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Opioids Huge ALPRAZOLAM and TRAMADOL problem


Aug 29, 2018
Hi friends,
My name is Andy. I have been taking different kinds of uppers, downers, allarounders and combinations, psychiatric medications for at least 10 year. I am 24. Been heavily dependent on hydromorphone and morphine and tramadol but i defeated all my addictions except tramadol (doses went from 200-2000mg daily. Only suffered 2 seizures though and it was on wd from alprazolam and the other one with ephedrine combo.

Basicaly, i can take 3mg alprazolam in morning and be OK, take 10mg and night and sleep for a few hours and something thorought the day not to seize from tramadol. I remember times when 1/2 of 0,25mg xanax made me tired. Now i have HUGE habit which is f*king annoying, just to take pills not to die. The other monster is tramadol which i now decided to replace with ER 20mg OXY/NALOXONE pills which i have to take at least 5 to not feel that tram wd and at least 8 to feel ok. And that with all the benzos (tried to swith to diazepam but even 200mg not covered it). Oxy is for me somehow weaker (i know, strange) than tramadol but its much more safe and did not cause me constipation and seizures at least. I also started citalopram low dose 5-10mg daily since change to oxy and it helps but i have not idea how to beat my benzo habit. Sorry for long post but i am absolutelly out of power to beat 2 of worst addictions together. Any advice? And yeah, i know its my fault and i am stupid but the benzos i was actually prescribed by Dr. Thanks for any reply.
Have you sought medical help yet? You have quite the tolerance/dependance my brother. And tramadol/benzos are dangerous habits - especially since you've had seizures before.

This is a potentially fatal addiction you have and should be treated medically!

(tried to swith to diazepam but even 200mg not covered it).

you take ~13mg of alprazolam but 200mg diazepam didn't help? That doesn't really make sense. 200mg diazepam is approximately equivalent to 20mg alprazolam. Do you mean 20mg? 200mg should put a regular person into a coma...

You should DEFINITELY go to a doctor if you haven't already (and honestly therapy or a rehab program as well).

Just my 2 cents. Stay safe man. Don't die. (imagine if you ran out of your drugs... you would probably die)
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Have you sought medical help yet? You have quite the tolerance/dependance my brother. And tramadol/benzos are dangerous habits - especially since you've had seizures before.

This is a potentially fatal addiction you have and should be treated medically!

you take ~13mg of alprazolam but 200mg diazepam didn't help? That doesn't really make sense. 200mg is approximately equivalent to 20mg xanax. Do you mean 20mg? 200mg should put a regular person someone into a coma...

You should DEFINITELY go to a doctor if you haven't already (and honestly a rehab program as well).

Stay safe man. Don't die.
I mean 20x10mg per Day of diazepam.I was sedated, especially after a few days of taking it but than it lost effects and alprazolam strarted to cover it's own wd's for longer than diazepam. Really. No bullshit.
I mean 20x10mg per Day of diazepam.I was sedated, especially after a few days of taking it but than it lost effects and alprazolam strarted to cover it's own wd's for longer than diazepam. Really. No bullshit.

That's crazy dude! I can't imagine.

If I was in your shoes I would have gone to a doctor long ago. Though... now that I think about it... I'm not even sure how they would treat such a benzo addiction. Probably a carefully monitored taper with anticonvulsants?

I don't even want to know how expensive your addiction is.

You should get it under control before it gets even worse and takes you out. Seek medical help!
Yes i thout about medical detox but i can t cause at not even 2 days i am gonna go to work in Czech republic to being an assistant to my partner and boss who is constructing nuclear powerstation so it won't be able in a few months or if our really fuck up Slovak Republic provide some money for PN(not able to work for medical reason - addiction treatment) which i thinks it is not.
Yes i thout about medical detox but i can t cause at not even 2 days i am gonna go to work in Czech republic to being an assistant to my partner and boss who is constructing nuclear powerstation so it won't be able in a few months or if our really fuck up Slovak Republic provide some money for PN(not able to work for medical reason - addiction treatment) which i thinks it is not.
Does this not seem like a REALLY bad idea? You’re assisting people who are constructing a nuclear power station whilst in the depths of a very serious benzo and opioid habit?

Seriously dude, you need to go to a dr and you need to medically monitored and tapered to get you off what you are on. Those doses are absolutely crazy! 2000mg tramadol! That’s just so so dangerous and the side effects of what what’s doing to your brain are going to be huge. I’m surprised you’re able to type. Go to a dr, get help.

I don’t think anyone here Is medically trained enough to even give you suggestions due to the amounts you’re on and how dangerous benzo withdrawal is not to mention the tramadol on top.
I had a similar size benzo addiction for years. I would eat 10 x 2mg Xanax bars a day, or the equivalent in diazepam, etizolam, f-lam, c-lam, c-Pam, whatever was around.
It took me a good 6 months tapering down for physical withdrawal to stop.
I didn't even realise I was that addicted my mind was so foggy, then one day ran out of benzos and accidentally cold turkeyed and nearly had a seizure, probably nearly died no joke, luckily managed to get someone to bring me diazepam once the full on brain zaps, twitching and chest/heart pains took over from the hot/cold sweats and flu like symptoms.

