• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

how to potentiate tianeptine

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Apr 13, 2005
i experienced very mild mdma-like effect from doses of tianeptine at about 62 mg (about 5 pills of 12.5mg) but it was such a short high of only 2 hours or so followed by also quite mdma like depressive effects later on even tho quite mild. i checked and it says its bioavailability is about that long. so what do i do to prolong the high ? also you get tolerance if you keep using it daily :(
i wish there is some way or something to take/do with it so the effects are not only prolonged but also enhanced so it feels at least like a good mild mdma effect not just mimicry. ktnx
While I'm curious as to how large doses of tianeptine cause what can be perceived as MDMA-like effects, I question why you would even try this in the first place.

Additionally, doesn't tianeptine reduce intercellular serotonin concentrations?
First of all, welcome...to...bluelight. Oh, you've been here for eight years?

Secondly, I will have zero sympathy for you when you get depressed later on because you abused this substance. Its because of actions such as yours that I have to suffer because doctors are hesitant to prescribe medicines which can be abused, which as a side note I'm beginning to think are usually ones which have superior cocurrent medicinal value. My country hasn't approved tianeptine/amineptine because idiots don't know where to get heroin.

K? K :).

Thirdly, your thread might get hijacked, and if not, then destroyed, because...

1: bluelight isn't here to help you get high, especially off a chemical which isn't well-understood, especially in add
2: there is to my knowledge no active thread in add about chemical(s) which have similar mechanism(s) to tianeptine
3: you don't deserve the opinions of our titans if you haven't done your own research first

Tianeptine is a selective serotonin re-uptake enhancer; somehow having an effect counter to that of a re-uptake inhibitor causes an anti-depressant effect too.

I guess everyone's different.

I would hypothesize though that part of the anti-depressant effect of tianeptine would build up over time due to its unique mechanism, as it seems rational to me to concur that the anti-depressant effect is a result of the brain attempting to maintain homeostasis. So tolerance may be positively associated with the anti-depressant effect. Love to speculate. Feel free to correct me, and on any further statements, always :).

What else I know about it: its not approved in the united states; it has valid abuse potential, therefore must have dopaminergic potential; it can increase levels of endogenous opiate peptides.

What I learned pretty definitively in a couple minutes: as SSRIs, it has neuroprotective/genic potential; it reduces CRF; its a lot more complicated than SSRE activity; from what I know about the characteristics of drugs with powerful anti-depressant potential, its legit.

tianeptine has been abused in the past as a stimulant. it's related to the also-abusible amineptine. the abuse potential probably comes from their activity at encouraging DA release, probably.

wiki said:
Abuse of tianeptine is rare and thus far has only been seen in patients with pre-existing multi-substance abuse disorders. 141 cases of abuse were identified between 1989 and 2004, correlating to an incidence of 1 to 3 cases per 1000 patients treated with tianeptine. The main reason for abuse is to achieve an anxiolytic effect. According to Servier, cessation of treatment with tianeptine is difficult, due to the possibility of withdrawal symptoms in a patient.[25][26]

One patient reportedly consumed a total of 240 12.5 mg tablets (3000 mg) per day for several months and was later successfully detoxified in an inpatient setting. The report indicated that a tolerance was developed and there were physical withdrawal symptoms.[27]

aside from the 2 obvious methods of "potentiation"
1. take more tianeptine when it wears off
2. liver enzyme inhibitors (risky choice)

i can't see a lot of other options to potentiate tianptine.

i wish there is some way or something to take/do with it so the effects are not only prolonged but also enhanced so it feels at least like a good mild mdma effect not just mimicry.

you'll have to take another drug for that. generally, antidepressants are not "supposed" to feel like mdma/amphetamines... it makes people abuse them oo much and then you have serious problems with dependency and withdrawal.

please be careful if you decide to regularly use tianeptine... you'll probably be worse off by the time you stop therapy.
yeh liver enzyme inhibitors i thought of. i havent noticed a dopamine rush tho. its different than that which makes me crave it. its kind of sedating but also you feel comfortable and lovable towards people and i have problems with people a lot. like for example, just reading a thread on bl about anything gets me irritated quickly. i just thought tianeptine does very good job at fixing the irritation problems but its so damn short and taking more when it wears off causes prolonged absolute tolerance which sucks horribly. and why should an antidepressant not feel pleasurable in similar way like mdma ? the point of antidepressants are to fix your depression right ? so what other point is there to them ? i know ive tried some of the more popular serotonin inhibitors, they do nothing for weeks. i cant afford or bother taking them for years hoping a miracle occurs. tianeptine works in 1 hour and is effective for 2 hours BUT when it wears off, it sucks. *sigh* i guess there is nothing for fixing depression out there but to take actual drugs of abuse.
yeh it happens too fast too. wtf i just took 5 pills for some days on and off and its like burned out mdma high but i still like my tianeptine candies. literally, the pills are small oblong whites that taste very sweet cuz of succrose or w/e. you can pop em like tic tacs :D
ok my tianeptine finished :( on the last day i took 20 pills total for the night and i had 5 hour crazy trip lol was great. it sucks that you need so many pills tho, since they cost a lot and are hard to get. ends too fast and then you feel damn depressed. arent there any other serotonin releasing antidepressants out there goddamn.
arent there any other serotonin releasing antidepressants out there goddamn.
Yes, MDMA, meth, bk-MDMA, amongst other closely related analogues...

