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how to smoke heroin?


Dec 27, 2012
got some smack and I refuse to waste it, the first time I tried to do it I ended up wasting it all. Would doing the bottle method for dmt work for heroin? I love benzos and downers and want to expereince that true heroin high <3
Thought you were trying to knock the drugs on the head? Have you any experience with opiates before? As a former smackhead, please please tread carefully!

I still think chasing off foil would be the best way to smoke it. It's just a question of mastering the technique and you'll soon find yourself excelling like you never thought possible...

You could always snort or plug - that works too - although potential for OD is higher taking in a dose all at once, so best titrate with chasing.

There's been plenty of guides on how to chase smack on foil on here - i'm sure someone will come along shortly with a decent explanation.

Stay safe <3
you'd frazzle it with the dmt way and waste a lot.

get a bit of foil about 8x10 inches

make a gutter at the bottom - DONT fold it, just make a shallow gutter to help it run

use a lowish flame so you dont burn it - its burning when it goes black and scabby - suck the smoke up

when its melted and its all run to the other side of the foil, make another gutter just above the old one and melt the gear into that and repeat

this is so the gear isnt running over the same bit of foil multiple times -- this burns it

think of it a bit like playing snake on your phone when the snake gets really long, sort of like a zig zag pattern

make the tooter out of foil using a biro -- about 4 inches long

thats about it, i think...hope it makes sense :s
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you'd frazzle it with the dmt way and waste a lot.

get a bit of foil about 8x10 inches

make a gutter at the bottom - DONT fold it, just make a shallow gutter to help it run

use a lowish flame so you dont burn it - its burning when it goes black and scabby - suck the smoke up

when its melted and its all run to the other side of the foil, make another gutter just above the old one and melt the gear into that and repeat

this is so the gear isnt running over the same bit of foil multiple times -- this burns it

think of it a bit like playing snake on your phone when the snake gets really long, sort of like a zig zag pattern

make the tooter out of foil using a biro -- about 4 inches long

thats about it, i think...hope it makes sense :s

This - chase it off foil, best method bar none.
I'm not having it. Heroin is good for you, it stops you getting sick.
you wanna be vaping rather than burning that, squire. chasing the dragoon as the queen mom used to say when scoring down old kent road way.. we all laughed but it got real old after the fiftieth odd time, not that we said as much, the rabid oversized corgi never far from ma'ams side. but i digress ...

you need tin foil, a steady hand and half decent lighter. run it like you would pv

s'long as you got enough powder, anything over .1 ya should be fine
It's not the easiest of things to explain through text..

Take the plate of foil.

Take both hands and hold the plate firmly at either end at equal points. Hold it with your thumbs on top, your index and middle finger on the underside.

Not too hard but firmly pull the plate taut, You can also give it a little twist and this should create the channel for the gear to run in.

I'd suggest trying this out for a while on other bits of foil until you're happy.

Create the channel and put your gear at one end or the other, whichever feels most comfortable. Apply a bit of heat so the powder touching the foil is melted and helps keep the still powdered in place.

Keep your tube about an inch from the gear.

Keep the plate fairly flat still at this point.

Light your lighter a fair distance from the underside of the foil and slowly start bringing it closer until it starts melting. Start sucking..

Once the majority has become liquid start to tilt the foil by about 20-30°... It should start to run down the channel now.

Once it's all liquid and running keep the heat just slightly behind and follow it down the plate. When you get to the end of the foil just flatten the angle so it doesn't run off and on to your hand, clothes, mom's new carpet etc..

It's really all trail and error but it doesn't take much to get the hang of it.

Drugs, foil and heat... not much to go wrong really. This is something of a skill set you dont want to get to good at really...
This is something of a skill set you dont want to get to good at really...


Best explanation on how to do it though...idk, maybe it was just me but I never had that much trouble figuring out how to vape from reading stuff online, just do NOT bring the lighter too close to the foil. Oh and give yourself breaks to breathe every few seconds or you're gonna start choking and that'll waste a lot of gear since you won't be able to breathe it in, you'll be too busy needing to breathe in, well, oxygen.
You could always snort or plug - that works too - although potential for OD is higher taking in a dose all at once

Stay safe <3

You can plug heroin?

Whats the bioavailability? And do you have to heat/cook first or can it just go straight into warm water and then plugged?
Let's hope you waste it all again - this is a technique that you're really better off not mastering...
You can plug heroin?

Whats the bioavailability? And do you have to heat/cook first or can it just go straight into warm water and then plugged?

Yep you can - although I don't think it's a very common ROA for users as they're generally quite clogged up in there. Usually a last ditch attempt if they can't hit a vein.

I'm guessing the B/A is quite high, can't find any exact figures, not as high as IV but definitely better than oral/snorting in terms of potential rush.

It can probably go straight in as is, but you'd be better off mixing it with a bit of citric first.

Again, to reiterate - not the safest of ways to take heroin, albeit plugging is such a great ROA for most drugs <3 dat ass.

And yep Fubar - the moment you get good at technique you start really really enjoying doing it, having learned a 'new skill'. And we all know how these things tend to go in the end.

