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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Cheshire_Kat

Huffed Duster for the first and last time


Aug 5, 2023

Bro, I came into this knowing nothing. I huffed like 10-15 lung fulls of this stuff straight from the nozzle and entered a complete out of body experience. Do not do this

When I came to only a minute had passed in the song I was bumping, though it felt like an hour at least

And I noticed that i had pissed my pants

I checked to make sure and I found out I also came. Like a lot. The internet is trying to convince me aerosol wet dreams aren't real, but I've experienced it

I think I'm supposed to be glad I didn't shit myself, but have you ever had such a messy first experience? I thew the cans away after cleaning up

Now I'm reading that you spray it on a cloth first and slowly breath it in instead of squirting it down your throat. I'm not trying it again tho.

And I do not recommend trying it. I'm so ashamed...
That stuff is so unhealthy and dangerous, inhalants can randomly kill you. And just spraying it straight into your lungs fuck dude, there is so many chemicals you just exposed yourself too. That could have done some serious damage, please take care of yourself.
Yeah, I've thrown away the two cans I got. I feel like my filter for what I say is like really loose... I hope that's temporary and not brain damage. I wish I never tried it and if I did, I wish I did it slowly like you're supposed to. I made this post to gross other people out of trying it. If the ungodly mess I made convinces one person to not inhale this shit, my embarrassment was worth it 😤 also, I forgot to breath during the oobe and I can tell because I had 0 oxygen in my lungs when I came to and my diaphragm was just chilling
10-15 hits? Holy fuck. I'm not surprised. when we were stupid kids, we would be near out on 3.
Inhalants can cause a sudden death syndrome (possibly) by causing ventricular arrhythmias. This is very real. They can actually kill you with one use.
They are also finding out that they can cause organ and brain damage for long term effects.
I would definitely not make a habit of inhalant abuse. I did it a little when I was a dumb kid and am very grateful looking back that it was only a little.

The way some people do duster or Pam is to stuff a paper towel tube full of toilet paper and filter it through that. Spray in one end and hit the other. Stuff it tight.
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10-15 hits? Holy fuck. I'm not surprised. when we were stupid kids, we would be near out on 3.
Inhalants can cause a sudden death syndrome (possibly) by causing ventricular arrhythmias. This is very real. They can actually kill you with one use.
They are also finding out that they can cause organ and brain damage for long term effects.
I would definitely not make a habit of inhalant abuse. I did it a little when I was a dumb kid and am very grateful looking back that it was only a little.

The way some people do duster or Pam is to stuff a paper towel tube full of toilet paper and filter it through that. Spray in one end and hit the other. Stuff it tight.
There's no way I didn't black out considering i had a wet dream, i just dont remember it because my brain was full of Duster. Yeah, I prolly could've died. I thought it was instant and it wasn't hitting that hard so I just kept spraying full blast. And then it hit so hard I literally threw my head back in shock and was like "is this how I die?" I came to wish 0 motion in my lungs and beyond out of air

I'm going to stick to my caffeine pill addiction
i mean some of you guys will huff Raid ant and roach killer for a quick fix

what do you guys expect from me
I know this is late, but just to put it out there for others that read this post, doing that much duster at one time will shut down the parts of your brain that allows you to control your body consciously and unconsciously. That's why your bodily functions let go of urine, feces, seven, etc. It also usually causes you to vomit, hopefully after you're conscious again, because if you vomit while youre unconscious, you wil most likely aspirate into your lungs. I lost a friend this way from doing whipped cream cartridges. This is also exactly what happens when you're near death.

If you want to do duster first make sure you're in a safe place. Then do one shot at a time, because things can end very badly.
I know this is late, but just to put it out there for others that read this post, doing that much duster at one time will shut down the parts of your brain that allows you to control your body consciously and unconsciously. That's why your bodily functions let go of urine, feces, seven, etc. It also usually causes you to vomit, hopefully after you're conscious again, because if you vomit while youre unconscious, you wil most likely aspirate into your lungs. I lost a friend this way from doing whipped cream cartridges. This is also exactly what happens when you're near death.

If you want to do duster first make sure you're in a safe place. Then do one shot at a time, because things can end very badly.
I just recently lost my fiancé to this. I keep kickin the hell out of myself because I’m the one who told her about it bc I tried it in college a few times. We did it together and I did not like it as my body has matured and it didn’t hit the same. It was scary. She, however, loved it and wanted to do more and more. I would watch her lay across the bed and start convulsing and shit so I told her we have to stop this shit. I threw away the can. Then a few weeks later, while I was at work, she must’ve gone out and bought another can without me knowing. I found her dead in my hotel room (we travel alot for work.) She was sittin Indian style On the bed with her face down in the mattress. Blood red all around her head and her face was dark blue. Must’ve stopped her heart and her breathing. Or just shut her brain down altogether. I just hope she wasn’t in any pain or suffering when she went. I wish I could take her place.