Do you have some kind of brain damage? This is a serious question prompted by your previous posts and unrelated to your overconsumption of tianeptine (which could, btw cure some of the inter-personal dysfunctions you have described above)
mdma meth and methylone are not "antidepressants"
I recognize the initial Tianeptine feeling of extreme well-being (not so much resembling an empathogenic high, but some odd, novel version of it, almost like an opiate high I can actually like) and can sympathize with your cravings to reexperience it. Sadly, habituation to the more acute anxiety-relieving Tianeptine high seems to happen quite fast, and there's nothing much to do about it except being happy that you have access to an antidepressant which in all probability will help you even without you feeling the acute rush. The most important thing is trying to avoid addiction by constantly raising the dosage. From what I gather from other sites, sometimes the recreational effects reappear after 3-4 weeks, and for some, never.

A complex and fascinating substance for sure.
i've read a bit about tianeptine and i am intrigued by it. would love to try some one day here in the good ole U-S-of-A. most places that sell it over the web seem to be out of stock at this instant, though. maybe someday... honestly not sure why this isn't sold as an RC in the US (patent issues? obviously no analog act problems with this one).
Yes, MDMA, meth, bk-MDMA, amongst other closely related analogues...

Do you have some kind of brain damage? This is a serious question prompted by your previous posts and unrelated to your overconsumption of tianeptine (which could, btw cure some of the inter-personal dysfunctions you have described above)

what do you base this on to ask me such a question then ? maybe i do, how can i know. i did way too many drugs so i speculate i did some damage. i blame mostly amphetamines and mdma :s
I recognize the initial Tianeptine feeling of extreme well-being (not so much resembling an empathogenic high, but some odd, novel version of it, almost like an opiate high I can actually like) and can sympathize with your cravings to reexperience it. Sadly, habituation to the more acute anxiety-relieving Tianeptine high seems to happen quite fast, and there's nothing much to do about it except being happy that you have access to an antidepressant which in all probability will help you even without you feeling the acute rush. The most important thing is trying to avoid addiction by constantly raising the dosage. From what I gather from other sites, sometimes the recreational effects reappear after 3-4 weeks, and for some, never.

A complex and fascinating substance for sure.

what you said, its complex high, kind of like opiates but not really. i definitely feel no pain on it tho. and it has strange dopamine like mild rush but also has the calming properties of serotonin. it is still hard for me to analyze it properly and its strange because all drugs i took i analyzed from the first time straight on. this one is just too confusing :/
[play nice children]

Sekio's first post pretty much sums it up. Take more or inhibit liver enzymes. The first route is really the only good one. Extending the duration of a drug rarely makes it more enjoyable.

I never thought of tianeptine or amineptine as particularly opioid like, but apparently I'm in the minority. They were interesting drugs, but ones I've ever sought out again.
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I am really interested in this compound.

Users in Eastern Europe shoot it up in high doses for a reportedly opiate like effect. Now I am not advising this at all, in fact google coaxial or stablon iv to get some nasty pictures of what can happen.

But I have heard opiate dependent people say that with the right dosage this compound can alleviate WDs entirely.

Is it possible that it could have an effect on the opiate receptor as well as being an SSRE?
i think it might have some opiate related activity considering i finished mine 2 days ago and last night i had horrible pain in the legs, feet, joints very similar to heroin wd. it was very unexpected and even tho not as severe as actual heroin still a shock to me.
anyway, i feel kind of agressive and moody since i finished it but i doubt its much directly related to tianeptine since i was like this before i even started it. if anything, its just short term help to keep taking it. dunno if its worth to order more from europe since its *no prices - you know the rules* for 30 pills and you have to take minimum 5 to feel anything which is long term huge investment. :(
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that it doesnt last long at all is its biggest fault. who the fuck will dose on it every 2 hours for a day ? you gotta invest so much money and at the end you get withdraws. i was thinking, why cant servier fucking produce extended version of tianeptine ? some new form that can last for 8 hours or so. what is difficult about this ? they already created the drug. they know all its basics and they can always create better version for future generation antidepressants. any clue why they wouldnt bother ? i see tons of potential in this med. if they bother to try newer versions of it, they can have a blockbuster med and yet uknown reasons they dont do that.
because the immediate mood elevating effect of tianeptine is not what it's prescribed for. it's meant to be taken 3x daily and produce a sustained effect. it isn't intended to be used as an immediate-acting euphoriant.

also, if you think IR tianeptine has withdrawal problems, try high-dose extended release tianeptine on for size.
aescin said:
they know all its basics and they can always create better version for future generation antidepressants. any clue why they wouldnt bother ?

1. They don't know all its basics. Among multiple competing mechanisms of action, it's unclear which ones are responsible for which effects, and it's further unclear why the compound acts as an anti-depressant.
2. People are trying to develop superior future anti-depressants--it's a worthy domain of medical innovation, and a truly effective anti-depressant could make a firm fuck of a lot of money (the problem is that a hardly worthwhile clone of a current anti-depressant could make a lot of money with the right marketing). The problem is that we can't just imagine a specific activity and then design a compound that exerts this activity. Hell, we don't even properly understand the physiology of depression or what pharmacological interventions we should expect to be appropriate.


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