i hate orange

yoUr bLiSS

May 21, 2001
head still swirling from a whirlwind night i find myself almost breathless. could it be i have actually found inspiration? a month with no muse has left me wordless.
you saw me as that girl tonight
that girl from a cure song
skipping on stars
dizzy with bliss
i held you captivated
and ever so enchanted
drew you into my fairytale
the floor was my kindgom
the dancers my people
the control in my hands
phew..i'm a bit out of breath having returned so suddenly from that spontaneous ego-trip....
you were orange all over
orange beenie
orange shirt
orange pants
orange shoes
i hate orange
so why do i find your pumpkin smile so endearing? and for a girl who hates bald heads yours is looking pretty cute underneath that beanie of yours.
i pulled my usual stunts
but unlike most boys
predictable and obedient
playing captive audience
to yet another episode of antics
you jumped in headfirst
playing my games
joining my madness
not many souls have ventured there
could it be???
could it really be
that i have finally found
a soul similar to mine?
you dance unabashed
you act on impulse
driven by sheer emotion
ruled by passion
just like me
i think maybe i could grow to like orange.
[ 02 November 2002: Message edited by: yoUr bLiSS ]
If you can write a poem and rhyme something with orange you get bonus points. :)
like i said
i fucking hate orange
i'm sure our fairytale-like night
was simply chemically induced
chemically induced on your part that is....
maybe i'm overreacting
it's only monday
i met you friday
you repeated it several times
my phone number that is....
even scrawled it on your arm
i know you'll call
you have too
until then i'll jump hysterically
like a skittish 16 year old
at every ring of the phone
why didn't i just get your number instead??? the control would have been in my hands then. i would have called. you would be the one waiting...
it's only monday
give it a rest
give it a chance
yeah...sure...maybe i'll run in to him in a few weeks again. maybe he'll gush and gush over how he "lost my number" whatever...
like i said
i hate fucking orange
i love this!
i would like to know if you would allow me to add it to my online poetry collection at www.glittergirlonline.net. i would give you full recognition for it.
think it over and let me know.
hey, thats a good idea... i should start doing that with my forum...GoingStRaNgEville come in and share your poetry with us ;) support the underground ;)
i thought this was awfuly interesting.And different from other things i have seen. ive always been a fan of work that is a little more modern and different.
awww... but why orenge? ;) around here, back in the day it used to be BL kidz and the Wicked OK ;) orenge kidz, of course.
think what over e-girl???? i would be honored to be added to your online poetry collection. :)
now a continuation of sorts....
silly girl
all worked up for nothing
of course he called
you knew he would
i just fell asleep on the couch. who goes to bed at 9:00 p.m. anyhow??? of course i missed his call....
quite a jolt this morning
in fact i skipped on the coffee
running on pure adrenaline
as opposed to caffeine overload
the message was so you...at least the you i percieve you to be after only a few hours of your accquaintance.
your voice was distinct
though the area code threw me off
isn't hollywood 323?
who else would leave such a message?
such madness
such insanity
i laughed out loud hysterically
cat curiously staring
thank you
orange is looking so much more appealing
i think i'll give you a call right after i finish this glass of wine....

thanks for sending me to bed with a smile love :) *hugs you tight* be happy ok :) and i'll see you soon hehe :) :D
:D :)
[ 06 November 2002: Message edited by: harraser ]
so cute
oh eee ohh
sooo cute
emasculation aside, i would like to see this flow onwards... your illistration of such inanity, that flitish doll eyed joy of meeting 'a new boy'... it would be interesting to see how that would transcribe to something more.
yOUr Bliss- your writing reminds me a lot of E-Girls. Both written in such a familiar way to life, and both with a particular story to tell.
I enjoy reading stories of other peoples lives, especially when they are written with flare of emotions on side
"you knew i played the game,
fucking rules, ever so lame.
put your high horse to shame"
he told me to tell you,
he hates orange too.
"it was just to see what you would do."
-orange is the playaz color,
"your game still instilled in me,
like no other..
but hey, i didnt forget the # hey?"
dammit,i hate this channelling of other;s game... Peace
Hahahaha, its interesting to watch the stages, and the tiny little coups. Fucking lovely poem too, keep it up I sez! :)
-plaz out-
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! MINIMOWS LIVES!!!! oh how i've missed her dearly....Tribal Hybridz that freakin' rocked!!!!
alright now for the final(or so i think)and somewhat shocking end to this lovely little saga....
one big orange blur
the memory of your face has faded
the story must come to an end
had i been colorblind
things may have been different
attempted to call you
upon finishing that glass of wine
alright...after finishing that second glass of wine....
turns out not to be you
the 818 number i thought to be that is...
you were that "private number"
yet your message left no return number
attempted to e-mail you
no doubt the address was correct
you only made me repeat it 10,000 times....
yet the reply left me baffled
"hey sue, sorry to tell ya, but you must have the wrong email cause i have no idea who you are or what youre talking about. good luck."
what the fuck?!!!???!!! uh...your e-mail address has your damn name in it!!!!
called up my friend tracy
a soul sister...i trust her words and judgement more than anyone
ranting and raving
bitching and moaning
she listened
she laughed
not very funny if you ask me....
she told me the truth
"kinda freaky"
"creepy stalker"
"followed you around all night"
"we were keeping our eyes on him"
"what was with all the orange?"
"we tried to pull you away but you didn't get the hint"
"how many glasses of champaigne did you have?"
uh...well i conned a group of boys in vip into giving me their free glass tickets...they were rolling anyhow. what did they need them for? it must have been anywhere from 4-6 give or take a few...
so it wasn't magic
it was alcohol
beautiful champaigne "goggles"
god i hope you don't call again. and the e-mail thing? whatever. maybe your girlfriend saw it...i wonder if she likes freakin' orange...god knows i don't....
like i said from the very beginning...
i hate orange