I feel SOOO good!!!!


Dec 29, 1999
flaming, and bashing, and all of that fun stuff aside, Im feelin GREAT these days!
it's been nearly two months since I stopped "meeting with the white devil" and I must say, I feel FAN-BLOODY-TASTIC!! Best thing I have ever done.
Not that I used it every day or anything.. myabe only one time in two weeks.... and I'm sure you all need to know this...
HOWEVER, I have started eating better again, I have more energy, I don't feel SICK, I can SLEEP at night (well, sometimes) I dance more, and have more endurance (for dancing dirty birds).
maybe I'm making a mountian out of a molehill... and perhaps placebo effect has something to do with it... But I realy don't care.
I am so proud of myself that I just have to scream. and here seemed a more appropriate place than say... at home... or with my non-drug friends...
thanks fer yer ears, and PLUR!
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Uh kay, I feel stupid for asking, but... is 'the white devil' ecstacy? Or coke or somethin? Never heard the term.
But that's besides the point, because *whatever* you're successfully staying away from, congrats 'bout it.

Two months seems like forever... I've abstained from rolling since New Years... Fuck, how many days is that? Less than it feels like, surely. Ugh I suck at math, let's get the calander up... grr not volume, calander, stupid mouse grumble mutter...
Oh duh, since new years is the first, then all I have to do is look at the date and know....
Ten days. Um. Only TEN DAYS?!? Well... shit.
Anyway, two months away from whatever-it-is, yer like... a fucking superhero or something.
Okay no, I am just lame and weak-willed. But holding out still! So... congrats to both of us.

~*~ Ashke ~*~
Stepper69...I hate to break this to you but this thread wasn't about you.
oh, no, I am still doing E. and since when is E consistantly white? hehe
yeas, it's COKE... and thanks ashke... I apreciate your noticing.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Big ol' hankin' mad props to ya, Paradox
. That's so great. I don't know ya, but I can still be proud, right?

Stepper69...I thought you were leaving this thread and bluelight.
No hard feelings mate but like mona said, you're losing a lot of credibility here.
Madd Fucking PROPS to ya PaRaDoX

Thats is great thing to be able to restrain from something and now you are reeping the benifits fo that restraint.
One day i will do that too LOL......
but its soooo dam hard LOL
Peace to yaz bro............RuRu
thanks for the support guys! I totaly needed to hear it.
yer the best. At this rate, you guys will have me flying all over the country becasue I have to MEET every single ONE of you.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Good to hear it
. Some have told me coke is not as bad as it sounds, but I don't want to gamble. But it's good to know u r feeling A-0K.

I have not rolled in six weeks. I still feel better than I was before rolling. I've gone clubbing sober, and can still get into the music and environment. The six weeks was sort of enforced, since I was home from school part of the time and my parents had moved to a new area and I didn't know anyone. I had E with me, but the urge to do it was not there, probably since the people I roll with were elsewhere in the world...So for me, E did have a permanent effect, and I guess the six week break gave my brain a break so to speak. Not to say I've quit. I go back to Miami Friday and plan on getting together with my friends...

Anyhow, great to know someone is feeling up
definite congrats PaRaDoX!!!!
i've managed to stay away for 6 years now and everytime i think about it i just feel like patting myself on the back.... as a matter of fact... ahhh that felt good... but i definetly have to say e does have a great impact on not wanting to return to ugly bad habits!!!! good luck if you have the power to stay away for 2 months then you have the power to stay away forever!!!!
Right on, PaRaDoX, get that monkey off your back, don't let it control you. There's no drug that can substitute for juice, carbos, kind food, and herbs. Eat well, treat your body right, and find your balance. Once you find your center, nothing can knock you off. Thanks for the email, i appreciate it. We are not alone in this world.
just thought i'd add my name to the list of people congratulating you.
first private amends and now public ones. . . the bluelight circle of life

[This message has been edited by Enerbunny (edited 11 January 2000).]
Now I feel better cause somebody else feels good. Other peoples good feeling fuels my own, thanks. I'm in the mood for a party, how long till the weekend???
- Goose
IMOKRUOK - Roll On Roll Off
thank you, to all of you. and I realy mean it. It makes me feel realy good to know that other people care... even if I don't know them.
Liquidocean: I have been in search of my "center" for a realy long time. There have been many occasions when I thought I had found it, but in fact hadn't. I defenately think I am closer than ever...
Brand-x: PLUR!
Ashke: you rock gurl!
Loupy: of course you can. and I appreciate it
RuRu: as you would say:

Pod: if you want my advise... stay AWAY from that evil bitch godess... it's not that bad... but easy to get lost in it.
Raverdaoll: mad props to you too!! keep it up, I know I will!!!
Enerbunny: thanks sistah
goose: glad I could bring ya "up"! You sure did fer me.
Keep it up all of you guys, yer the best!!!
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Good for you. I'm glad that someone on this board is happy, and you deserve it.
- kisses, flux
wow...2 months displays will-power and you are KICKIN' it, PaRaDoX!!! I've been on an E break for 2 weeks and I thought I had something to be happy about..(well, i do..) but 2 months! that is cool...here is to many more months to come