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Treatment Hypogonadism- will it recover?


Dec 10, 2022
So super uncomfortable topic, but it’s a real issue that probably doesn’t get talked about enough because it’s so uncomfortable to talk about. I’m certain more ppl are dealing with this then is ever talked about that use drugs.

Is there a way to reverse it? My doctor might be an idiot. I had concerns about being on adhd meds and didn’t want to because scared to death of losing my self control. And he knows my history but everyone in my life professional and medical was telling me to go on meds again and some insisted.

Yet he also told me my testosterone came back low 225 and everything else was fine. Well I figured I had low T because crazy drops in energy throughout the day and cognitive issues…and well I noticed my gonads are much smaller than they used to be. God this is so embarrassing to talk about. So now they are normal size but still like half as their original size. I’m being serious.

So idk why he didn’t treat testosterone first because it could have caused the symptoms…

Anyway, is there a way to reverse this? I haven’t took Benzedrex for over a month and won’t ever again. So that’s a start. I blame the Benzedrex. Think that shut is highly toxic in recreational doses when used chronically. And I used it for the majority of last year. I know shitty drug.

I’m terrified it’s going to continue because it’s not getting better. He said he will start me on T shots next week if I think I can afford them. Really???Doesn't insurance usually cover T when medically necessary?
Yes but it’s a slow hard process and you might not get back 100%. I researched how to naturally increase T and HGH through exercise and diet, then go hard at it. Reduce opiate and cannabis intake, reduce/eliminate other drugs and stay the course.

Propylhexedrine like other related stimulants is toxic to the testes via oxidation just like with neurotoxicity. So consuming antioxidants in various forms is important moving forward too.

Yes but it’s a slow hard process and you might not get back 100%. I researched how to naturally increase T and HGH through exercise and diet, then go hard at it. Reduce opiate and cannabis intake, reduce/eliminate other drugs and stay the course.

Propylhexedrine like other related stimulants is toxic to the testes via oxidation just like with neurotoxicity. So consuming antioxidants in various forms is important moving forward too.

Omg- so ALL Amps are toxic to the testes? And I just took 400mg adderall Wednesday fux…

That explains alot. Even more reason to push back when ppl try to shove adhd meds down my throat because I “need” them.

But i own it. I made the decision. Anyhow, thank you for the information and I will look into it.

I just hope it’s not cancer. I read somewhere cancer can cause it but I think it’s rare. Still the doctor didn’t even do a physical examination or even look. Which I didn’t press him at the time about cuz it’s kinda awkward but it’s medicine so idk…
Omg- so ALL Amps are toxic to the testes? And I just took 400mg adderall Wednesday fux…

That explains alot. Even more reason to push back when ppl try to shove adhd meds down my throat because I “need” them.

But i own it. I made the decision. Anyhow, thank you for the information and I will look into it.

I just hope it’s not cancer. I read somewhere cancer can cause it but I think it’s rare. Still the doctor didn’t even do a physical examination or even look. Which I didn’t press him at the time about cuz it’s kinda awkward but it’s medicine so idk…
Highly doubt it's cancer. Probably will ease up once you're off all stimulants. I'm not 100% sure on how much adderall affects your gonads' size but I'd say at least a bit.
I would weigh up the pros and cons of ADHD meds. Usually you'd be on them for a reason and most practitioners wouldn't want to take you off them if they are working for you. I don't know how much a T shot would be but could give it a go :)
Omg- so ALL Amps are toxic to the testes? And I just took 400mg adderall Wednesday fux…

That explains alot. Even more reason to push back when ppl try to shove adhd meds down my throat because I “need” them.

But i own it. I made the decision. Anyhow, thank you for the information and I will look into it.

I just hope it’s not cancer. I read somewhere cancer can cause it but I think it’s rare. Still the doctor didn’t even do a physical examination or even look. Which I didn’t press him at the time about cuz it’s kinda awkward but it’s medicine so idk…

Yea 400mg would definitely be in the “toxic oxidative stress” category of doses. Definitely gonna want to slow your roll on all amphetamines if you can.

Cancer can but it would be one more likely than not, not both.

Yea 400mg would definitely be in the “toxic oxidative stress” category of doses. Definitely gonna want to slow your roll on all amphetamines if you can.

Cancer can but it would be one more likely than not, not both.

Yeah Man I never intended to abuse them and I swore to myself I’d never let tgem
Prescribe me adhd meds again.

now im on day three binge but i guess I slowed it down some. First day I took 40 about next day three and today like 13-15 idk…normally I keep better tabs on
My dosing im being reckless…I did at least sleep a full 8 hours last night and I did and have been keeping up on nutrition and hydration but man so salty I let myself go back in meds when I was certain it was a bad idea