Best of luck hexagram.
Let's hope you waste it all again - this is a technique that you're really better off not mastering...


I actually turned my PC off after reading this thread but turned it back on again to post. I'm not a regular here, but I also saw your thread about "peaking at uni" and I feel I need to write something here.

You do not want to be smoking heroin considering where you are at life at this particular moment; I don't know you, I don't know what kind of person you are but I do know that this could be the very start of a very steep downward spiral.

I'd expect some of the older and more experienced people who are regulars here to persuade you from not doing this, considering your recent thread. The real harm reduction here wouldn't be telling Hexagram here how to smoke heroin, but to be telling him not to smoke it.

I'd think very carefully before doing this, and not take into account what people who actively craved a heroin addiction before even doing it have to say.
I tried to impart both the advice he shouldn't do it considering what he's been going through, as well as gather any past use of opiates for tolerance consideration - but at the same time it's our duty to at least tell him how to do things safely should he be that determined.

People who come to BL asking about first time heroin use are generally not in the best state of mind with whatever is going on in their lives that makes it seem like a good idea to experiment with it. Others simply have a 'I want to try everything' attitude, regardless of the state of their affairs.

Either way - still our duty to warn of all the dangers but also provide the necessary information to make sure he's at least educated about the process and not going to do more harm inadvertently. i.e. what if he got so fed up wasting gear through shit chasing, that he went straight to a pin...or snorted / plugged way too much and OD'd.

Never know, cover all aspects. I don't recommend anyone do heroin - nobody here does or would ever - but apart from telling someone what they already know must be a bad idea - we're still here to provide them with an answer should they fail to listen to our warnings.

apologies for rant.
seemed like he'd already made his mind up, and a bunch of us telling him not to isnt gonna make any difference, especiall when hes already got the stuf in his possession.

i do feel a littlle bad after reading 1394's post, and its always awful to see someone turning to smack, but if theyre hellbent on doing it, may as well tell them the right way to do it
Yep - sadly he is responsible for his own use and the consequences of it - our responsibility is to provide him with all encompassing information including the reality of the situation he's in and how to minimise the risk of anything terrible happening.

At least he knows we're really talking from experience here, so it's not like a lecture from your teacher or something.

If you can ditch the smack and get some codeine or dhc instead, please do that instead. It took me a few years of very sporadic heroin use before something shit happened in my life and i thought 'fuck it'. You may think you're fine if you manage to use once in a while for a couple years - but so often for so many people - life gets shit for one reason or another - and then that escape is there to completely block it all when you can't deal with anything anymore.

If you've no massive tolerance, stick to a weaker opioid. It's basically the same thing man. The heroin high is romanticised to fuck, plenty nods at first, seemingly amazing that no one can tell you're on it - but i swear so much it's grip ends up coming from knowing the relief of a hit when you're sick as a dog, that's all it ends up being, stopping you being sick, with a bit of feeling better in between. The 'cure-all' it once was is now the reason you need curing.

I dunno. Take care of yourself x
I think that many, if not most people curious enough to try heroin despite being fully aware of the likely outcome, also harbour a secret desire to experience addiction and withdrawal - possibly also finding the whole junky image romantic in a perverse kind of way. Looking back on my life, I now know that this was the case for myself and my eventual addiction was totally inevitable from the moment some guy sold me a dig for a quid because he was short of fag money.

No amount of telling is going to stop someone from trying it if they've already bought it. We might stand a chance of dissuading someone if they're just expressing a curiosity, but if they have gone to the effort to seek it out and get some, then their fate is almost sealed...

Incidently, it took me 13 years from my first shot to develop an addiction, then 20 more years to get rid of it. The only users who can continue to chip long-term are the ones unable to find a regular supply.
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I think that many, if not most people curious enough to try heroin despite being fully aware of the likely outcome, also harbour a secret desire to experience addiction and withdrawal - possibly also finding the whole junky image romantic in a perverse kind of way. Looking back on my life, I now know that this was the case for myself and my eventual addiction was totally inevitable from the moment some guy sold me a dig for a quid because he was short of fag money.

Yep,growing up reading burroughs and idolising various junkies didn't help at all - I figured I wanted to experience it all, highs lows, misery, whatever. I just didn't quite grasp how it wasn't something you could walk away from that easily - but by the time it got to that point i'd already reached the 'fuck it all attitude, might as well do smack instead of offing myself'. Kidding myself that it was the only way i could ever be happy etc.

Incidently, it took me 13 years from my first shot to develop an addiction, then 20 more years to get rid of it. The only users who can continue to chip long-term are the ones unable to find a regular supply.

yeah so many people think addiction hits you full steam from your first hit, but that itself makes it all the more deceiving when you start trying it - you get away with it for a while at least. Then one day you'll wake up sick, Panic sets in and you're like 'fuck, I actually need it now'.

You really reckon chipping boils down to supply? Nobody out there is able to just control their use in the same way they don't down booze on a daily basis just because it's available? I get what you mean, the second you have easy access to heroin, you tend to be all over it. But maybe with regulation limits could be imposed that a dealer would never give you. Who knows.

I think it must also boil down to will power and reasons for using in the first place.