occur in the first place apart from maybe testicular atrophy.
Haha best reply in thread,
And op, steroids if used responsibly and even irresponsibly in most cases will very rarely lead to death. It is possible to poison yourself if you overdo orals though in most cases this still doesn't lead to death.
Can cause problems with hpta function, liver enzymes with orals, erectile dysfunction with some steroids, temporarily shrunken testicles, possible blood pressure issues, gynocomastia, although nearly all of these symptoms can be reversed or combated with other drugs and rarely lead to death, and with most responsible users, won't occur in the first place apart from maybe testicular atrophy.

To further add: Most of the symptoms can be reversed or negated by lowering the dose.....
and with most responsible users, won't occur in the first place apart from maybe testicular atrophy.

There I spelled it out lol I actually mentioned it twice in the post lol
Well to put it simple .. It greatly increases your chances of stroke due to high cholesterol, heart attack, liver and kidney failure.. It destroys your organs after prolonged use. Plus if you don't PCT correctly your T levels will be lower than a 90 year old man, which leads to severe depression and eventually suicide. I know my stuff for a 19 year old, I've been fascinated with AAS and lifting my whole life. I may be a major pill head now but trust me I still know my shit when it comes to AAS,prohormones,T.
Well to put it simple .. It greatly increases your chances of stroke due to high cholesterol, heart attack, liver and kidney failure.. It destroys your organs after prolonged use. Plus if you don't PCT correctly your T levels will be lower than a 90 year old man, which leads to severe depression and eventually suicide. I know my stuff for a 19 year old, I've been fascinated with AAS and lifting my whole life. I may be a major pill head now but trust me I still know my shit when it comes to AAS,prohormones,T.

"It"..... Is a very broad generalisation.... Testosterone is an essential hormone needed for normal bodily functions...

AAS have three basic formats: Testosterones, DHT's, 19-nors... Each have specific benefits for strength, growth, and body composition, plus varying levels of side effects if abused... Only when abused are potential health risks likely with AAS...
"It" Only when abused are potential health risks likely with AAS...

This ^^ even with abuse steroids rarely cause harm.

1 example big Arnold himself abused the fuck out of gear, most notably dianabol and was known to eat a fist full of Dbol and say - let's go train!!
He also fathered 4 kids from what I know (infertility??)

I do believe he had at some point minor heart surgery but I don't believe it was because of his steroid use
He had a valve defect from birth that was corrected with surgery. Not aas related
There is a bit of a difference between the guy doing 500mg test and the guy doing 2g test, 2g tren and 1g orals per day....