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Meth I found MY OWN way to come down from a meth smoking binge. It involves 3 other substances. I find it very effective


Nov 1, 2023
So currently I have been awake and alert for over 48 hours. High from smoking meth on a pipe. The comedowns for me were the absolute worst. I couldn’t stop the self pity, the self loathing and the depression. I had to find my own solution and I did. I’m diabetic and have a prescription for gabapentin for nerve pain. I drink on occasion and enjoy my marijuana vape pens. If I want to straighten out and go into public. My cure dosage is 1.5 grams of gabapentin, 400ml of vodka and smoke the Mary Jane vape pen. When the gabapentin and vodka combine in my stomach it automatically brings me back to earth and the weed brings my heart rate down. If I want to comedown and go to sleep with no feelings of sadness and depression then my dosage is 2.1 grams of gabapentin, 750ml of vodka and I smoke the Mary Jane vape pen to calm the heart down. I have just taken the dosage that will bring me down and keep me up for the day with no feelings of sadness and depression. It’s working. But now I want to get High again. The cycle of addiction knows me to well. I have been using meth for 6 years, I fall into the “long term user” category. That means I been to hell and back at least 4-5 times and for some reason I’m still alive.
6 years is a good amount of time.

But I've been through meth battles for 25 years.
And I quit because absolutely nothing stopped or helped the comedowns besides heroin (and weed of course).

Eventually you'll get tired of it too & maybe finally quit for good.
Always took me over a week or more to recover from meth binges. It started to not even be worth it anymore.

This is a good way to end up with a poly-substance problem though.
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6 years is a good amount of time.

But I've been through meth battles for 25 years.
And I quit because absolutely nothing stopped or helped the comedowns besides heroin (and weed of course).

Eventually you'll get tired of it too & maybe finally quit for good.
Always took me over a week or more to recover from meth binges. It started to not even be worth it anymore.

This is a good way to end up with a poly-substance problem though.
I have honestly been considering doing heroin since it’s a downer. But I’m scared because of the risk of overdosing. What was your longest stretch of sobriety in your 25 year meth battle?
I have honestly been considering doing heroin since it’s a downer. But I’m scared because of the risk of overdosing. What was your longest stretch of sobriety in your 25 year meth battle?
Don't do it.

If you're in the US, most of the "heroin" today is not real heroin.

The meth is also going to potentiate the "heroin"/fentanyl to dangerous degrees, especially for somebody with no tolerance.

I use to use heroin on the comedowns but I was already big into opioids anyway & knew how to assess my tolerance & the effects correctly.
But even with a tolerance, the heroin/opioid would always feel a bit stronger on a methcome down.

Fentanyl is extremely more potent & dangerous than the heroin I was doing years ago. So I cannot recommend this at all!! Especially if you have all those other drugs in your system at the time too. At best you could just end up with a new opioid habit or at worse you could actually OD easily this way.

As for my longest stretch, I started doing "crank" when I was 14/15 til I was about 17 then I did actual crystal meth for my first time at 17 & off an on til 19.
Then I only did meth a few times from the ages of 20-24 & was mostly on opioids & synthetic cannabinoids. But then from 25-32 I did meth off & on, some times for weeks/months at a time & then I'd stop for awhile & then do it again.

I'm 35 now.
So I'd say my longest stretch would be like maybe 2-3 years without doing any at all, for the past 25 years. So maybe it's been a little less than 25 years but I tend to say I've been doing everything for 25 years since I was already drinking & smoking weed at 12 & 13 & by 15 and 16 I started using cocaine, xtc, crank, shrooms, etc..

I finally quit meth again like over a year ago & have maybe had 2 slip ups since, but for the most part I'm alright & can even say no to it at this point, because I don't like the way it makes me feel. Even just a tiny buzz from it fills me with regret at this point because I know exactly how it's going to go down. It's just not my drug of choice really. It took me a long time to finally come to this conclusion though, a very long time some would say. But some never come to this conclusion or quit at all.
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I have honestly been considering doing heroin since it’s a downer. But I’m scared because of the risk of overdosing. What was your longest stretch of sobriety in your 25 year meth battle?
Piggy backing on what @DeathIndustrial88 said, please don’t turn to heroin to aid with come downs. Trust me I know all too well the efficacy of “heroin” for coming down from speed.

