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How were you exposed to pornography?


Nov 1, 2016
How were you exposed to pornography?

When I was 13 I was best friends with this indian kid named Sajii. His uncle lived with him in his parents house and his uncle owned a video store. One day when nobody was home but Sagii and I he popped in a tape and all I saw was an ass riding a dick...at 13 it was shocking to see penetration. The lines were so cheesy too....I miss bad acting and poolside candle lit saxophone in the background railings
It was essentially the collective effort of the kids in the neighborhood to find pieces of pornography and hid them in the bushes by this grave yard so we can all go and look at naked women when we wanted. It wasnt anything other then preteen fascination with the opposite sex so it wasnt like we were actively doing anything other then looking at it.

Kids these days do not know how easy they have it. We literally relied on each other trying to contribute to the small stash of porn, it was a collective effort to get images of naked women.
I typed "porn" into google when my parents were asleep, but I don't watch it anymore.
It was essentially the collective effort of the kids in the neighborhood to find pieces of pornography and hid them in the bushes by this grave yard so we can all go and look at naked women when we wanted. It wasnt anything other then preteen fascination with the opposite sex so it wasnt like we were actively doing anything other then looking at it.

Kids these days do not know how easy they have it. We literally relied on each other trying to contribute to the small stash of porn, it was a collective effort to get images of naked women.

Damn that sounds like a great foundation for a novel...only if you replace porn with something else
ten or 11 and my friend and I found his parents/old sisters german porno stash.

we got a few mags each and he went to his room for a while, as I "read" mine in the basement.

then we went outside and had a BBQ with his family.
The same way any kid should be exposed to pornography of course; you find dirty magazines mysteriously stashed in the bushes. =D

It was essentially the collective effort of the kids in the neighborhood to find pieces of pornography and hid them in the bushes by this grave yard so we can all go and look at naked women when we wanted. It wasnt anything other then preteen fascination with the opposite sex so it wasnt like we were actively doing anything other then looking at it.

Kids these days do not know how easy they have it. We literally relied on each other trying to contribute to the small stash of porn, it was a collective effort to get images of naked women.

I genuinely think that you've just solved one of lifes greatest mysteries; who the fuck stashes the porn magazines in hedges and bushes?

And you've actually blown my mind with the fact that local children created all those stashes we found when we were kids, and not creepy old men.

I'd like to take this opportunity to give thanks to your efforts. From now on should I happen to find a dirty magazine stashed in a hedge, I'll doth my hat in appreciation.
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^hahahaha i always knew i would solve one of lifes great mysteries! Success!
^ ^ LoL we always used to call it troll porn because that's how we imagined it might have got there.

But apart from that, it was the vids my dirty old man (aka my father) had stashed in his garage..... filthy git...
^ ^ LoL we always used to call it troll porn because that's how we imagined it might have got there.

But apart from that, it was the vids my dirty old man (aka my father) had stashed in his garage..... filthy git...

Why do you say he was filthy? What kind of stuff did he have?
I found videos in my Dad's room when I was 6 or 7. I was REALLY young, and I remember always going to look at them when my parents would be outside. When I got older and my parents left me alone (10-11) I would watch them. I wonder if that fucked me up at all -_-
The same way any kid should be exposed to pornography of course; you find dirty magazines mysteriously stashed in the bushes. =D

I genuinely think that you've just solved one of lifes greatest mysteries; who the fuck stashes the porn magazines in hedges and bushes?

And you've actually blown my mind with the fact that local children created all those stashes we found when we were kids, and not creepy old men.

I'd like to take this opportunity to give thanks to your efforts. From now on should I happen to find a dirty magazine stashed in a hedge, I'll doth my hat in appreciation.

I was going to type the same thing about bush porn :D - I have to admit it was my first introduction to porn as a pre teen.
From a woman's perspective, I also discovered porn young. My dad had tapes, friends' uncles had stashes of Penthouse and Playboy. Remember the magazine Forum? They had only stories, and I learned so much about sex, would gobble these stories up. I got a black Playboy t-shirt with the bunny when I was 15 because I thought those women were beautiful. I wanted to be them. I knew that's what men liked. Porn was a big part of my life through my father's stash, though, when he and my uncle would watch them together in our living room, yuck. I then turned to smutty romance novels which taught me so much more, haha. I should have known when I first saw my parents going at it when I was 6 that I'd be damaged for life, seeing my mom ride my dad...yeah, nice. ;)

You aren't damaged at all....you fit right in with us
Why do you say he was filthy? What kind of stuff did he have?

