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I am more stoned than you will ever be!

He should be fine; wont be the most active for at least 20 hours though, lol
I hope you're satisfied now that the only thing thing that can happen to the average normal person while 'over dosing' on edibles is being conked out.
I just made some edibles last week and don't have a clue about dosages but I decarboxylated it? If that's how you spell it sorry? I put in a quarter lol and the butter was about 3/4 of a block of butter (UK oldskool butter in paper wrap)
I was baked but I thought I would be more as in hallucinating but I do have a high tolerance. I ended up just swallowing butter (I know 🤮😂) and I just sort of tuned in to mario. I've not had edibles for a while and I just think it's weird how I can never hallucinate but maybe I'm just rubbish at making them. I am very precise though 😐
If you've got a high tolerance you'd probably have to eat an absolute fuckload to get anywhere near hallucinating - can't say I've ever gotten any myself, I usually just pass out if I dose really high.
Never eaten any weed - I like the ability to control how stoned I am through smoking. I reckon if I ever have a proper edible dose it would hit me like an acid.

With my weed man being unavailable this last 2 weeks I finally ran out last Sunday and so decided to have a weed free weekend, something I have not done yet this year. I lasted until about luc -nchtime - as I only have one proper weed dealer being the shut in I am I have to occasionally utilize 2 other sources that are just not straightforward. In one case, one of the shotters who is actually prepared to drive out to me grows it constantly for himself and will let me buy some if he has enough, but only of course when I am doing a general shop with him. So, although he was not available when I called he did tell me he had just cut some down and would bring some over if I could wait until this evening so with nothing better to do and not 100% confident he would come anyway, I did a bit of housework, finding a single 2.5mg lorazepam tablet (a bonus as I only have clonazepam left at the mo) and watched the telle for most of the afternoon (I don't like wasting films unless I have some ganj).

19.30 he arrives which is past my bedtime really but I hit the rock first of course before eating some dinner (the stone was pretty good but I had not eaten a full meal since Thurs and I love Sunday dinners) after which I sat down, put LOD on on BB1 and had another couple of pipes, which was sound 'cos it was a really good episode. I then thought I would save the stone 'till morning, took the lorazepam skinned up, had a shot, got a plate ready and headed to bed to put an audiobook on. With the spliff being the last thing I had and the first one I had smoked in 7 days it had me happy as Larry for an hour before - now enjoying myself too much to sleep yet - I went and grabbed my bits and had the last pipe, resulting in this post.

So now we have caught up I am going to finish the 2nd cycle, as while I have a fat bud on me I have given most of the ganj to my old man to look after in case I cannot get any next week.

EDIT: 01:24 - having prepared a 2nd round, I took the 3 bags I have left and split it all in half, cooking up the first, plating up the second before rolling another doobster. With the first lot just having taken effect I am in Discoland for premature pensioners proper with the beetle still having a bit of unmelted scrumble on it despite having had just two 20 - 30 cm lines and the spliff to be even lit yet. Providing I don't use it overnight, I have enough ganj left on me for a potential wake and bake in the morning with a film. For all the issues I have I cannot complain of Monday Mornings of that nature.
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I was a contender last night. My mate built a ghetto bong out of a plastic bottle filled with water, where you burn the weed in a glass tube attached to the top, then let the water drain out and fill the bottle with smoke. Can take a huge amount in really fast. Knockout!

How's the weed in your area guys? It just keeps getting stronger every month here, honestly I'd like some weaker stuff so I can function on it :D

Stee: I don't like eating weed, it bloody ruins me even with small amounts and I end up in a coma lol
I just made some edibles last week and don't have a clue about dosages but I decarboxylated it? If that's how you spell it sorry? I put in a quarter lol and the butter was about 3/4 of a block of butter (UK oldskool butter in paper wrap)
I was baked but I thought I would be more as in hallucinating but I do have a high tolerance. I ended up just swallowing butter (I know 🤮😂) and I just sort of tuned in to mario. I've not had edibles for a while and I just think it's weird how I can never hallucinate but maybe I'm just rubbish at making them. I am very precise though 😐
I've never ever halucinated on 'hash oil'/decarboxylated weed/ edibles call it what you like depending on your prerparation method no matter which dosage I'd taken.

Try shrooms if you want to halucinate.
I've had Shrooms
edit: I need to wait to pick them

It's funny I was almost too baked after a smoke the other month after I'd had a tolerance break just for a few days I nearly whited FS lol.
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I was a contender last night. My mate built a ghetto bong out of a plastic bottle filled with water, where you burn the weed in a glass tube attached to the top, then let the water drain out and fill the bottle with smoke. Can take a huge amount in really fast. Knockout!

How's the weed in your area guys? It just keeps getting stronger every month here, honestly I'd like some weaker stuff so I can function on it :D
Call that a waterfall here or a fuckit an alternative to the bucket lol.
And it's nice and potent lol
Is it against the rules to compare prices in different areas? Just curious.
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I just made some edibles last week and don't have a clue about dosages but I decarboxylated it? If that's how you spell it sorry? I put in a quarter lol and the butter was about 3/4 of a block of butter (UK oldskool butter in paper wrap)
I was baked but I thought I would be more as in hallucinating but I do have a high tolerance. I ended up just swallowing butter (I know 🤮😂) and I just sort of tuned in to mario. I've not had edibles for a while and I just think it's weird how I can never hallucinate but maybe I'm just rubbish at making them. I am very precise though 😐
It's rare for me to hallucinate on edibles, but I have a rather high tolerance having eaten approx 500g of cannabutter made from wedding cake inside arious cookies, flapjacks, shots and other goodies this past five days

It does happen though; I know one guy who makes the strongest edibles ever and also can borderline outsmoke me and his cookies are pure evil - one of those bad boys and you are not doing shit for 30/40 hours and tripping for like 5 hours
Ok it is a bit jailbait but lol.. standard shiteyy 1.5-7 'score bags' ... 70 a Q isn't unusual I'm at 50 so not all bad what about yous?
£50's/q mates rates on decent quality mids (upper mids?) and £70/£80 for the (actual, real, unfuckingbelieveable quality ) cali imports, which I gather is a snip thesedays)

Also get beautiful quality hashish (£50/q) and home-made oils (£40/g) from old friend-in-the-hills, pure medicine, I'm blessed to have the contact tbh