How to push myself to do things after drugs?


Sep 29, 2015
2 months sober after 14 years of wow. Lots of opiates. Some speeds. ANyway. I finally got off methadone. It was rough. I relapsed right before I got off it and I relapsed on day 15. Shit was tough but now I feel mostly out of the woods. Thing is, my life still sucks lol. Sure there is a lot to be grateful for. But I am a completely dysfunctional human being. I have adhd and I just seem to get stuck playing video games. I know I need to up my game. I smoke weed which makes me miserable half the time, but I guess I do it for the kicks. I dunno I feel like this is something I probably have to figure out on my own, but shit. I dunno which way is up anymore. Everything about me is finely tuned for living in a big city and finding drugs and just coasting. Now I'm in this place where I have a kid and girl whom I love. So I have to get my shit together. I want to study programming and I just cant seem to get my head in the game. I know concentration is a paws thing, but honestly I think my mind is still stuck in dopamine hits. I just look for anything to make me feel good rather than doing whats right. Been that way my whole life really. Tough thing to change. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
Go out and cut the grass. If ya dont have any... offer to cut the neighbors grass and do it for free. The latter would be optimal imo/e as ya get physical feel good and mental feel good.
Start somewhere.
What are your surroundings? I mean, park, hills, waterways, dirt roads etc that ya can use to help distract from the mind fuckery.
I live in a small town and I have a car. Surroundings are pretty beautiful, but often private property. I dunno cutting peoples grass?? That sounds like such a good idea, but im too anti social for all that right now. Living at my parents. I just cant get moving. It's really quite a headtrip. It's like I'm not excited for life and don't have the practice doing life while not excited.
Well it's good you got off the hard stuff but sounds like you're not really getting anything out of smoking weed. Maybe cutting back on them will alleviate some of your anhedonia.

Life after drugs is fucking hard man. Everyday is a struggle. But you just have to start filling your life with things you enjoy. Work just enough to get by without getting stressed, and live according to your fundamental morality. If you've got a wife and kid, cherish them man not everyone gets to have that. Put time and effort into taking care of them and providing a good life for them.

It's less about finding stuff to "do", and more about finding out how to "be".
Oh mate....PAWS sucks soooooo hard. It can linger for what seems like a lifetime. However I am 6 months clean/sober and life is amazing (after nearly 18 years of heavy alcoholism and drug abuse). I love my job and I find it really fulfilling. My depression is non-existant, my anxiety is mostly under control apart from the odd day here and there where it comes back for no reason. My partner and I have a humble yet amazing life and we spend most of our time laughing and just making each other sublimely happy in general. So it DOES GET BETTER! It just takes time unfortunately.

EXERCISE is the main thing that really helped push me through the PAWS. As soon as I got out of my most recent hospital detox in February my partner joined me up to his gym and we went every single day. I used to be a gym junkie about 12 years ago so it was like riding a bike. But I became addicted to the gym and the endorphins very quickly, and it helped immensely. Any form of exercise will release endorphins, which not only make you feel awesome but can speed up neuroregeneration (the healing of brain cells). Even going for a nice long walk (which from your location sounds like it's entirely feasible <3 ).
It's less about finding stuff to "do", and more about finding out how to "be".
Oooh I love this <3

I actually made a meme when I was 30 days sober, which relates to this topic:
Thanks guys. Sorry for the late reply. So just the usual. Basically the basics. I been so stressed I was living at my moms and her at her parents. My mom kicked me out cuz I got vacced without telling her. I dunno the world is so polarized these days. Just what the fuck. She thinks I'm like shedding spike proteins. Sigh. So now I'm like at my girls moms as of today. Which is nice cuz my babies r there but fuck do I ever feel like a loser today. I'd love to quit weed and smoking it's just fuck with how stressed out I am. It's too much right now. I need peace so badly. Anyway I'm done with hard drugs. I dont care how shit my life is. I'm never going back. Things r just so hard. Lifes a bitch. Also kicked out for a vaccine? Wtf. Figures I had the most conservative nut parents in Canada.
Also lawl about googling what normal people do. I been asking people about the most basic shit. Like so you feel good during the day? I remember a month back when I realized that you have to do interesting things to make life interesting. I was like aha this is what people do. "Things" I really am a child again.
If you don’t know what to do to take your mind off drugs, and exercise isn’t something you’re inclined to partake in, let’s think about any skill(s) or talent(s) you might have, or something new to try.

