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how weekly drug use effects me


Jun 17, 2012
Every week for the past year i've been doing ice or pills, depending on the weekend, usually staying up both Friday and Saturday.

Whenever i'm coming down it feels like im the most fried out of everyone, it feels like drugs are only having an effect on me, it looks like it doesn't even have an effect on a lot of people I know.

I started tafe a few weeks ago, it looks like everyones got to know each other, and I can't even talk to people without sounding awkward.

The only people I can be around are my friends.

Don't know if i'm going to quit, just wondering if anyone else knows these feels?
I always felt i was a bit the same - it's probably a lot to do with your personal health - how is your diet? do you have lots of vitamins in your diet.

I'd suggest taking a lot of spirulina daily amongst other things. Up your levels of vital shit and you'll notice you're able to last out the party so to speak. I'm feeling quite unhealthy and haven't been able to get through the nights much at all this summer - pretty weak effort. I haven't even been doing much drugs because I don't feel the effects are up to par, also likely an effect of my poor diet/excercize regime.
yeh been there done that.

if you are serious at tafe quit the chems and give yourself a serious chance.

md, crystal, and ganja all gave me similar issues. take some time off and take care of yourself, you will bounce back.

ime it is hard to do both though.

Yer i think it could be the diet, i use to eat vegetables every night, chicken, drink green tea, etc.

Now I haven't been a day without spending $10-20 a night on takeaway in the last 2 months, it's hard to stop.

I still go gym 3 times a week but haven't been all week, I been in bed all week.

This has been the worst week of my life, I think it's because of these white clover pills I had on fri and sat, anyone heard of them? It's similar enthusiasm and energy to MD, but not MD. On the come down and few days after, I was paranoid everyone knew I was fried and couldn't make eye contact with anyone, thought people were staring etc. Even xannies didn't help the paranoia, but when I was in conversation it felt like a normal conversation.

I'm going to make sure I eat healthier and not going to do anything this weekend and hopefully quit.
Yeah I've been there..

Trust me; stop now.. before you can't even be around your friends anymore.
Yer i think it could be the diet.


Actually, the answer should be pretty obvious. It is the drugs you are doing every weekend. When used regularly or in large doses, MDMA or ice can have quite bad effects on your brain. When used together there is a much higher risk of neurotoxicity.

You should stop, or at the very least cut back. Try partying once a month. You will notice the difference in your physical and mental health. If you are using these drugs weekly your brain is never having a chance to recover and you could be doing damage.

Not to alarm you but regular use can put you at a high risk of mental illness. For instance, abusing MDMA can put you at risk of developing depression and/or anxiety. I have been there, and I can tell you it is no picnic.

Using ice regularly can put you at risk of developing psychosis and schizophrenia, and depression and/or anxiety.

I think the social anxiety you have been feeling should be taken as a warning sign for things that could potentially be around the corner. Have a break, I guarantee you will a lot better.
It's not your diet, it's the fact that you are taking drugs too often. Think about it, if you are high every Friday and Saturday, then take another 2-3 days to recover, then effectively your brain is scrambled for more than half your waking hours. Life is meant to be enjoyed sober. Of course doing drugs is awesome too, but if you can't have fun without being high then you are going to hate the rest of your life.

It's like eating strawberries sprinkled with icing sugar. Sure they taste great, but if you pick a ripe strawberry off the plant and think it tastes terrible, then it says more about you than the fruit. Your sober social skills are important too, you won't be a club rat for the rest of your life so you have best start learning how to make friends and influence people or professionally you will be left behind.
Look OP you need more drugs, definitely more meth and at least four days without sleep. By the end of that psychotic episode you'll feel absolutely right as rain.

On a serious note I won't be as bland as to tell you the solution is to just stop. Hell if it was that easy all of us would have stopped taking drugs. One strategy as already outlined is to be health, I.e. fresh food, vitimans and all that.

I'd tack onto that; sleep and lots of it, and better drugs. Really it's worth the extra bucks testing and sourcing and giving thought to stopping the meth and moving to say speed (amphetamine). Meth has a really bad come down and it just promotes the cycle of using to feel better.

