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i am offended by gay marriage

I also don't believe in fictional books such as the bible. god is simply a myth and I feel sorry for anyone who believes in god. but maybe you should go to the philosophy forum for that. I'm here for sex, love, and relationships.... not for arguing with people about a fictional book.
I could not agree more. I don't understand why people can't just come up with their own concepts of God. There are a lot of good lessons written in the bible, I was raised Catholic and was very religious up until the day I turned fourteen and began thinking more outside of the box. I now believe in the powers of the universe. One consciousness.

How could someone base their entire belief system based off of a book written thousands of years ago a hundred times over? Please explain OP.
I'm offended by religious fanatics. And believe me, it takes a lot to offend me, I'm zen incarnate.

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Someone mentioned how you would determine who is married and who isn't without the state. The answers simple, let the government consider married any two people who wish to be so. And those of you who are Christians and don't recognize gay marriage can simply consider only the hetrosexual couples to be truly married in the eyes of god, and accept that the government is an agnostic institution completely disconnected from religion. Simple, and if everyone could just accept it that way everyone could be happy without forcing their will on eachother. Alas some people are so blinded they won't budge in the slightest.

Personally I don't think god gave us a brain, a mind, and curiosity, with an expectation that we won't use it.
Btw threads like this make me proud to be a member of this community (on many levels). I like you guys, including OP, even if he offends me - at least he's asking for different opinions which proves some level of openness.

OP you state that as your are a Christian this offends you - but your happy to be using heroin, does that not cause you more personal conflict with your god than what somebody else is doing?

The bible is against h? Like specifically? Does it say anything about opium poppy or drugs in general? Never read it yet, it's on my list (as the koran, thora etc.) but who has the time...
Btw threads like this make me proud to be a member of this community (on many levels). I like you guys, including OP, even if he offends me - at least he's asking for different opinions which proves some level of openness.


The bible is against h? Like specifically? Does it say anything about opium poppy or drugs in general? Never read it yet, it's on my list (as the koran, thora etc.) but who has the time...

Probably :D It does talk about MJ and briefly mention other drugs as sorcery (drug use in general). My point was the OP thinks that the act of others is offensive to her religion yet she is comfortable with her own lifestyle as a drug user. Yet Christians are all required to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us, regardless of our national identity - Im sure shooting up bag after bag of H contradicts this.

The same thing about sorcery also talks about fortune tellers - should we ban them from getting married and having kids also ?
Id say banning so called psychics from having children would be far more beneficial than banning gays.

Every self proclaimed psychic I've ever met was a complete moron.
this was taken from the Matt Walsh blog-

"So look around you: we have become the first civilization in history to pretend that two homosexuals living together are married, that a man in a dress is a woman, that a baby in the womb isn’t a person. You think this doesn’t hurt you? The foundation of civilized human culture has been pulled from underneath you and you think you aren’t personally impacted by it?"
You should probably keep these sort of opinions to yourself OP. Soon they will be the equivalent to modern day racism. I would put them at the same level in terms of immorality. It's really quite shameful. Please change your mind.

This kind of thinking and social mentality worries me to be honest. Whilst I don't agree with the religious angle the OP comes from in regards to gay marriage, I do not agree with gay marriage and I'm in the secular camp. I do think the time is approaching when this will all become another topic deemed beyond discussion because it's (apparently) offensive to discuss it and have a differing opinion from the mainstream agreement.
Gay marriage is believed to have existed during the ming dynasty in china hundreds of years ago. So that's horseshit.

And regardless, fuck the history of civilization. As a woman, you fucking bet I think things are better now than most any time in history. Just because it's new to society doesn't make it bad, and tradition isn't good by virtue of it being tradition.

The history of civilized human culture is anything but civilized.

I'm pretty sure that women's rights don't hurt me, is that also pulling the foundation of civilized society from underneath me?

Fuck that.

Having a differing opinion is fine, and I support your right to discuss it with anyone willing, and those it offends can either not participate or voice their opposition. But you certainly have no right to be popular for your minority view points, I have minority viewpoints too and I have no expectation of people liking me.

I don't believe people have a right not to be offended, but they do have a right to say your opinions retarded.
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Having a differing opinion is fine, and I support your right to discuss it with anyone willing, and those it offends can either not participate of voice their opposition. But you certainly have no right to be popular for your minority view points, I have minority viewpoints too and I have no expectation of people liking me.

If people want to disagree and hold differing viewpoints that's great. It's the labeling and public derision that's ridiculous. And this idea of popularity.. aka social democracy. Fuck that. I'd rather be in the minority holding an unpopular opinion that is potentially more aligned with the truth than in the majority holding a popular opinion out of conformity.
Is this topic actually serious? Do such close minded people still exist? Believe whatever you want, but why involve others?
If people want to disagree and hold differing viewpoints that's great. It's the labeling and public derision that's ridiculous. And this idea of popularity.. aka social democracy. Fuck that. I'd rather be in the minority holding an unpopular opinion that is potentially more aligned with the truth than in the majority holding a popular opinion out of conformity.

I entirely agree.

Ridiculous or not, they have a right to express their opinion, even if they do so poorly or with contempt and disrespect.

Is this topic actually serious? Do such close minded people still exist? Believe whatever you want, but why involve others?

Yes, they do. I entirely agree with gay marriage. But I have views of my own that would be wildly derided among the strongly progressive left leaning population. So I can appreciate how hard it can be to stand up for what you believe in even when almost everyone you know is against you. It sucks.
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look i have nothing at all against gay people you are who you are and thats the end of it but I am actually offended on the country's decision to legalize gay marriage. In the bible it states that the purpose of marriage is to PROCREATE so naturally as a christian a gay marriage goes against my moral beliefs. What about the adopted children who are going to be raised by 2 dads or 2 moms? Just thinking about that makes me cringe. It is no doubt that they will be given love which is great but a child needs a mother AND a father.

