• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

How To Post Structural Formulae Here.


Oct 20, 2008
It Is Important To Know How To Post Chemical Formulae aka Kekule Structures

1) Go to opsin.ch.cam.ac.uk

2) write the chemical name of the compound that you wish to post in the submit bar

3) for example, (2S)-2-ethylamino-1-phenylpropane. Play around with it until you get the desired Molecular shape to pop up. Looking up the IUPAC name on Google or Wikipedia can help.

4) Now, Select All text containing the correct, desired name in the query bar above the Submit button and Copy it

5) in the browser url box, type opsin.ch.cam.ac.uk/opsin/ and Paste the name after the last / with no space in between

6) add .png to the end of your copy and pasted name in the browser's url box and press enter. again, with no space bars in between

7) Viola. Now your Molecule has its own website! Select All and Copy its url.

8) come to bluelight and type [ I M G ] <pasted text> and finally [ / I M G ]. I had to add the spaces to make this post come out right. BUT when you are posting, you must not use any spaces there

9) Post your thread. BOOM! You're now on your way to becoming a bona fida Chemical Adept!

Remember, 1,000 Words Is Worth One Picture!

"Molecular Structure Is The Key To Understanding."--Transformer proverb.
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I've been asking for a SMILE<->IUPAC<->Image conversion plugin for ages. After all, SMILES is by far the most compact so it would save a lot of space and a person could supply one and the other 2 are presented. It would be impressive.

There is a free Python plug-in that does just this.

Actually my original request has been kept as a permanent thread on this forum.