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Opioids I can't feel it anymore! (Methadone ?)

But if you take a double-dose today (by usings sundays) aren't you going to spend the whole of tommorrow feeling like shit?
But if you take a double-dose today (by usings sundays) aren't you going to spend the whole of tommorrow feeling like shit?

Yeah, that's what I thought too. But I asked thelung earlier and he said his doses hold him off for 48 hours... my dose barely holds me off for 20-24 hours... heh.
But if you take a double-dose today (by usings sundays) aren't you going to spend the whole of tommorrow feeling like shit?

no way. I've been on MMT off and on for a while. i'll be just fine all through tomorrow. shit i wouldn't start gettin sick for at least 3 days....
I have been on Methadone for 6-7 years I think the problem is that you take the same dose everyday,I take 70mgs in am and 60 in pm thats what I'm prescribed but some days I only take 70mg,and other 140mg I think the steady dose is keeping you from feeling the high Methadone gives a lot of people will try and say methadone won't get you high but you,and I know different,I suggest taking your does down to 120 then 100 within 2 weeks then try 150 every so often.
Yeah i could try the split dosing thing... I think at my clinic you have to have one of those peak and trough tests and have to have a certain score or whatever to be eligible for it ...i dunno much abuot it. I would like to have monthly carrys so i can choose when i take my methadone...maybe take a few days off like you said, or take less for a while then more. I really wish my clinic offered wafers (40mg dispersable diskettes) to people with a large # of carrys (ie monthlys), but they don't, its all still the liquid concentrate bottled up in little glass bottles. pisses me off....oh well such is life i suppose :)
These are the kind of threads that make me wish I could still consider using pot recreationally. No interactions and the last time I tried it (hate it! panic attacks now, despite previously being a daily user), I was quite intoxicated!

But it seems the poisons once utilized are the mainstay of the everyday junkie.
dont wanna sound like a big downer or party pooper cuz hey i like to get high or i did and i still like the feeling but the consequences sometimes suck ,

i was not gonna post anything until i saw about people saying using benzo's, i will just give you my experience not sure what will happen to you,

i had been on and of methadone for like five yrs i guess and i really fucking hated it honestly i did, but i tried every possible way i could to get high and they all backfired
here are some of the dumb mistakes i made

1. saving my takehomes and thenm doubling up on my dose, this resulted in being sick for a day or so and also when i went back to normal dose felt cheated and wanted more all the time,
2. increasing my dose, and as you know at the clinics they give you increases like once a mth or something and only ten mgs at a time after you hit a hundred mgs, (my clinic anyway) so no matter how high you go up, your tolerance rises with it god i was on almost two hundred mgs when i got of it,
3. stupidest thing i have done on done was try to actually get high on dope while on over a hundred and fifty mgs, lol i was an idiot but told myself i would get a rush etc, dont know how i am still alive honestly putting like eight bags in cooker
4.cocaine god this was hell when i started doing this with done i went nuts, was never a speed or coke freak but gawd needed the needle and needed to feel something so i said, this insane habit turned into me getting kicked of first clinic and pretty much loosing my children to this d
5. my biggest downfall of all times, benzo's i thought i found the perfect drug lol was i wrong, i did the most insane things on this, shoplifted constantly without caring, totally thought i was invisible hehe and i am a tall girl with jet black hair like i was invisible, started getting sick without them got a habit with benzo's and methadone never thought i would find a way out, i did many many fucked up things on this combination and i am really ashamed when i think of it

this ended in me loosing my children, family disowning me, husband leaving me, loosing what little bit of sanity i did have, and actually falling of a thirty foot cliff or jumping dont really remember, but i didnt walk for almost five yrs, still dont have a joint in right ankle ( i used to be a dance teacher btw) i can walk now but i limp and i cant do what i used to anymore was told three times would never walk again, almost getting amputation , getting arrested in pa (where they dont give methadone or benzo's for withdrawal) and kicking cold turkey in there

i am so sorry this is a long story and if it needs to get deleted it is cool but i felt the need to share my experiences with methadone and wanting to get high,

then loosing my best friend to benzo's and methadone, she went to jail for a mth got out and could not get back on cliinc so she ended up buying benzo's herself and on new yrs eve waking up and drinking her bf's dose (he was on two hundred mgs) her tolerance went down and she never really thought of the consequences of benzo's and methadone together, and i known her along time she was no piker this girl could shoot more heroin than most men i knew, seen her over dose a few times on heroin but she would always come out of it, her boyfriend rolled her over next morning to kiss her and say happy new yrs but she was dead