Are you artistic? Do you enjoy drawing, making collages, carving wood, painting, or using wires and metal (or other materials) to create art? If these are things you haven’t tried, give at least one of these a try. There’s almost nothing as rewarding as taking raw materials and turning them into completely unique and new creations. You may expand upon a talent, or even discover a talent you never knew you had. Creating unique art is exceedingly rewarding. If you’d like some ideas for an art project you could try, even using materials you have around your house, please PM me.

Can you play any musical instruments or have you tried to play any? I’d encourage you to give music a try. Don’t feel that you lack talent, or have less to offer if you don’t read music. There are many well known musicians that have never learned to read music.

I hope these ideas might help you when you’re stuck deciding what to do with your time.

If you do create any artwork, post it on BL! Or please PM me a pic of your work. Best of luck!
I'm not ENTIRELY sure about the creative thing as a blanket recommendation...
... because some artistic types get their most creative ON drugs.
I'm not ENTIRELY sure about the creative thing as a blanket recommendation...
... because some artistic types get their most creative ON drugs.
I have been feeling this way albeit not as an artist just a man greedy for creative prowess but starting to realize what drugs do for my artistic brain is pure delusion might forget again soon to my own detriment not creative growth.

Oooh I love this <3

I actually made a meme when I was 30 days sober, which relates to this topic:
Haha put a smile on my withdrawaling face needed this at a job I loathe truly

Sheesh my bad triple post edited into one

Go out and cut the grass. If ya dont have any... offer to cut the neighbors grass and do it for free. The latter would be optimal imo/e as ya get physical feel good and mental feel good.
Start somewhere.
What are your surroundings? I mean, park, hills, waterways, dirt roads etc that ya can use to help distract from the mind fuckery.
Hah my dad told me to try that but for money the neighborhood lawn idea might try to offer for free before the frosts hit here if I remember emailing myself now I won't great 💡👍
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My answer yes. Didn't think I have one nor do I think I should be answering but should be asking myself.

Anyways the only fix I can see is time will take care of this issue if you stop filling it up with hours upon hours of being intoxicated.

Which might not be a fix at all if you cannot stop.
Thing is if your life has literally revolved around substance taking, you sort of forget how to do other things. And if you stop or significantly reduce, you suddenly find yourself with all this time on your hands that you can't think what to do with. For instance I often found myself drinking when I didn't even particularly WANT a drink, for no other reason than I just had no idea what to do with myself.
It's really the element of inertia that's often underestimated.

And the other thing about drugging or drinking is, it's an such an easy activity. It requires no mental effort. And it can be comforting remaining stuck in a rut, even if you've started to make your own life miserable, purely because of the familiarity of the situation.
Like I used to get up in the mornings and knew exactly what I was gonna do all day till bedtime : find cash for heroin, score heroin, do heroin; rinse and repeat.
It was a very limited existence but at least I knew its parameters. As long as I kept on like that I didn't have to consider the bigger picture. I didn't have to make difficult choices or ask myself difficult questions. I didn't have to try and find motivation for anything or learn anything, because there was no spare time or energy for anything else.
Change is scary even if it's change for the better, simply because it means things are DIFFERENT.

It really required a process to re-learn things I used to enjoy before, and discover new ones. It was difficult at first but also increasingly rewarding.
The important thing is to find something you really have a passion for; you have to be wanting to do that thing for its own sake. NOT as a 'distraction' from or 'replacement' for getting off your nut, because that 's a secondary motivation that will only carry you so far, and ultimately you' ll go back to doing the thing you were wanting to REALLY be doing all along.
For instance I'm not doing any of the activities and hobbies I do SO THAT I DON'T DO DRUGS. I do these things because I WANT TO BE DOING THESE THINGS. And when I'm doing them I don't want to be using. My focus just shifts.
And whatever you find fulfilling and enjoyable will be individual to yourself. Don't copy other people. People constantly get these generalised recommendations like 'you should take up exercise' or 'you need to be creative'.

