I am feeling good, and then BOOM, horrible.


Jun 5, 2010
So, most of the time I feel quite good. I could feel better, but am really quite fine most of the time. However, lately these "episodes" have been coming over me, and I just don't understand them, and I can't remedy them. They don't last very long, and usually occur at night, only feeling better the next day. I could understand feelings of sadness or anger or anxiety, but these "episodes" have quite a different way about them. During one, I feel very uneasy, and often become irritable. I am tired and sluggish, and feel "stale" and unrefreshed. It really is malaise, but it can get quite uncomfortable. Today was probably the worst of this particular kind. I was out and about, and something aggravated me, I quickly became very uncomfortable and a feeling of despair came over me. I then had a series of hot flashes. I attempted to remedy the situation with 2 mg of Xanax, but this was not successful. You see I was at the movies with family, and an uncomfotable scene came on (one which would never bother me otherwise). I insisted we leave, came home and crawled into bed, then tried to reverse all of this with a good shower, again, unsuccessful. I fell asleep for 3 1/2 hours, and then awoke after having an uncomfortable dream, that very much felt like a disturbing nightmare, but had no real frightening aspects to it. This was about 2 1/2 hours ago I awoke, and still feel quite poor, but the internet, BL in particular, are helping. Of course it doesn't help I have to go to New York tomorrow, waking very early and gallavanting about town (I am in no mood). These feelings are really odd, I suppose they started a bit last night while I was enjoying some tramadol (I was asleep on and off, but not really nodding, and being aggravated, opiate users know how easy it is to get pissed off). But it was odd, because opioids have always made me feel good, and last night my euphoria was kind of killed, and replaced by this certain uneasiness. I didn't notice it this morning, really, but did have a brief crying spell which I reasoned to a sentimental gift. But, in all of this, the theme is discomfort and malaise, which is really quite trying, but not all that frequent. I'd like to get others' perspectives on this and these episodes. Thanks, Alex.
Are you eating and exercising properly? This can cause random dysphoria if you aren't keeping your body in top notch. :)

Otherwise, it sounds pretty odd to go from completely happy to upset unless you are already aware you're prone to frequent mood swings.

If something on your mind is disturbing you, it'll seem less horrible as time goes on. This is just from my own personal experience.
I thank you for a possible solution that I actually hadn't thought of before. I don't exercise, no, and my eating isn't horrible but isn't great.
At one time I was diagnosed as depressed, but this turned out to be the case - really I was not getting enough exercise, no smiling enough, spending time talking with people I am closest too, not eating regular meals or not getting enough sun %)

Even long walks, an hour or so of walking fast, can make a BIG difference. Same can be said for eating three proper meals a day (as much leafy green veggies as possible, although caloric intake period matters too).

The more you realize you're all good, assuming you are in fact all good (such as not engaging in antisocial behavior), you'll be all good! Funny how that works, huh? ;) I love the at times paradoxical wisdom of circular logic.