Hopeless I cant imagine a life without drugs


Jun 21, 2018
After suffering nerve damage and drop foot from the side effects of illicit fentanyl (fell asleep standing up) I threw my hands up and said "that's it, I'm done." I can't imagine ever being happy without it though, especially if my feet don't heal (the neurologist thinks they will but we need testing to know for sure)

I could go on and on but I'll keep it short
After suffering nerve damage and drop foot from the side effects of illicit fentanyl (fell asleep standing up) I threw my hands up and said "that's it, I'm done." I can't imagine ever being happy without it though, especially if my feet don't heal (the neurologist thinks they will but we need testing to know for sure)

I could go on and on but I'll keep it short
Damn man, well I know you can't imagine it now, but you absolutely can be happy without dope. It'll take some time and some work, but you can do it.
I am not a poster boy for happy sober life but what I try to do is tell to myself : "I will not use today and tomorrow". Then I try to repeat that as many times as I can. If I fail I pick myself up and start again. Looking too much in the future serves devil a notice and life will lay traps much more than by going one day at a time. At least that is how it seems to me. Do you think that you could be happy for one day with no drugs for mood lift? Do you even want that? If you do, try to imagine being happy for one day without using. I hope it gets easier. :) 💜
Damn man, well I know you can't imagine it now, but you absolutely can be happy without dope. It'll take some time and some work, but you can do it.
Sounds like he's passed the point of trying to be happy, closing in on solid rock bottom where you either decide to stop digging or someone else digs the last few feet for you. Sorry if this sounds bleak.
After suffering nerve damage and drop foot from the side effects of illicit fentanyl (fell asleep standing up) I threw my hands up and said "that's it, I'm done." I can't imagine ever being happy without it though, especially if my feet don't heal (the neurologist thinks they will but we need testing to know for sure)

I could go on and on but I'll keep it short
I feel you on not being able to imagine life without drugs. That's where I am stuck right now. I always feel so fucking alone because of my mental health problems and using is the only thing that stops that. Creates tons of fun, new mental problems though. What a trade off.

I've been trying to get clean since April and I keep failing. I'm high as a kite right now. I'm not even enjoying being high, I'm just glad that I don't feel so alone at the moment.
I had one I was content with even motivated to live for five years without any I know what is possible if I stop hope you find a reason for you and stick to it not just drift away on the bubbling illusory sea of hedonistic intoxicating at least for me there are side effects I disdain and knowit dwarfs my potential
Sounds like he's passed the point of trying to be happy, closing in on solid rock bottom where you either decide to stop digging or someone else digs the last few feet for you. Sorry if this sounds bleak.
What makes you think he's hit rock bottom?
Technically nearly every thing people enjoy is possibly a drug. Therefore the mental attitude that "one should not have drug problems/addictions" is inherently wrong.

Healthy life usually includes some kind of drug use. I will never be fully sober. That is for sure. I rather die than stop drugs. BUT, the key word is BALANCE.
BUT, the key word is BALANCE.

Exactly, everything in moderation! Including moderation, lol!

That's my favorite part in James Hilton's "Lost Horizon", when the Tibetan dude is teaching about the importance of moderation. Saying to the visitors, you'll like our women cuz they practice moderation in all things, including their chastity lol
Would anybody care to offer a simple definition of the word DRUG ?

Be sure to include:

NACl, KCl, Ascorbic acid, Thiamine, glucose, essential amino acids, countless essential elements, trace minerals, Cholecalciferol, tocopherols & nutrients like DHA, and 3,6,9-Omega fatty acids ...
Come on dude, now you're just being obtuse on purpose.
Everyone’s rock bottom looks different, for one person it can be something such as just losing their job, and for another it could be losing everything and everyone they’ve ever cared about. I’m one of those people that watched their addiction take everything and everyone away from them, and have felt this exact same way before. You gotta try your hardest to stay positive, and I’m sure using while waiting to hear back about your feet if anything could make things worse if it happened again. I’m not here to judge anyone, because I know I’m no better then the next guy but I’d like to see everyone so whatever it is that makes them truly happy in life. Even if that’s using then I’d just ask that you be safe as possible, I’ve lost countless friends to addiction, between prison and ODs, and I’ve even lost my brother. I hate hearing about people passing from ODs because I know how it feels when it’s a loved one, and all I can do is think of the pain that persons family is feeling.
I will admit 100% sober is something I have not been since I found drugs.

I am not old by any means but have been in the drug game for 15 years now. My advice is these releases in this order:

1) Exercise
2) Sex and or masturbation
3) Weed
4) Kratom use (in moderation)
5) Booze (in moderation but if this is a problem drug for you then no).

I still have times where I take opiate's or benzos or do stims, but for the most part try to coast on the above.

A long time ago someone on BL posted something along the lines of if every time people got the urge to do a hard drug they rubbed one out, went on a walk, and hit some weed drug dealers would be making a lot less money. I don't know if I agree with that entirely as I still score harder drugs but I do feel that advice has kept some of my worst urges at bay.

I think a lot of BLs as they get older settle in on the Weed + Kratom + Booze + every now and then something a bit more devious approach to drug use.

@OP what is drop foot?
Drop foot is where you drag your feet/heels when you walk. I had it for a while - comes and goes with me.

OP: I know the prospect of living life without drugs looks grim but I promise this will change. I'm about two weeks away from dope and I still feel like complete crap but I've quit before and I know that the psychological part can be very difficult but its just a matter of waiting it out. It can take a week or two after the initial withdrawals (sometimes even a couple of weeks depending on how heavy a habit you had and how long you were using) until your endorphins/neurochemistry/natural happy chemicals level out. Just know that the feeling of dispair will definitely go away eventually.

How is your sleep? I find that when my sleep starts improving that's when my mood begins to get better, and the quickest way to normalise your sleeping patterns is to get plenty of exercise which in itself will improve your mood.
As much as I scheme and try often highly unethically I don't seem able to have a life with drugs