If I was you I'd try to beat one addiction at a time, not try to beat both opiates and benzos at the same time.

If you can, go to rehab. Put the job off. Be honest with your partner/boss and with your doctor. This is serious bro, best of luck 🤞
Have you sought medical help yet? You have quite the tolerance/dependance my brother. And tramadol/benzos are dangerous habits - especially since you've had seizures before.

This is a potentially fatal addiction you have and should be treated medically!

you take ~13mg of alprazolam but 200mg diazepam didn't help? That doesn't really make sense. 200mg diazepam is approximately equivalent to 20mg alprazolam. Do you mean 20mg? 200mg should put a regular person into a coma...

You should DEFINITELY go to a doctor if you haven't already (and honestly therapy or a rehab program as well).

Just my 2 cents. Stay safe man. Don't die. (imagine if you ran out of your drugs... you would probably die)

I second this, there is no way someone on bluelight can help you, these doses are absurdly high, so it is a matter of urgency, I would see several doctors to have a set of opinions on how to get rid of benzos, because, when the dose goes to zero, it will be fucking hard to deal with it
Lies do not help, so it is better to have the truth i think, so, after quitting, it is practically 100 % of chance that you're going to suffer from high levels of anxiety until your mind get back to normal, it can take months to do so. You need to have a plan for this period otherwise you're going to relapse.
On account of my aforementioned comment, I would perform a very long taper, one year or even more, staying a long time on very low doses before quitting 100 %
Jose speaks sense. My high dose benzo dependency took 6 months of taper 1 month of which was literally 2mg of diaz a day a week, 1.5, 1, 0.5...and there was at least 6 months of paws afterwards.

Ketamine helped me alot in these times. Probably not the best harm reduction advice - but it's true.
the length of time required to the return to the normality after quitting benzos is a pain in the ass and the major cause of relapse. It is so hard to surpass without the correct support that the feel is that one is going to get trapped forever on the medicament simply because one cannot bear the discontinuation syndrome

Kindling effect plays a significant role too, 3 or 4 days straight playing with the devil is sufficient to be needed to pay 2 days of an increased anxiety due to this effect in my case, which makes me think several times before taking pills.

Same happens to me with alcohol due to extremely hangovers

my body is saying NO, I hope it is going to happen to weed as well, then I can stop smoking without the required incommensurate efforts

So I do have some real experience with the problem you're going through right now.

After multiple CT scans and a MRI, prolonged benzo addiction left me with damaged 'Grey Matter'.

If you don't reduce your intake, short term memory loss and waking seizures are the best case scenario.

Best advice, dont take a bath or go swimming for a while.

You will not sleep properly for 3 - 4 weeks

Talk to neurologist asap
If I was you I'd try to beat one addiction at a time, not try to beat both opiates and benzos at the same time.

Yes, good advice. I recommend OP get off the tramadol first then the benzos. I say that because the benzos are probably stopping him from having major seizures off that huge tramadol dose.

Get some diazepam back again, lower your alprazolam dose enough that diazepam can carry you (keep you out of w/d) then use the diazepam to taper down.

If you really cannot feel anything from the diazepam even after lowering your doses, try clonazepam - same potency as alprazolam but much longer half-life and duration, should help you taper.

Really you do want to speak to a doctor though, this type of habit is definitely no type of joke.

Good luck.
Yes, good advice. I recommend OP get off the tramadol first then the benzos. I say that because the benzos are probably stopping him from having major seizures off that huge tramadol dose.

Get some diazepam back again, lower your alprazolam dose enough that diazepam can carry you (keep you out of w/d) then use the diazepam to taper down.

If you really cannot feel anything from the diazepam even after lowering your doses, try clonazepam - same potency as alprazolam but much longer half-life and duration, should help you taper.

Really you do want to speak to a doctor though, this type of habit is definitely no type of joke.

Good luck.

Yeah sorry OP I should have mentioned it would be best to get off the opiates first. Benzos will help opiate WDs more than opiates with help benzo WDs imo.
Also what Wilson said the benzos are most likely probably (definitely) keeping you from having a seizure from that ridiculous dose of tram!
Good luck bud
Hi guys, thanks fot interest in my little problém. I succesfully quit tramadol, 400mg Last dose.. this is the second Day... Escitalopram + MODAFINIL + benzos and hydroxizine helps. But i have to take fucking huge doses of sedatives, i used 250mg hydroxizine and 200mg quetiapine +150quetiapine SR +100mg trittico + 200mg diazepam and i. I am feeling like my legs Hurt, i am cold and lazy. Thank god for modafinil but it is so fcking expensive. So, my last problem is HUGE tolerance to sedative's and benzodiapines (15mg alpra today and i am ready to do an TV interview... oh, and i amm feeling cold and hot at the same tíme. Sweat a lot. .. this i suffer too. Quitting benzos is like 10 Times harder for me and my psych told it would be long tapering process but i cant resist and i always take more because of some reason.
If you really cannot feel anything from the diazepam even after lowering your doses, try clonazepam - same potency as alprazolam but much longer half-life and duration, should help you taper.
Our country discontinued clonazepam and i found it so... subtle.. we have bromazepam, which is medium potency.