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How to get breakthough pain meds


Jan 16, 2010
I am on the new OP oxycontin 30mgs every twelve hours. FINE. But I need something for my pain that can come on very fast-it gets bad quick. :( I'm going to the doctor tomorrow whom of which I have a pain contract with. She says "pain medicine is like poison to your body"... FINE.

I just want to live a normal life is all! Pain makes me grouchy as hell among other things. I've tried everything besides opiates. Opiates were my last resort. What can I say to convince her that I need breakthough pain meds! Or at least increase what I'm already on!!?!? :X


if your Pain management doctor has that skewed attitude that opiates are like "poison" as you say, then you may need ANOTHER pain doctor, you must remember, these doctors WORK FOR YOU, not the other way around, if they do not meet your standards or treat your pain effectively, then FIRE THEM and get another, it should be easy to do provided you have insurance and a documented condition which I assume you do if you are seeing a pain management specialist to begin with. A lot of these Docs take advantage of the fact of and maximize the idea of "your an addict" if you need meds, but don't fall for that, do not be embarrassed or ashamed to ask for more or stronger meds if you legitimately need them, if you doctor does not comply, then politely decline their service cancel your contract with them and get another doctor, just remember, THEY WORK FOR YOU, not the other way around. YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER and the CUSTOMER is always right, if not, then you need a different service provider.
I live in WV. which has MANY addicts, much more than its share per capita. it's a shame but I'm not one of them! I will tell her basically what I posted.
anymore advice would be nice too guys. thank you so much *kisses*

I live in WV. which has MANY addicts, much more than its share per capita. it's a shame but I'm not one of them! I will tell her basically what I posted.
anymore advice would be nice too guys. thank you so much *kisses*


Not much more to say than your original post. Be truthful, and say the meds. are not lasting 12hrs. etc.

You really should not have a problem. I mean this is normal, OC last like 8-10 hrs., NEVER 12. I am surprised she didn't provide breakthrough initially.

I feel her "poison" comment is more of a scare than anything. If she felt that against pain meds., she would not be in pain mgt. Probably just to put the rec. users on notice that she isn't a pill mill.

Oh and NEVER suggest what you need. I would say she will script you Roxi 5s or maybe even the 15s. But don't you suggest ANYTHING.

There's a chance that she may give you non-narcotic breakthrough meds or something which potentiates the meds you're already taking.

I'd change doctors based on her "poison" comment alone.

Another option is putting you on something longer acting for primary pain control - fentanyl patches, a pump - and giving you something else for breakthroughs. Really, it's your doctor who should be throwing out other options if the current plan isn't working. If she's not suggesting any alternatives, I'd find someone else.
There's a chance that she may give you non-narcotic breakthrough meds or something which potentiates the meds you're already taking.

I'd change doctors based on her "poison" comment alone.

Another option is putting you on something longer acting for primary pain control - fentanyl patches, a pump - and giving you something else for breakthroughs. Really, it's your doctor who should be throwing out other options if the current plan isn't working. If she's not suggesting any alternatives, I'd find someone else.

I think the problem with finding a new doc., may be availability. In rural areas of the country, one may have to travel great distances to locate another doc. And this could be the case here. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Back in the early days of OC, WV got stuck with that old "hillbilly heroin" shit in the press. I still believe the doc. is using the "poison" deal to scare rec. users away. I mean I have been to docs. who do believe opiates are "poison" and no way in hell would I have got an OC script, from them.

If your comfortable with the OC for the time it works, make sure she knows it. Unless you want to go to a totally different med, that is.

She is my primary care doctor. She gave me tramadol and other medications. I had high hopes for-but they simply didn't work.

So you guys think that I shouldn't suggest anything? Doctors hate patients telling them what to do and such. I know this. I'm going to write down everything I've tried on a list and read it to her.

What else should I do? It's damn hard to find a doctor who will give me this "poison" for my pain.

Again, anymore suggestions is deeply appreciated. Love you guys!

She is my primary care doctor. She gave me tramadol and other medications. I had high hopes for-but they simply didn't work.

