• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier


Finder said:
Isn't it elitist to hate elitism?

Could please be any more philosophical in your answer, Modern Day Shakespeare?


At any rate, I think anyone who wastes a significant portion of their time trying to look down upon "elitists" obviously has some pyschological issues they need to spend some time trying to sort out. "Skeletons in the closet," if you will. Such things are often much better left ignored. Giving them more attention than they deserve, more times than not, just brings you down to their level.
sounds to me like the author is a bit insecure

i hardly consider myself cultured, but i hate 98% of what is on tv. it makes me want to strangle someone. i find almost all commercials and almost all shows, outside of, yea im gonna say it, the history channel and its bedfellow stations, to be repulsive and insulting to my intelligence. oh south park is cool.

i do not say things like that because im putting on airs. im about as uncouth as they come. i wouldnt consider myself cultured, let alone, culturally elite. you would be more apt to find me lying in a puddle of puke and alcohol than to catch me watching some catchy show. fuck i member the last time i did E i was subjected to some new drama show that 'everyone' is watching, and i had to leave the room. the way television portrays people is a joke, and im all about burning the mass media down to the ground and throwing a party on top of its smouldering carcass.
^^yeah I agree....and i said early on that the different points made by the author of the piece are all best taken from a relative point of view of course, some may apply to the individual reading this right now, others may not. Although I do agree with his main point it does not mean it is wholly my take on things, although everybody is entitled to an OPINION.
I personally dont think he is insecure tho.
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To quote a recent Slate article:

"Because let's face it, only one thing is more incorrigible than my snobbery, people, and that's your indefensibly crappy taste in music."