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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

How to not get addicted?


Feb 4, 2017
to start off, I have chronic lyme disease. I am rather ill and awaiting treatment that will cost a good deal of money. As such I am very bored and don't have much to do, rather homebound. Drugs I dabble in are benzos and opiates. Pills, exclusively. I am currently dependant on them but not addicted.

My question is, how do I avoid addiction? How long should I spread out their usage? How can I keep my tolerance up? I find myself commonly wanting to redose day by day as I can get a very easy supply of drugs. Thanks all.
The best way not to get addicted is not using the pills regularly. You say that you are dependent but not yet addicted. It sounds like you're headed in that direction if you are frequently wanting to re-dose.
Just stop. Opiates are going to get anyone who does them addicted, especially if done often.. You really cannot easily avoid tolerance with opiates/opioids its inevitable once you are addicted for it to rise of course.. and it is more or less quick to happen depending a lot on your ROA your using the opiates, it also depends a lot on what exact opioids/opiates your using. But depending on your personality if yours isn't an addictive personality then you may be okay.. I knew a few people who weren't addicted to opioids back when I did them, but would still do them here and there, just not daily.. and theyd get no WDs.. But more than most of the time, people who continuously use opiates will get addicted, depending again on how strong they are, and how often you use them/much of them you take/ROA..
If you are taking benzos and opiates daily you probably are already addicted at least psychologically, if not physically. Stay safe.
Everybody's definition of addiction is different..it's funny when u start taking pills your idea of addiction is always one step ahead of where u are currently, when really your right in the middle of it..abstinence is the only 100% effective method to stop addiction
abstinence is the only 100% effective method to stop addiction

Just like not having sex is the only 100% effective way to avoid unintended pregnancy, right?

Ways to avoid addiction: don't use every day. Take frequent "drug holidays". Make sure that your social circle includes plenty of people who do not use drugs, and participate in activities/obligations for groups or individuals...it has been shown time and time again that strong social bonds with an individual's community is the most effective antidote to substance use disorders.
it is hard. Very hard infact you become dependant without even realizing as I did..I basically cut down day by day. Then have a day of then a day on, then a week and so on...all the best and stay safe
^^totally agree with you, and yep your most likely addicted without even realising as I found out coming of benzos it drove me crazy felt so low it was unreal.
The way to not get addicted to them is to not be physically dependant.

Um, what you are saying is simply impossible! As you introduce a substance into your body and brain - your neuroreceptors/transporters/proteins and enzymes and molecules all slowly change into a different homeostatic response to the drug. That is why there is a withdrawal state upon cessation of substances regularly used.

You simply CANNOT get physically dependent on a substance if you use it regularly... your body will need that component in its homeostasis.
If you're dependant, you're addicted. They're just two different words to describe the same thing.
If you're dependant, you're addicted. They're just two different words to describe the same thing.
No? If a doctor makes some old lady take hydrocodone daily and then stops the prescription they aren't going to on the streets looking for more pills or H. They were dependant and may have withdrawals but they aren't mentally addicted to anything. Their brains might produce less euphoria than usual but they don't think about how they miss some kind of high or something.
You already are PHYSICALLY addicted. Stop immediately under the supervision of your doctor. Jesus christ this is exactly why my own doctor won't even prescribe me 0.5mg xanax anymore - cause so many people get addcted, think they're fine when they're in a hole twice as tall as themselves.

I wish you the best of luck man. Gettin' off pills is a lot of fun.........