And then those same people scratch their heads and go, 'oh but since XYZ started going to the gym he' s stopped drinking, why is it working for this other person but not for me? ' ... Because that other person is not you.
By all means start running or painting if that's something that appeals to you, but if it doesn't it's pointless. Because maybe what really floats your boat is something completely different. You can't prescribe some specific activity that will magically make a person quit or moderate.
Finding out what gives you joy and excitement etc is a job for that individual.
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These are all great ideas but now I'm living at my girls moms with my kid and girl so I dont even know what to do anymore. I'm trying to study programming because I'm good with logic and such but I never have enough space to do any of it. I need q good environment to think. But then my girl and I are broke as shit and cant afford anything in fucking ontario shithole. Even a room is 850 unless it's in a crack house. So let's see I get 1250 850 plus 300 car insurance plus gas. Fuck I'll even go without food but things are not looking up for me guys. I have 4k saved tho. My kid is such a joy I love him so much. But my kid isnt paying and bills or helping ease my financial and spiritual stress. It's so fucking hard. If I make it out of this and thrive, I truly will be a champion of men.
Fuck man, I do NOT envy your situation.
I'm caught in a terminal bind myself right now.
Hit me up if you just wanna blow off about the general injustice of life and need somebody to just sit back and listen with an open mind.
I'm basically unshockable whatever sentiment you care to express.
These are all great ideas but now I'm living at my girls moms with my kid and girl so I dont even know what to do anymore. I'm trying to study programming because I'm good with logic and such but I never have enough space to do any of it. I need q good environment to think. But then my girl and I are broke as shit and cant afford anything in fucking ontario shithole. Even a room is 850 unless it's in a crack house. So let's see I get 1250 850 plus 300 car insurance plus gas. Fuck I'll even go without food but things are not looking up for me guys. I have 4k saved tho. My kid is such a joy I love him so much. But my kid isnt paying and bills or helping ease my financial and spiritual stress. It's so fucking hard. If I make it out of this and thrive, I truly will be a champion of men.
Man I totally hear you, and I can totally imagine the stress, but I see some really positive things in this post. You're with your girl and your kid, that's GREAT!! You love being a dad, that is excellent!! Wanting a better life for your little family is a huge motivation. Plus, you've got 4k saved?? Mate, I have never had 4k in savings :D That's huge. Keep trying to study programming because it's obviously something you're good at, and it can definitely help you get a good job to create a better life for your family. The more you try and see the little positives in your life every day, and appreciate them and be truly grateful for them, the more you will come to love life and the happier you will be with what you have. I know from experience :)
Thanks Fix I'll think about that. One day I might reach out to you. I wish you the best with your bind bro.

Thanks n3oph7te. I appreciate the encouragement. I love my son..being a dad is really hard but I am doing a good job. I basically made my life all about my son. Eventually. Hes 9 months now. Very cute. Mixed baby. I'm white shes jamaican. I met her on tinder and she was pregnant like a 2 weeks later. My son is beautiful. Shes beautiful. Shes a great mom. There is lots of positive.

I had a decent day today. We went out to a trail with the kid and got back and I cooked and we had a normal day. I hate the burbs but maybe I can learn something here. I feel like I'm recovering from my life being such a rush all the time.

I was pretty bad. Like I been shooting up since I was 21. I'm 33 now. Using opiates since 19. That's a fucking long ass time to be so hardcore.

So ya shit kinda sucks right now, but I want to pull threw. Maybe this is where I need to be.

Also I danced today. I love dancing been dancing since 27. But after q traumatic event in my life I stopped dancing for like 3 years. And I'm like 60 pnds overweight. So I have to quit smoking. It only makes sense. It's all the same shit. Anyways I'm rambling.

Peace and love.
I know if I let crack, meth or heroin for example hijack my dopamine pathway I would be in a very bad place very quickly my gut instinct keeps telling me stay away if I randomly encounter someone with any I genuinely want to say no now.

Now this other shit I can't quit I need a spiritual thing to help me but weed isn't that. Weed makes me miserable because I can't do anything but get high all the time when I turn to it hahaha been doing that long enough.

I am not sure what else is better than meditation and exercise for brain healing and wellness maybe prayer I feel I need to start doing things other than thinking about drugs or taking them but haven't found the push yet to keep from slipping back down the drug carnival slide I have a problem with instant gratification perhaps so sorry for my.madness
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