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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

I have 11 xanax bars, 1 10mg roxi, a half of an 8mg dilly, and 5mg Norco's


Jan 2, 2015
What combo should I do? I shot 7.5mg of oxy up for the first time in a year and it was great. Before I took 2 xanax bars about 2 hours and 30 mins before and felt great. I also to 20mg of hydro too so that potenated the roxi by far. Once I got home I snorted one half of a 15 the injected the 2nd. I also took a xanax bar about 30 minutes afterwards as well. I'm fucked up but not super fucked up and I have a tolerance but stretch the time for each substance and I'm too high to put the Correct timing but it's close enough. Now tomorrow what should I do? Should I shoot up the dilly and snort half of my 15 I got left or save that for another time to inject? I feel like I should mix hydro with the dilly and maybe a few bars since I take about 1mg of xanax a day and 30mg of temazepam at night everyday but started 30mg evey night about a half a month ago now. So please help with suggestions you guys; I want to be safe too so give me some tips please too if you wish to respond and help me out.
This isn't the right site for you.

Just don't mix benzos and opiates... high risk for OD.
Pretty much what XANAX XR said; Bluelight won't tell you what drug combination to take, but if you come to us, drug(s) in mind, we definitely can advise you with dosage, concerns and side-effects, etc.
If you already used opiates today then dont use tomarrow. You will get addicted if u keep trying to use opiates in consecutive days, dont be weak