Stay safe buddy,
The only way to make sure you don't get addicted is to not do it in the first place. If you limit yourself to irregular use you may end up straying off that, leading to addiction. There's no way to eliminate the possibility of addiction. However, you can lessen the chance, but you should be aware that the chance is still there. Mark down on a calender when you use, and strictly limit it to about once every 10 days. If you ever find yourself straying off that, stop completely for at least a month or so. Every 3 or 4 times you use, wait twice as long before you use again. If you have cravings to use, stop using completely for like a month or so. Just keep in mind this only lessens the chance, not eliminates it.
You are ill and Lyme Disease is no joke, from what I've heard. A close friend of my family has had it for some time and it sounds like running the gauntlet. What might help your state of mind right now is to accept that you're sick and that these medications are probably improving your quality of life greatly. There is just no appropriate means of steering somebody away from addiction. By its nature and especially in our society, addiction is secretive. I think you should do what you need to do to bring your quality of life up to a level that you would consider average, then attack your problems from there.
I so totally agree with Keif. I am a chronic pain patient, caused by a variety of medical problems. I have been on opiates for years, not for the high or euphoria, only to lessen the pain. I know my body and mind are addicted, but it is what gives me something resembling a life. Without them I would not be able to work my little part time job at a thrift store that supports Autism and hires young adults with Autism and IDD. I love my job it gives my life meaning. Without my pain medication I wouldn't be able to work at all. Lyme disease is horrid, I am so sorry you have it. Do whatever you need to do to have a meaningful life, you deserve it. But don't take them for just the 'fun' of it. Use them to improve your quality of life only as these different meds are hard on a body and have their own downside, you have enough to deal with having Lyme disease. Best of luck to you.
Dont take them everyday or every week, fortnight or so and only do it one night.
you get dependent if take them for pain but not so addicted
if abuse them for days you will get addicted and its horrible, battling the intense cravings even if not withdrawing and taking my mscontin properly or people on methadone they still rattle in there mind then you take it get a lacklustre high due to tolerance but it still better than being sober then it wears off feel guilty,,, its not worth it nobody is stronger than opiates

It even says ion codeine and dhc boxes dont take more than 3 days in a row as risks addiction, for the first 6months I could go 24hoiurs without them before withdrawal now ive abused more and tried oxy and heroin I start withdrawing after 6hours gahh but usually 12 but I been taking my extended recently as sick of rattling.
I so totally agree with Keif. I am a chronic pain patient, caused by a variety of medical problems. I have been on opiates for years, not for the high or euphoria, only to lessen the pain. I know my body and mind are addicted, but it is what gives me something resembling a life. Without them I would not be able to work my little part time job at a thrift store that supports Autism and hires young adults with Autism and IDD. I love my job it gives my life meaning. Without my pain medication I wouldn't be able to work at all. Lyme disease is horrid, I am so sorry you have it. Do whatever you need to do to have a meaningful life, you deserve it. But don't take them for just the 'fun' of it. Use them to improve your quality of life only as these different meds are hard on a body and have their own downside, you have enough to deal with having Lyme disease. Best of luck to you.

I agree with everything that you said. I think we're totally on the same page. The pharmaceutical/medical industry in this country is probably every bit as evil as the CIA or the NSA in terms of how badly they oppress the American public. First, back in the 1990's, they have the gall to come out and say, "Check this shit out, it's called OxyContin and it's not addictive!"... despite the fact that Oxycodone was discovered a century previously and was used in different parts of the world interchangeably with Morphine. It's potential for addiction and dependence were well known, hands-down, without a doubt. It was an Opioid just like any other Opioid, yet they had the audacity to claim that it was "different" and not addictive, reminiscent of the infamous Bayer "Heroin- The Cure for Morphinism" campaign.

Then, once they had managed to fully addict large segments of the population, based solely upon said publicss blind faith in the altruistic nature of medicine, they turned around and said "oopsy-daisy, shit happened, but it's totally not our fault". Now, as we find ourselves in the midst of this Opioid epidemic, fueld by the greed of corrupt medical doctors and pharmaceutical giants, we begin making equal and opposite mistakes. Folks whose quality of life depends almost completely upon the use of powerful Opioid analgesics are grouped into the same category as those who use them recreationally.

All Opioid users should feel terrible about themselves, as they are using highly-addictive medicine capable of bringing down our entire society. They really just can't decide which side they want to be on, so they do whatver the hell they want and then blame whoever happens to be nearby.

It breaks my heart to hear people with totally legitimate need for these drugs being treated in the same manner as those of us who are essentially just using them for recreational purpoes. You should not feel bad, immoral, unethical or anything else negative about your need for Opioids. You must do whatever enables you to have the quality of life you want. Anybody who says you don't have the right should fuck off.