So you guys think that I shouldn't suggest anything? Doctors hate patients telling them what to do and such. I know this. I'm going to write down everything I've tried on a list and read it to her.

What else should I do? It's damn hard to find a doctor who will give me this "poison" for my pain.

Again, anymore suggestions is deeply appreciated. Love you guys!

Well, I didn't know it was your GP. Is there no pain mgt. doc. she could refer you to? Maybe not, huh?

Why are you going to write down all you have taken? Did she not script it all, herself? I am afraid if you do something like that, it may appear as "seeker" mentality to her. I believe I would play it cool and try for the breakthrough med. I mean she could get fed up, and kick you to the curb.

I am not at all confident with that "poison" statement now. It sounds like what a GP would say. Don't believe I would push this one too far.

Get yourself a real pain med doctor. They come up with amazing cocktails which don't even necessarily involve increasing the dose of your narcotics, and they'll include measures for dealing with breakthrough pain in their strategy.

I'm curious why you're on a "pain contract" with your GP unless you have a history of narcotic abuse - and if you do have that kind of history then she's probably going to regard any suggestion of change by you as drug-seeking.
yes i agree, the problem with doctors other than pshyciatrists (or however you spell it) and pain doctors, is that theyre always looking for people they can red flag as someone who goes to the hospital to look for drugs, that youre an abuser

i was red flagged because i was hospitalized for a morphine OD

now they wont give me an opiate even if i shot off my foot
yeah, you say ur not an addict, but u are addicted, u will become an addict

the shits hard to keep taking and not enjoy...most people on prescriptions maybe either pretend or dont relize that they are addicted and enjoy the pill

ur grouchy. but would u rather be an ACTUAL addict

try a combo of non narcotics with narcotics...theres a million options rather than an instand release OC pill
Physical dependency is a known and expected side effect of long-term narcotic use - using narcotic painkillers exactly as directed will still result in that physical dependency, although there are ways to minimise it. Proper pain management doctors plan for this so that their patients aren't on the rollercoaster of increased tolerance/breakthrough pain/increased dosages.

Of course if they even suspect that you're using your pain meds to get high, they're also going to factor that into account and some of the OP's posts in other threads suggest that she might have done that occasionally.
its possible that even physically addicted people dont relize they are also mentally until they go thru the withdrawls

in other words, physically addicted patients withdrawls will result in both that and mental withdrawls
its possible that even physically addicted people dont relize they are also mentally until they go thru the withdrawls

in other words, physically addicted patients withdrawls will result in both that and mental withdrawls

Absolutely, but I'd say that if you're seeking info online about how to get more bio-availability from your prescribed meds then you already realise that you have a problem - otherwise you'd be in your doctor's consultation room.

People don't want their doctors to think they're dependent on their painkillers even though dependence is an absolutely predictable outcome to long-term use, but the longer they're able to hide it from their doctors the worse the dependence becomes.
The Op's suck anyway something about their formulation makes them feel extremely less effective than the old oxycontin time release formula, ask your doctor for the same mg dosage all in immediate release roxi's
I go to pain management too. Tell your dr the truth that the ops are not lasting the full 8 hrs. that you need three of them a day and that you need something for breakthroght pain. Just be honest. You are not a junkie, you are dependent on opiates for phyisical pain reasons just as i am, I do take breaks every few months just to see what my pain really is (It blows)/ between the wd's and the pain from tje wds; it sucks. but I do find after a month or so my pain is less, then it gets too bad and I endup back oh pain meds and it starts all over again.
maybe after i have surgery i can get off them permenantly; This has been going on for 14 years now;
The problem with not being honest with your doctor is that you either have to find some way to supplement your prescribed pain relief - either by getting extra on the street or by fucking around to increase bioavailability - or be undermedicated, and neither of those are really suitable options for chronic, long-term pain.

Definitely find a doctor with whom you feel you can be honest and when you do find one be honest with them, because once that red flag goes up and they think you're lying about your pain med needs or the way you use them it's going to be very difficult to get adequate pain relief in the future.