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Recovery hppd : Recovery


May 26, 2024

Just wanted to chime in here.
I was active here for a little while about 8-10 years ago under another name. (cant find it)

I had HPPD issues after festival with too much x for first time.
Visual snow, after images, glow, etc etc.. I had alot of them and I was VERY worried for a while.

I just wanted to let you know that that stuff will get soo much better. I dont even think about it anymore.
I am living my life without any issues of hppd and I love it.

For me it took around 4 months - 1 year for it to start getting better. And I think the major thing was time + not stress about it.
(Easier said than done)
I just focused on managed stress + anxiety and tried to not think about the visual stuff too much even though they were there.
I think it's very connected to stress/anxiety and you kind of notice stuff that is there all the time, just that it gets a lot exaggerated.
I have not touched any substances since.

It really does get better. Just keep believing in it and let time heal.

I just wanted to leave this comment here for anyone suffering from it, and hopefully it can help.
Never forget that a lot of people with bad thoughts who have gotten better, never write their recovery here as they want to leave this forum and place behind in life.

This is just a temporary account so dont dm me.
Seek help from others + professionally if you need.
Ooft. Not an easy one. I experimented with LSD a few times when I was coming of age. HPPD stuck around for a few weeks/months after my first acid trip. And yes stress/anxiety can trigger it bigtime. Glad you've gotten through the worst of it. Just don't go too far down the rabbit hole with psychedelics if you choose to do them again. Some people are more predisposed to HPPD while others seem to just go back to normal instantly. Anyway, well done!