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How to sleep after MDMA use?

Yes I am just speculating on my own experi

but I truly do suffer insomnia and anxiety. I know tons of people who say the same but I never met any one who truly suffers it like I do.

and mdma definitely bothers my symtoms for me after im done rolling on pure MDMA if it was cut with something even a little I will be really FUCKED if I do not have xanax.

Pure mdma I will not be able to sleep with out xanax.. but if I have no xanax and the pills or molly was cut I will really really freak out. lol It had taken me to the hospital once because I freaked out too much after eating some MDMA + meth pills

and no nothing I get is cut these days (yes i have had my mdma lab confirmed) and will never get my mdma from an untrusted source.

plus even if the OP does not have those problems... I can guarantee that 2mg-3mg of alrpazolam will cure pretty much any sleep problem temporarily even if you did injest a huge amount of meth over the night.

also for sleep related purposes i will take Temazepam if alprazolam fails which it has before.
well i have bad insomnia too and i was prescribed trazadon but i never tried using it for the come back off ecstasy... would u recommend i try it?