It definitely works but too well. And most of not all the heroin in my area is fentanyl. I haven’t seen heroin in ages. And I mean since like 2015. Anyway, I used fent for about a week to come down from speed before I went to inpatient treatment and Inwas using very small amounts AND I wasn’t IVing or IMing it. I thought I was being safe just using little tiny bumps. It worked for a few days but the last day I woke up in the hospital.

Usually I wait for my wife to go to work before I would take a bump well this time I got impatient and luckily so, because she was on her way out the door when she said she heard my body hit the ground. If I’d had waited like I normally did, I’d be dead for real right now.

There really is NO way to use fent safely. Stick with benzos if you can’t just ride out the come down. Benzos or if weed helps you use that. Stay away from alcohol and “heroin”. Just my advice man…

Even real kava can help with comedowns.
Yeah I’m too scared of fentanyl and the way it’s laced into a lot of drugs. I’m lucky I haven’t smoked any meth laced with fentanyl. I never overdosed in my life. But trust me I tried to smoke meth to OD and never could. Now my tolerance is through the roof because I haven’t stopped since my last relapse. I lose control of my emotions. To think that suicide is ok with me now is a very bad thing. And it’s only a bad memory and a drunken blackout away.
Sounds like a combo that would work.

Using weed alone for this should you ever run out of the gabapentin I would question though.

There’s a good amount of science concluding weed increases a persons chance for heart attack both acutely and over long term use.

I would not say it calms the heart. It can definitely calm one’s mind which can have a downstream effect on things like anxiety and heart rate.
I have honestly been considering doing heroin since it’s a downer. But I’m scared because of the risk of overdosing. What was your longest stretch of sobriety in your 25 year meth battle?
Long term lurker here. The time to do heroin is long gone none of its real anymore. I'd say like 2015ish was the tail end of when you knew that you were getting heroin and not fent. Even in 2015 it was like russian roulette when grabbing a bag, gonna sound like a boomer but i remember when something being cut with fent was something your dealer would gas up lol.
OP that is definitely some good landing gear for a crash, besides the alcohol I've use both gabapentin and weed A LOT in my crashes. If I'm like ovweramped and need to relax I'll take 10mg of haloperidol, which I'm prescribed for bipolar disorder but only take at the first sign of a episode. It's a potent ass antipsychotic. It's what they give you a boothot of if you ever go crazy and need to go to the psych ward. It makes all your thoughts super slow and sluggish and foggy. Before you know you just pass out without warning.

Shot acting benzos like alprazolam are amongst the best choices for landing gear because they're high is pure relaxation, so it's a godsend when you're stimmeed and can't sleep.

Another one I've used in a pinch is Seroquel, which is good for helping you get sleepy and makes you hungry af.
Sounds fun.

But can’t we just soak ourselves down in gasoline then strike a match on each other?

I mean, it’d be quicker. Just sayin
I have honestly been considering doing heroin since it’s a downer. But I’m scared because of the risk of overdosing. What was your longest stretch of sobriety in your 25 year meth battle?
Used this quote from "Party Monster" in another recent post:

"Your drug use is becoming indiscriminate"
- "I won't smoke crack without heroin!"

On the real, I wouldn't do that unless you already have a good amount of experience with heroin and you know where your tolerance is at. It can drop quickly if you haven't been using any opiates.
Piggy backing on what @DeathIndustrial88 said, please don’t turn to heroin to aid with come downs. Trust me I know all too well the efficacy of “heroin” for coming down from speed.

It definitely works but too well. And most of not all the heroin in my area is fentanyl. I haven’t seen heroin in ages. And I mean since like 2015. Anyway, I used fent for about a week to come down from speed before I went to inpatient treatment and Inwas using very small amounts AND I wasn’t IVing or IMing it. I thought I was being safe just using little tiny bumps. It worked for a few days but the last day I woke up in the hospital.

Usually I wait for my wife to go to work before I would take a bump well this time I got impatient and luckily so, because she was on her way out the door when she said she heard my body hit the ground. If I’d had waited like I normally did, I’d be dead for real right now.