i am no goodie goodie by any means but mixing methadone with other drugs scares the fuck out of me and i did alot of drugs for a long time,

i hated jail and dtoxing cold turkey not sleeping for a mth almost loosing twenty five pds first ten days in jail from throwing up but i got of the shit, i am not telling anyone to get of methadone just feel so strongly that i need to tell my story about methadone and benzo's and other things i did to just get a little high on done,

i am on suboxone now and grateful to be on it and i did end up for a while going back to benzo's and i thank god i was able to find some people in blue light and internet who helped me get of them ,

you have been on methadone long enough to know about this i am sure, but i know for me when i wanted to get high i didnt use common sense whatsoever, the best suggestion i could give you is start to wean down and maybe for a while you could end up enjoying beeing a little more clearheaded,

like i said i am sorry if i wasnt much help and i know this is super long, so if you all need or want to delete it i wont get my feelings hurt, but once i started typing about this i couldnt stop i guess i just needed to rant a little bit sorry and op goodluck

2. increasing my dose, and as you know at the clinics they give you increases like once a mth or something and only ten mgs at a time after you hit a hundred mgs, (my clinic anyway) so no matter how high you go up, your tolerance rises with it god i was on almost two hundred mgs when i got of it,

You were on 200mg of methadone - when you CAME OFF of it?! 8o

Holy fuck.

How was that?
jail in pa where i went to jail they do not give methadone or anything else


So they make you WD cold turkey - no matter if you are on a script or not, and regardless of what dose you are on?

Clucking off 200mg methadone must have been absolutely brutal.

In the UK, at the very least you will get a 14 day methadone detox.

Recently, a group of addicts took the prison to european court, as they did not get there methadone. The court rules in their favour and said it amounted to TORTURE. They received close to a million quid.
IF you are on methadone treatment for opiate WD over three years ago, and are still on the methadone, you probably shouldnt be looking for an opiate related high anymore sir =(

Have you met my little friend Mary Jane?
we' ll jails are notoriously harsh in pa but some of them are now giving methadone, but of course i was not a lucky one, it was harsh to come of that much but i wont lie i am so glad i did get of, i hated methadone just me personally i felt married to this drug more than anything i ever was before, but i didnt sleep almost for a mth, and alot of the girls in county with me thought i was a mental health patient for the first mth since i just sat and rocked all day long, and walked back and forth in my cell few cellies i had asked to move cuz they thought i was crazy
What jail if you dont mind? I'm been to North Philly jail once and it was horrible kicking dope there. Ive never been on methadone so not sure if they give that there, but if I had to guess considering all the other crap that i seen there probally not... I too am on suboxone now and am a lot better off.
yeah i live in a real small county pottsville and the jail i was in is scuylkill county prison, but just for the record there are some jails in pa that do give methadone, like reading and i think allentown, gotta give you props for not using and living in philly keep it up ashla
But if you take a double-dose today (by usings sundays) aren't you going to spend the whole of tommorrow feeling like shit?

swim sometimes does this. he doubles up on pick up days and usually ends up short. it gradually leads to a cycle of depression, mild hydrophobia w/ resulting neglect of personal hygeine, random emotional hypersensitivity, crying, and other mild physical effects on 'short' days. (such as increased saliva production, loss of appetite, sweats/temperature swings, motivation loss)

doubling up is a dumb thing to do, but even smart people do it. firstly, it can really piss certain doctors off. secondly, while it might seem like a great idea the first few 'eleventy' times, it will catch up with you. eventually, you will have x tolerance but only y medication, and sunday won't EVER come SOON enough.
so i doubled up on saturday, and while it didn't really get me high or anything, i sure as heck wasn't "sick" on sunday. felt just fine actually. I don't see how this is a "dumb" thing to do at all. the doc won't know, i don't do it every week (sometimes i sell the dose, sometimes i take it as directed on sunday)
^ A lot of people sell their Saturday/Sunday dose here in the UK.

100ml goes for the same price as a bag of smack.

In the city I used to live, it was a well-known "thing" that if you wanted to buy meth - you just had to wait out side "X" pharmacy at 9am friday and saturday.
huh.... i'm on 25 mg of methadone..and i CAN feel other opiates. But if your taking more than 30mg of methadone, let alone 100's you are wasting your opiates/$ and endangering yourself. Not a recommendation, but combining methadone with benzos (Valium, xanax, and klonopin) will put a good number of people on the nod with a buzz.....but it's dangerous and many, many, many have died (OD) by using that combo.