I'd love to tell you it was some kind of robot midget porn from the future ....But no it was normal porn ....

Me calling him filthy wasn't really fair, granted... he does wash most days. Watching porn isn't dirty, I do it all the time! :)
Haha, thanks. I like that. I must confess I've never done drugs, but my mind is screwed up with an addiction to constant sexual thoughts (which is a mind-numbing drug). Not sure if it's just related to raging hormones all my life, being molested as a child through my teens, or what. Not really a drinker, never smoked, and never put anything into my body that'd harm it, but I think these thoughts have coated my mind. My dad's warped way of seeing women I think damaged me. He always referred to me as the beauty queen. In my family, you were judged by your looks/body. Uncles gave me money just for being pretty. I'm married now, but I feel corrupted in a way. My husband was a total virgin when I met him at 22 (until two weeks in, ha), so if he only knew what lurked in my head, yikes.

Like I said before you fit right in here. I was 6 foot at age ten so I got molested a lot by women who thought I was older. I started watching porn at a young age also and I too have constant sexual thoughts. It's fucked up because my mind won't let me meet a woman or see a woman without putting her in a sexual scenario. I'm married also. My wife knows I am fucked up...she was raised Catholic and only had one boyfriend before me....now she keeps trying to peg me. This world is fucked up dear....we here at bluelight are simply honest about who we are and what is going on in our lives for the most part.

What kind of things lurk in your head that you think would shock your husband?
Exactly. I found this site due to research for my book I'm writing, but was drawn to it because of the sexual content. Well, first of all, he'd divorce me if he even knew I thought of sex with anyone other than him. But I do...constantly. It's my tortured little secret. I can think of hundreds of different scenarios with strange men in social situations, always ending up in some hotel room. It feeds me. I used to be Catholic until I started educating myself and learning not to feel guilty, which is prominent in the Catholic world. Reason why I finally learned how to masturbate at 46 and have my first ever orgasm. In my fantasies, these men give them to me. It's not my husband's fault. I've had 10 other sexual relationships before him, and have never had one with any of them. I feel like a sex maniac sometimes thanks to these thoughts. I sometimes think of women and I'm not gay. It's just the act. And they're usually forbidden scenes. The more forbidden, the more hot I get. It can be blissful. He knows I masturbate after we have sex (later), but he doesn't know the thoughts I have to get off. He still considers himself Catholic, but not me. Reason why I could never masturbate to begin with. I can wake up with these thoughts, forcing myself to stop them so I can get out of bed, have them going down to get coffee with a whole scenario playing out. It's crazy. I look around and wonder who else is like me. I have 3 kids, and jeez if they knew this about me...ugh. I hate it yet I don't. I'm a slave to my thoughts. I try to quiet my mind, meditate, but the truth is I like it. I'm always wet and dealing with horniness because of this insane thought process. My husband could slip his hand in my pants and I'm his. He likes that. Woke me up this morning doing just that.

Sorry about your molestation. It sucks, I know. Had oral sex given to me at 6 and have always been oogled by men my whole life. First boyfriend at 16 raped me, so now I like it rough. Not rough in the kinky sense but hard. My poor husband never kissed a girl until me. His family thought he'd be a priest. If they saw what he was doing to me on our third date, they'd call me a slut (not that they ever did that). Yeah, I'm in that same effed up boat.

Thanks for sharing. I think it's sexy that you masturbate. You taught your husband everything he knows and he probably knows a lot. You can fantasize about whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt the people you love it should be fine. I too have three kids. I hope you finish your book and it sells a million copies.
One day when I was 6 , I was playing near an abandoned house and found a pile of pornographic magazines in the bushes. I took home as many as I could carry and h8d them under my bed.
One day when I was 6 , I was playing near an abandoned house and found a pile of pornographic magazines in the bushes. I took home as many as I could carry and h8d them under my bed.

Six is pretty young man....do you think that has affected your perception of the world or how you have treated others?
No. I was sexually abused by my parents, and that sure did.