That said the most important thing you can do is sleep. Imagine your a fighter jet. For every hour of flight you need $30k in maintenance, but replace the money with sleep. Most hangovers usually have an element of fatigue.

But remember to eat healthy before you sleep. Green apples are especially good source of polythenals and vitimans.
its probably a combination of your diet and taking drugs every weekend. To put blame soley on your diet is covering up your drug use which seems excessive.

your friends most likely suffer just the same as you.

for your health, sanity and future do yourself a favour and slow down.
giving thought to stopping the meth and moving to say speed (amphetamine).

This will just prolong your problem.

If the op finds a source, I'm betting it won't really be proper amphet, more likely a mess of cutters and meth.

So yeah, deffinetly prolonging the problem.
Stims both Friday and Saturday nights every week will do that. As others have said, take a break and then cut your frequency back to 1 in 4-6 weeks depending on how you feel.

Just felt the need to point out that speed in this country is mostly just cut up methamphetamine and not amphetamine. Either way I don't think switching to a slightly 'softer' or less pure version of his/her DOC is going to be the most effective way to fix their problem.

OP I think you just need to lay off the drugs for a while, some exercise and an improved diet can't hurt either. I think at some point you could be taking drugs again if you wanted you just need some time to clear your head, just make sure if you do come back to it you go a little easier than you have been.
Thanks for all the replies.

I haven't done anything for 2 weeks, but i've had 0.5mg xanax 2 times a week and it makes me feel as happy as I use to be.

If I can stick to only doing 0.5mg 2 times a week, is there any problems with doing this, and how long can I keep doing it for?
Yeah my first year of uni I did the whole every weekend ecstasy + speed, and if you do it for an extended time it shoots your social anxiety through the roof. It also makes concentrating on study near impossible. Definitely don't recommend it. I noticed that people who only did this say once a month or less were much better off and suffered seemingly little ill effects.
I would take a long break from everything for at least 3 months mate. Being sober can be pretty lame but it sounds like you need to get your mind right. Guaranteed by the end of the three months you will feel a lot better physically, intellectually, emotionally and psychologically.
Hiya. Social anxiety is gut wrenching..... talk to your doc about Lyrica. It's the new dutch courage as my mate tells me.
I haven't done anything for 2 weeks, but i've had 0.5mg xanax 2 times a week and it makes me feel as happy as I use to be.

If I can stick to only doing 0.5mg 2 times a week, is there any problems with doing this, and how long can I keep doing it for?

It's good that you are getting some positive effects from a modest amount of Xanax... BUT....

Just be aware that some people have this experience where they have trouble bouncing back after using ice/pills/stims, and that's natural and it forces you to moderate yourself because you know there's a price to pay for the high times that stims provide.

Then, they discover that Xanax (or other benzos/downers) allow them to have their stim cake and eat it (the benzos) too.

What I mean is that there's a very high risk in having benzos around if you are a stim user, because once you get a taste of the enabling effects that benzos have on stims (ie. lessening the comedown, smooth out the experience) it can lead to a massive increase in the consumption of stims.

Especially for people who are prone to anxiety in general, and seem to suffer more from stim side-effects than the friends around them, Xanax can feel like a 'get out of jail free card', and then it's damned tempting to take higher doses of stims or take them more often.

I'm sure there are a few people on here who are like myself: Can't touch stims unless there are benzos around. The side-effects were bad to start with, and have got substantially worse for me; epic insomnia, can't eat at all for long stretches of time, big anxiety, and the worst of all - psychosis and paranoia.