There really is NO way to use fent safely. Stick with benzos if you can’t just ride out the come down. Benzos or if weed helps you use that. Stay away from alcohol and “heroin”. Just my advice man…

Even real kava can help with comedowns.
It's all I can get right now. My usual source for op 40's is out til December 12th. I've been using tiny amounts, but I still can't help but worry that one of the pills might be crazy strong. It literally has come down to take the blues or get sick. Guess I'll have to if I don't want to get sick. It's sucks, but its a risk I'm willing to take. I just want my op's. At least I know how strong THOSE are.
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It's all I can get right now. My usual source for op 40's is out til December 12th. I've been using tiny amounts, but I still can't help but worry that one of the pills might be crazy strong. It literally has come down to take the blues or get sick. Guess I'll have to if I don't want to get sick. It's sucks, but its a risk I'm willing to take. I just want my op's. At least I know how strong THOSE are.
Maybe it’s time to move onto other things. I know I know. I’m an opiate junky at heart but I gave it up when fent hit. I dabbled a time or two but it just never ends pretty and I mean it just doesn’t, not for anyone. There’s a reason you don’t see any 80 year old heroin addicts. And that’s heroin. Fent wasn’t a thing during their time.

And fent is just such a blah opiate imo. Kinda flat.

I would suggest, finding a different class of drugs to enjoy and getting off the bs. If you’re going to play with opiates, at least have some strict rules that are non negotiable you set for yourself, if you can abide by them. And if not ditch them. Not doing fent should be the 1st rule on that list, but I can’t set them for you. You have to do that for yourself.

You should be scared so I’m glad you are, but you should be even more scared than you are. Seriously, you really really should.

That next one might very well be your lasts I never believed it would happen to me either. “Im just doing little bumps here and there, how can it happen to me? Im safe with it”.

And I still was seconds away from losing my life and am so glad I woke up in the hospital…multiple times. Yeah, because it took me multiple times to learn.

Im saying this out of care and love and I don’t mean to sound harsh if I do. Too many of us die from this shit when it didn’t have to be like that.

I don’t know what else to say. I’m just thinking of a friend I lost that may never have done “heroin” if it wasn’t for me being around. I never got it for her, but my friends did behind my back…and I should have tried to stop it before she died, but should woulda could as ya know.

Sometimes it’s better to just be sick and go thru it if no other choice. Maybe get some subs?
Maybe it’s time to move onto other things. I know I know. I’m an opiate junky at heart but I gave it up when fent hit. I dabbled a time or two but it just never ends pretty and I mean it just doesn’t, not for anyone. There’s a reason you don’t see any 80 year old heroin addicts. And that’s heroin. Fent wasn’t a thing during their time.

And fent is just such a blah opiate imo. Kinda flat.

I would suggest, finding a different class of drugs to enjoy and getting off the bs. If you’re going to play with opiates, at least have some strict rules that are non negotiable you set for yourself, if you can abide by them. And if not ditch them. Not doing fent should be the 1st rule on that list, but I can’t set them for you. You have to do that for yourself.

You should be scared so I’m glad you are, but you should be even more scared than you are. Seriously, you really really should.

That next one might very well be your lasts I never believed it would happen to me either. “Im just doing little bumps here and there, how can it happen to me? Im safe with it”.

And I still was seconds away from losing my life and am so glad I woke up in the hospital…multiple times. Yeah, because it took me multiple times to learn.

Im saying this out of care and love and I don’t mean to sound harsh if I do. Too many of us die from this shit when it didn’t have to be like that.

I don’t know what else to say. I’m just thinking of a friend I lost that may never have done “heroin” if it wasn’t for me being around. I never got it for her, but my friends did behind my back…and I should have tried to stop it before she died, but should woulda could as ya know.

Sometimes it’s better to just be sick and go thru it if no other choice. Maybe get some subs?
I've been smoking them, starting with 1/4 of the pill to test out the strength. I know I can handle a 100mcg patch, but you never know with these. That alone scares the shit out of me wanting to smoke more than what is absolutely necessary to avoid withdrawal. So I've mostly been smoking as little as possible to keep the big sick at bay til the op's are back and slowly taper myself off of those. After all, I'd rather kick oxy than fentanyl. Those blue pills are a dirty high anyway.
I have honestly been considering doing heroin since it’s a downer. But I’m scared because of the risk of overdosing. What was your longest stretch of sobriety in your 25 year meth battle?
It’s not even the risk what sucks is it feels so fucking good you can’t stop until you’re physically addicted, needing a fix or you get sick as fuck. Impossible to function for long with a silverback on your back
Heroin has been the only drug that i could use to avoid comedowns from several day stimulant binges….im over a year without using heroin so i find that benzos, alcohol and weed really does help but you still have a comedown…