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Hypersensitivy To Pain - Relationship To THC


Dec 18, 2008
I must point this out since it has become quite bothersome, I've smoked weed for 13yrs so I have a tolerence. I've been in perfect health until a couple months ago I had a severe fracture on my knee. Since I have recovered with physiotheraphy & am not prescriped painkillers anymore (percs) so when there's nothing to numb my emotions, I can feel everything like normal. On a separte note, my mother was diagnosed with uterine cancer a few months prior to my accident she had her surgery. Her tests are showing the cancer is gone however she has major concerns/fear that it will come back/spread further & while reading everything a person can read about cancer she came across the bennefits of oral cannabis in invasive cancers of the cell, primarily motivated by Rick Simpson's studies with oil. My mother does not smoke weed nor has any desire to smoke/vaporise, however she is willing to ingest orally. Since I don't have the funds nor quanity to make the oil Rick Simpson recommends I got her gel caps containg high grade hashish oil/BHO/budder similar if not the same as the oil mentioned by Rick S.

My mother was the first to tell me when she took her oil capsule that she had INTENSE pain in the knee caps (both legs) whle laying in bed for the entire duration of the cannabis 4-6hrs. The pain absolutley would not go away, the only thing that helped was the fact that she was extremely sedated and could easily go to sleep through the pain (zero tolerence). My mother normally never has that kind of pain in her knees, for her there is always some pain due to her age and the degenerative factor/calcium, etc, however even in her most excruciating moments the pain she has is nothing that a Tylenol 3 can't take away. While on the oil she had pain that not even a bottle of pain killers could cure!

I attributed this to a random coincidence, however it happend to her again a few days later and the exact same thing happend; once the gel cap kicked in she was in excruciating pain like knives cutting through her knees! The pain lasted exactly for as long as the duration of the THC and afterward the 5-6hr period it was as if it never happend.

On to myself, after I got taken of percocet and stopped taking painkillers I noticed that when I would smoke weed/while high I would notice pain in my knee (the injured one) more so than when I wouldn't, certainly not to the degree my mother reported nor even to the degreee of a percocet but definatley more noticable than sober.

Is there any rationale explination to this reaction?

Is there anything to indicate THC/CBD increase hypersensitivity to pain related to rhumatism/osteoporosis/degenerative issues?

Any help/suggestions will be appreciated, thanks in advance!
As cannabis is a very psuchoactive drug it can intensify all feelings, those of pain too. I suffer from allodynia and smoking cannabis does not always help, many times it just increases my pain levels. If I am in a lot of pain I generally don't want to smoke because it doesn't provide enough pain killing qualities at all compared to how much it can intensify feelings. If I am in less pain it will help because it numbs me emotionally, but I don't find it that much effective for the actual pain.
If I use sativa while in pain it makes it way worse. I don't like a heady high when in pain. Indica on the other hand does help me.
I've had weed make more aware of my own painful areas than sober, so much that it had me stop smoking weed for almost a whole year. Now I toke again but only small hits in a pipe here and there, it's not worth it or fun to smoke tons of up there high quality canadian weed, something one realizes past some age if you ever mature at all.

Ahem. Anyways I was saying that weed always made me more aware of my own body, and it's easy to obsess over some of the feelings where you mentally amplify the feelings and can even end up in the ER. I know it did so with my TMJ-Disorder and trigeminal neuralgia (all on the same side, yay, was caused in some incident at a hardcore punk show where I didn't get out of the circle pit fast enough to shun that really tall guy's swinging arms. All that velocity he was accumulating running in circles and the fact he was "windmilling" along really really destroyed the area. It's bizarre how it only started to feel very painful some years later...

Also, it's also why some people end up in the ER because of weed, those stats anti-marijuana people love to use, some people start focusing on their heart beating fast/going into slight tachycardia and getting scared about it and starting a vicious circle etc. I should know, it's how I got to know my most loved and hated enemies, benzos.