This is just how I feel personally on the matter and I feel it is relevant to this forum (it is called sex love and relationships right?). So I would like to know if theres anyone on here who agrees with me, or if you don't thats ok I still want to hear what others have to say.

I agree totally!
I actually think that a family should be bigger than just the parents and children. there should be a big immediate support net for children consisting of adults and peers (can be related but not necessarily). parents can be asshole sometimes. children who don't really interact with adults other than their parents might need somebody to tell them that adults and especially parents aren't infallible and sometimes completely stupid even. I personally don't want to raise children in a small flat only living with my partner. also the other way round, parents also need a rest sometimes, and wouldn't it be good if you live with people who you trust your children with, so you can have a relaxed and romantic evening out every once in a while?

in my opinion this standard model of family is a complete failure.

I agree with you on this one, Bagseed. I didn't mention it but that is perhaps something else that the kids from gay parents have going for them--a larger extended family that may include other gay parents that band together for mutual support, childless gay people that like children but don't have their own and take on sort of an aunt or uncle role. I was far away from extended family when I was raising my own kids and I always felt that so much was missing. Kids flourish with a broader spectrum of adults in their lives. Parents do better when they have support and can openly discuss the challenges with others, especially other generations. Young people need older people that are not their parents in their lives and our society makes no room for that. When I was young I lived in two different communes that included children for brief periods of my life . I used to long for something like that when I became a mother myself. I joined a community childcare coop, started a neighborhood dinner coop and took early childhood education classes that connected me to a larger group but not everyone has that available in their communities.
What of married couples who choose not to have children?
Mrsnow - how do you account for this contradiction in your logic? You use this as the basis of your opposition to gay marriage. The bible says marriage is for procreation yet not all married couples procreate. You need to respond to this or forever be ignored and dismissed as someone who lacks critical thinking skills.
Handy 30 Second Guide to how gay marriage affects you:

If You Are a Homosexual and Are Already Married:
If you had been lucky enough to live in a state that allowed gay marriage, the federal government already recognized your marriage as a thing, and you were eligible for tax, health, and pension benefits under federal law like any other married couple. Previously, if you had moved to another state that didn't recognize gay marriage, that state didn't have to recognize your marriage. Now, your marriage is recognized everywhere, the same as anyone else's.

If You Are a Homosexual and Want to Get Married:
Where before this came down to whether or not your state had legalized it, now you are free to do so regardless of which state you live in.

If You Are a Heterosexual and Do NOT Want to Enter into a Homosexual Marriage:
You will not be required to marry a gay person. This is a common misunderstanding. This decision actually does not affect you in any way.

If You Are Currently in a Heterosexual Marriage:
This decision does not affect you in any way.

If You Are a Heterosexual Who Is Not Currently Married:
This decision does not affect you in any way.

If You Are a Heterosexual Who Hopes to Eventually Marry:
This decision does not affect you in any way.

If You Are a Member of a Church That Performs Wedding Ceremonies but That Does Not Believe in Gay Marriage:
This decision does not affect you in any way.

If You Are a Religious Official Who Performs Wedding Ceremonies but Who Thinks Gay Marriage Is Wrong:
This decision does not affect you in any way.

If You Are an Individual Who Believes Gay Marriage or Homosexuality in General Is Wrong for Religious Reasons, and Wish to Continue Expressing Those Beliefs:
This decision does not affect you in any way.

If You Are an Individual Who Believes Gay Marriage or Homosexuality in General Is Wrong for Non-Religious Reasons, and Wish to Continue Expressing Those Beliefs:
This decision does not affect you in any way.

If You Are a Heterosexual Who Fears This Decision Adversely Affects Your Marriage or the Concept of Marriage in General:
This decision does not affect you in any way.

If You Are a Heterosexual Who Fears This Decision Negatively Affects You in Some Way:
This decision does not affect you in any way.

If You Are a Heterosexual Who Suffers Anger or Anxiety at the Thought of Gay Couples Getting Married as an Abstract Concept, and Believes the Only Cure Is to Legally Prevent Gay Marriage:
This decision will cause you some degree of anger or anxiety. Otherwise, this decision does not affect you in any way.

Hope this helps!
Handy 30 Second Guide to how gay marriage affects you:

What effects me most is the simple things that straight couple take for granted - being able to visit my husband in hospital outside visiting hours, being able to express his wishes if he dies, being able to just hold his hand in the street, being able to give him a kiss in public etc.

I hate the notion of 'Gay' this that or the other.

Forget the sexuality of a person - its marriage. I do not want a gay marriage.

Baby steps though
If You Are a Heterosexual Who Suffers Anger or Anxiety at the Thought of Gay Couples Getting Married as an Abstract Concept,

This is what pisses me off. Straight people taking offence at abstract concepts and not realizing how their opinions can be offensive to real people in real situations. There's plenty of talk in this thread, bullshit talk, about children needing a mother and a father. I have a sister-in-law who is a lesbian and brings up a child with her ex-partner (yes, ex-partner, yes, another woman, get used to it). This child is the most well adjusted 11 year old I know, clever, charming, helpful - a credit to any parent.

Your ideas of denying that reality for my niece is the most offensive thing in the world to me. My niece is real, not some abstract concept you're getting on your high horse about because of some fairy tale rules in a book that's been abused of any true moral purpose for 2,000 years.