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Misc How to open nitrous oxide canisters without a cracker?

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Yeah man, whippits are really bad for you and don't really last that long, can get expensive, etc...

If you must: always open it with the cracker aimed away from you or other people, if something goes wrong it is extremely dangerous. I can drop a nitrous cartridge into the CO2 compartment of my paint marker (forest work) and it will puncture the seal and send it flying easily 100 meters.
You can make a cracker with PVP piping (or brass I guess if you have the right connections/parts) and a nail. Look it up
You can use a coffee cream dispenser, there interchangable.

Or i'm just thinking out loud here, cut open a whip cream can and swap out the whippit. Haven't tryed the latter but I would imagine it would work.
Holy shit even in NYC you can get a plastic cracker for like $10 and a heavy as fuck brass one for like 30. Was your shit gold?
Metal (of some sort)/plastic lid. And it had scratches and shit on it.
I do not see any harm reduction in this... in fact, I think ANYONE suggesting someone try to crack these without proper equipment is promoting harm so I'm going to close this.

If someone would like to PM and make the case that this has redeeming harm reduction value, please feel free.
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