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Hows methadone for u


Oct 21, 2014
For people who use methadone recreationally (preferably not addicts who need it) how long does methadone last for u? It peaks for me in about 2 hours but by 7 hours im already coming down why? Also i never really get to nod on it except when i mixed it with hydroxine. Also the high itself needs to be more notiecable. Anyone else only get like 6 hours of real high? And does anyone else find it very hard to nod off of before getting too sick?
Well technically methadone is meant for addicts and not supposed to get us high. Its to help with cravings and withdrawals. You also dont note how many mgs you are taking.
Well technically methadone is meant for addicts and not supposed to get us high. Its to help with cravings and withdrawals. You also dont note how many mgs you are taking.
Around 6-8 mgs sometimes 10
lol so you want the opinions of those that are using it recreationally but don't want the opinions of addicts? which addicts, those that are prescribed methadone for their addictions or those addicted to methadone without the prescription?
lol so you want the opinions of those that are using it recreationally but don't want the opinions of addicts? which addicts, those that are prescribed methadone for their addictions or those addicted to methadone without the prescription?

^ this

But it is prescribed for pain as well, I believe (probably not at the rate it's given for opiate addiction).

I feel good for about 10 hours, but 6-mgs is almost as low of a dose as it goes. I haven't used it in quite a while, but 20mgs was was nice.
methadone is a shit high , it´s like the pcp of opiates to me. I get really weird on it.