Benzos like Xanax have their place for short term assistance in dealing with anxiety, but are bad news in the long run and disastrous if used habitually to assist in managing recreational stimulant use side-effects.
Give the shit a miss for a few weeks or months if needed until you feel readjusted to normality. Doing meth every weekend will mess with your life and before you know it your doing meth before work because you needed 4 mg's of xanax the night before in order to sleep for 3 hours. I keep a small amout of bennies at hand in case of a freak out trip or because the substance I'm using is a: some form of stim/dissociative/psychedelic often almost unknown to medical science except for trials with rats and I have b: no idea how my body will react to the substance in question when using it for the first time ie: my freak out from hell :1.2 mgs of 25c nbome consumed 24 hours post consumption of 20 mg of TMA-2... just plain dumb! Meth for me is the worst comedown of all. It makes me feel dirty, usually can't sleep for the first 48 hours and then it takes 2-3 days to get my sleep pattern back to normal. Plus I feel tired and a bit depresssed for at least 5 days after using meth (4-MAR is even worse). Also I start to smell like meth, my skin, clothes etc for a day or two after use. No prizes for guessing I no longer touch it, rather risk an unknown RC that may or may not kill me/put me in hospital vs the hell that is coming off a meth/4-MAR binge.

MDMA is not as problematic apart from lack of sleep for around 24 hours post dose and 3 days of low mood/depression. I no longer do MD at all because for those 3 days after I feel very depressed, not suicidal or anything just flat. Also MD no longer interests me, a big call from someone who thought it was the greatest thing on earth when I discovered it in the mid/late 90's. Suicide Monday/Tuesday were the days everyone who had done way to much MD on the weekend would front up to ED, often in tears, with a very definate plan and intent to harm/kill themselves. So for myself I like a few select RC's these day's as the come down is fuck all compared to that shit. Also I find if a substance has negative effects on the come up or during I have a very mild or no come down, eg. 2c-e (not recommending this substance just an example. I think tripping hard on 2c-e and being able to get into a nightclub would be a minor miracle). Also I'm careful with my doses and don't go all out to get as shitfaced as possible as quick as possible, unlike when I was in my late teens early 20's. I may just watch a movie take substance x and hang out tripping/dissociating or whatever at home rather than a club.

I also have a BP cuff which has been very helpful on a number of occasions ie: I feel ok I think a redose may be in order, check my BP and it's 140/90 with a pulse of 100 and think maybe not. At the end of the day using substances on a weekly basis, especially meth, creates dependence which leads to addiction. Xanax is a really nasty drug to withdraw from and you could have a delayed withdrawl. This is because some of the drug is stored in your body and takes a while to break down. Going from 4 mg of xanax a day to 0 overnight may not be an issue until you metabolise all the stored drug and bang benzo withdrawl which is as life threatening as Etoh (booze) withdrawls aka delirium tremens. I've seen people go through all kinds of withdrawls and the delerium tremens due to long term alchoholism (30+ years) is some really nasty shit. Xanax can also cause a similar state if abused and is just as likely to kill you as Etoh withdrawl. I'm glad you have the insight to be questioning your substance use, some people never do and end up addicts. I've been there (addicted) and it is not something you could wish on your worst enemies. BTW perhaps part of the reason you have difficulty talking to people at TAFE is because you don't share similar interests. People might enjoy dance music but not be a clubber. Some people may enjoy the odd doof every now and then vs weekly club hopping. What are you studying? That should be a shared interest for all the members of the group and it's an ice breaker.

I think giving the drugs a miss for a few weeks or more will do you good. Also try and source something other then meth as it may be less harsh for your physical and mental state, what you are experiencing is something I can identify with 100%. I would avoid the following drugs: MDPV, aussie cocaine, amt, MDMA, METH... well each person is different so try a little research after a good period of abstinence, as long as you avoid those drugs listed with capitals lol. I have breaks often months at a time. I may come across something very special and have a mini binge vs a full blown drug fest. I have also been guilty of breaking my own rules and have had binges lasting up to a week or more if on holiday or not working etc. They take a huge toll on me however these days and the week long parties are almost a distant, hazy memory... As are the years 1998-2000 when I was getting e-tarded every weekend. Do you want that when your looking back on your younger life thinking WTF did I do, who was that person, have I been here before, I know the face but, oh yeah... I slept with her?? Great thing to be thinking when meeting an old aquaintance for the first time in almost 15 years. Getting older does slow you down, also you notice the physical toll substances have on the body. I still have a slight twich every now and then I picked up on the comedown from dropping 2 CK gold (1999-2000ish) one evening... Hope this long winded, tweeked out rant is of some help.