• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

How to get up earlier in the mornings...


Dec 2, 2002
I've always had problems with this; even more so when I don't have a regular job to go to. Obviously it works out better when I go to sleep earlier (unlike tonight), but even then I just find it so hard to drag myself out of bed in the mornings and end up hitting the snooze button and sleeping about 10 or more hours when I'd really like to get just 8 hours of sleep. It's especially difficult now because I'm not attending classes at uni because I have to finish my essay portfolio at home and study for an exam. I'd like to start studying early because I am generally more motivated to work in the mornings.

Any advice for me on how to drag myself out of bed in the mornings?
* get something loud that wakes you up. my alarm clock is a cd player so blur song 2 is my wakeup track "woohoo" has a 100% wake up rate, when cranked
* put your alarm out of reach, you need to have to physically get up and out of bed to turn it off, in a draw is best
* keep the house cold at night, waking up and getting out of bed shocks you and keeps you awake
* go have a shower quick to warm up then get dressed.
* have your cloths laid out for you the night before, have everything you need for the day packed up ready to go.
Keep a light on if your room is dark you'll want to sleep... naturally I just put a pillow over my head.
The most important thing is to force your body into getting used to a set sleep schedule. You should start going to sleep and getting up at around the same time every day. Even if you can't fall asleep, keep getting up at the same time until your body is too exhausted not to go to sleep early.

-Avoid caffeine and other stimulants throughout the day

-Don't eat, watch tv, or read in your bed

-Try to fit some exercise somewhere in your day(not less that 3 hrs. before bed)

-Give yourself an hour to wind down before bed at night

-Avoid bright lights for an hour before going to bed

-Don't go to bed hungry

-Move your alarm clock so you have to physically get up to turn it off

-Get a little bit of direct sunlight upon waking. It'll help the slower parts of your brain to "wake up" faster

Once your body get used to a strict pattern you won't even need an alarm clock to tell you it's time to get up.
It's not easy, but you need to train your body to require less sleep. Alarm clocks are garbage, they jolt you out of your natural sleep cycle and usually when disturbed awake by an alarm most people tend to feel drowsy and/or disoriented and then they have a coffee or other caffeine drink to help them out of that haze. I would suggest setting your alarm around the time you normally (finally) wake up after hitting snooze however many times and learn to dread that sound. You should naturally wake up before that sound, then you can turn it off and not have to hear it. Little by little move the alarm time back, rinse, lather, repeat.

You have a motivation, which is a big part of it, though studies can be put off and crammed later adding more stress and thus inhibiting sleep. Perhaps some exercise in the morning?
give yourself something lovely to get up for.

whether it's an indulgent smoothie, half an hour's lounging in the early-morning sun, or (in my case) a fat spliff and a cheeky few hours in the studio... :)
When I had to get up early for a job I had I used to set more than one alarm. I had an alarm on my phone, a clock radio next to my bed and a battery alarm.

Good advice having them away from your bed so you have to get physically out of bed to switch them off
dr seuss said:
give yourself something lovely to get up for.

whether it's an indulgent smoothie, half an hour's lounging in the early-morning sun, or (in my case) a fat spliff and a cheeky few hours in the studio... :)


i wake up at around 530-630 every morning. i don't have to be at work til 1030ish, but that's still super early compared to the fact that i used to not have to be in until 1 and before that not until at the earliest 4.

anyway, what i'm saying is, the early morning sun + being able to enjoy my morning tea + enjoying a nice little spliff ALL COMBINED = wanting to wake up. i generally sit here at the computer for a while, too, catching up on emails, reading the news, listening to some good morning tunes (a really good morning tune: the cardigans - carnival).

also, if i'm up early enough, i can go to robeks and get an acai energizer and REALLY start my day right. yum. nope, that's not happening today, boo.
i always have a problem getting up, but i have also had a screwd up sleep pattern aswell. It always takes me sooo long to get to sleep, even when im exhausted. Its terrible at the moment, as rite now i only have one or two days at uni a week, so all my housemates and i are up all night watching movies or on the net or something. Average sleeping time for all of us has become 6am and i have been waking up at 5 or 6 these past few days (my mum would be so ashamed lol).
When i do manage to get into a routine, like when i have uni early every day, you get used to getting up so early, but its never been easy. I used to put the alarm out of reach so i had to get up to turn it off. These days though i find so many excuses for the extra 10 or 20 mins snooze sleep when the alarm goes off lol. Those 10 mins are always the best, but never long enough haha.
Thanks for the advice guys... I have to try to get my sleeping patterns to be more regular!!
keep the house cold at night, waking up and getting out of bed shocks you and keeps you awake
yeah right I have so much trouble getting out of bed when its cold! when its hot I'm like "get me out of here!" idk I guess everyone is different. I'm not one to talk I sleep like 12 hours a night
Drink a shitload of water before going to bed. You will wake up to go...or piss yourself and wake up that way. Either way you are up early.
I get up for that "visit" at five every morning and then promptly go back to bed to continue my nice sleep. If I were a late riser, it wouldn't interfere. The best way, as has been mentioned already, is to change sleeping patterns, i.e. to wake up early, go to bed early.
Drinking lots of water in the morning usually gives me plenty of energy for most of the day. Caffeine and gurana early on actually brings me down.

edit: spellingscore
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im trying to get into better sleeping patterns these few days. I got up nice and early for uni today, despite not being able to fall asleep till 5.. but i have to get up early again tomorrow so hopefully able to fall asleep tonight. But then if i go out tomorrow night thats screwed
i find it easier to wake up when its cool in the room, i hate waking up in the morning (or at night) and feeling hot. the exception being in the middle of winter, thats TOO cold.
when i was little i used to get up at 6am just to watch a cartoon every morning, wish i had that enthusiasm now haha.
Something I find helps is to set a reminder on my PC telling me to get the fuck to sleep at a certain time on weeknights... a full nights rest is definitely one of the best ways to wake up early, plus you actually feel human. ;)
Absolutely no caffeine, softdrinks , or whatever from afternoon onwards. And even without work I always try to sleep before 11 at least or else I'll have a god-awful time trying to sleep instead of just dozing off effortlessly.
have your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to switch it off.