I fucked up again

That's great M.

You've done a bang up job, proud of you.

Here's to hoping your sleep improves quickly.

All the best,
your friend,

Thanks Shadow. It was only about 5-6 weeks total. Maybe 7 weeks counting the rapid taper. I've been supplementing with something containing melatonin, l-tyrosine, l-theanine, 5htp, valerian root, and a few other things roughly every other day now. As well as a multivitamin. Made sure to eat as much as possible(not a lot), and stay hydrated as dehydration alone can cause seizure. Took it as easy as possible too, trying not to push myself further than necessary and taking things easy as possible. I've read that benzos shock the limbic system resulting in exaggerated stress response. I'm pretty sure it's the elevated stress response/excitement that causes seizure and psychosis, as there is too much glutamate(excitory neurotransmitter) and not enough GABA to regulate.

My sleep cycle is still all over the place and it's difficult to get motivated, but things are slowly improving and I am hopeful.