Hurting bad



Here's my story at a young age I was adopted and shipped away to a different country while all the rest of my remaining family stayed together. By some blessing I was adopted into the perfect stable home. Until my parents devoured at a shortly after the adoption. I'm near my mid twenties and I can only recall being happy for a period of my life twice only. The first time was when my parents were together and the second time was when I met the most amazing girl every the moment I saw her she was going to be my princess. Anyways I guess I can't complain to much I grew up and continue to have anything in my life I want that can be bought with money. I never was self aware that I was coming off as a snob and a jerk to a lot of people but I was always afraid to tell them about the depression and pain I felt. I pretty much just lost trust in everybody and it's so hard for me to go out and be social now i wasn't always like this but I can't stop. I've been clean for years and used for years I've seen a doctor I've tried hard as hell to even get a hold of her. I kinda am at a loss my intent for sure isn't to hurt my self. But after trying so many different attempts I cant seem to be content.
Sometimes adoption itself, even when your adoptive family is good, presents issues that are difficult to name or understand. Have you ever explored this with a counselor?
Here is a website that may be of interest to you.
Adoption Issues

I couldn't tell from your post if you were clean or using right now. If you are already depressed and you are struggling with dependency issues too, that can
be overwhelming.I think finding the right kind of treatment would be best. What have you tried so far?
as above. everyone has some really rough patches in life but we can all pull through them. <3