Y’all don’t fuck around with this shit. Take it from me. A guy who’s lost everything…
Of all the illegal bad shit we did to our body, and she had to be taken away from me by something you can buy off the fuckin shelf at pretty much any store in America…FML.
I just recently lost my fiancé to this. I keep kickin the hell out of myself because I’m the one who told her about it bc I tried it in college a few times. We did it together and I did not like it as my body has matured and it didn’t hit the same. It was scary. She, however, loved it and wanted to do more and more. I would watch her lay across the bed and start convulsing and shit so I told her we have to stop this shit. I threw away the can. Then a few weeks later, while I was at work, she must’ve gone out and bought another can without me knowing. I found her dead in my hotel room (we travel alot for work.) She was sittin Indian style On the bed with her face down in the mattress. Blood red all around her head and her face was dark blue. Must’ve stopped her heart and her breathing. Or just shut her brain down altogether. I just hope she wasn’t in any pain or suffering when she went. I wish I could take her place.

Y’all don’t fuck around with this shit. Take it from me. A guy who’s lost everything…
Of all the illegal bad shit we did to our body, and she had to be taken away from me by something you can buy off the fuckin shelf at pretty much any store in America…FML.
Damn.... Sending some love and hope your way. Know that its not your fault, as hard as that may be. Although you may have introduced it to her, you didn't squeeze the canister that day. Thanks for being vulnerable enough to share that. Let it be a cautionary story for others. I am here for you if you need to talk.
This shit is so bad.

I use to do this a lot too when I was in opioid withdrawal & had nothing else.

Luckily I didn't die & I came out of it without any long term damage, but this shit is so bad.
After I stopped for good & watched one of my friends doing it, I just couldn't believe how fucking stupid it was.
I think everyone had a huff at least once. I huffed about 3-4 times. There was folk lore about Carbona cleaner. That if you take enough you "hit the queen". Was said the Carbona queen will come out and meet you. Well no queen. lol But I will say the literature from 100+ years ago on early glue and gas sniffing was very interesting. I did hear the concatony of voices of a choir. I have that in one of those books from 1800's. (Lewin??) I need to find it and put the exact quote.

Never did duster. Just carbona and one time model glue. If it was not so dangerous the effects could be fascinating. But that is probably because you are close to death. lol

After my 4th and last huff I remember the next day taking a hit of strawberry acid to screw my head back on correctly and that was that. I was about 16 years old.

My heart goes out too rrle. You are not responsible. People make their own choices. But I imagine it will take some time to feel a little peace about it if that could even be. If it were you that died you would not want your fiance to fret.
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Lucky you alive.

I blasted duster a handful of times in high school based on hearing a kid talking about it then eventually internet knowledge found my better reasoning and while the last time I contacted that kid his mom said he was gone and wouldn't tell me what happened very strange something bad who the hell knows I will never know but I got a clear picture of the danger of such inhalant abuse in a halfway house (mandated by drug court) there was a serial resident (was there like nine times in the past could never get it straightened out) who was found unconscious with cans of computer duster in his room with blood coming out of the openings on his head or something horrific the EMTs came I have no idea if he lived or what man he didn't come back during my stay

Nitrous oxide is the only safe OTC inhalant (who gets high on helium please don't try a helium hood) when used appropriately. As far as I know ether does not have the brain damage factor that "poor man's huffing" does. It's not huffing the wrong stuff then?

Thank you Erowid stopped me dead in my tracks from my gasoline huffing excursions I still tried but so weak also paint probably when drunk as alcohol wasn't enough of a buzz and I was so unplugged gas and paint in the basement and garage became a possibility I got no effects really was too wary of inhaling much
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I just recently lost my fiancé to this. I keep kickin the hell out of myself because I’m the one who told her about it bc I tried it in college a few times. We did it together and I did not like it as my body has matured and it didn’t hit the same. It was scary. She, however, loved it and wanted to do more and more. I would watch her lay across the bed and start convulsing and shit so I told her we have to stop this shit. I threw away the can. Then a few weeks later, while I was at work, she must’ve gone out and bought another can without me knowing. I found her dead in my hotel room (we travel alot for work.) She was sittin Indian style On the bed with her face down in the mattress. Blood red all around her head and her face was dark blue. Must’ve stopped her heart and her breathing. Or just shut her brain down altogether. I just hope she wasn’t in any pain or suffering when she went. I wish I could take her place.

Y’all don’t fuck around with this shit. Take it from me. A guy who’s lost everything…
Of all the illegal bad shit we did to our body, and she had to be taken away from me by something you can buy off the fuckin shelf at pretty much any store in America…FML.
Damn dude, you ever gone to talk to a therapist or something about that? If you ever want someone to talk to about all that, I’m a good listener.

It’s important to realize it’s not your fault, she made her own choices, don’t blame yourself.